Lancelot and Guinevere (Part 2)

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As Merlyn entered the Physician's chambers after detouring at the kitchens, Gaius exited the backroom and both looked up surprised at each other's entrance.

"I suppose you and Arthur are going after Gwen and Rowan." Gaius stated placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Gaius, don't even think about telling me not to go. There's nothing you can say that will stop me." She warned as she picked up her satchel that she kept packed in case of emergencies like these.

Gaius smiled fondly. "I wasn't going to try and stop you, Merlyn. All I ask is you make sure you come back safely, too." He reminded her and she nodded before hugging him.

She pulled away and jerked her chin toward the door. "How's he doing?" She asked, worry filling her voice.

Gaius sighed heavily. "He's better than he was but something happened before that had him screaming unintelligibly before passing out." Gaius explained clearly at a loss for the cause.

Merlyn's eyes widened and she rushed into the room finding her son laying spread out on the bed unconscious sweating profusely. She hurried to his side dumping the bag by the end of the bed before laying the back of her hand on his brow and feeling it cooler than before but still warm. She quickly changed the cloth on his forehead for a fresh one before placing her fingers on either side of his temple and focusing her magic. She sent a tendril of power into her son's body and found his magical reserves dangerously low, she gently filled his body with magic until she sensed his consciousness rising and drew back carefully.

He groaned in pained croakily before blearily opening his eyes and turning his head to look at Merlyn who smiled gently and stroked her son's hair comfortingly. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" She asked quietly.

"Gone... he's gone..." Arty whimpered quietly.

Merlyn perked up in worry. "Who's gone, love?"

Arty swallowed thickly turning away to stare wearily at the ceiling. "Rowan... I can't feel him." He turned back to Merlyn in fear. "He's gone."

Merlyn gasped in shock before feeling tears prick her eyes. "Arty what are you saying?! How can he be gone?!" She asked panicked.

Arty weakly placed a hand on his chest before choking out a sob. "I felt him get hurt then... Then suddenly he wasn't there anymore. I reached out to him through the bond and it was like getting to the end of a tunnel and finding nothing but endless darkness." He whispered in devastation before turning to Merlyn with tears streaming down his face. "I can't feel him, mum, I-I can't..." He burst into raspy tears and Merlyn quickly pulled him into her arms and gently rocked him while crying silently herself.

"Shh, it's okay." She murmured tearfully as her son continued to cry himself into exhaustion. Once he returned to a restless slumber Merlyn tenderly tucked him in before grabbing her bag and bow and stormed out of the room and down to the courtyard where Arthur and Leon were waiting.

Arthur saw her approaching with a face like thunder and immediately became concerned. "Merlyn, what's wrong?" He asked stepping toward her.

She paused eerily midway through packing her horse and turned to Arthur, her eyes ringed heavily in gold. "Rowan's gone." She stated, her voice shaking slightly.

Arthur gaped in shock before his brain caught up. "What do you mean? How do you know?"

Merlyn turned away clenching her jaw before turning back with tears rimming her eyes. "Arty said that he felt Rowan get injured through the bond then suddenly there was nothing, he couldn't feel him on the other side." Merlyn explained trying desperately hard not to fall apart.

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