Chapter 1

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Amy got off the plane and went to the nearest Taxi Rank to get home.
She'd been gone 4 months and it seemed to have gone by so fast  infact to be honest with herself she couldn't seem to remember a lot about it to be honest.
As she came down the driveway her emotions got the better of her and had tears running down her face.
She got out the cab and the driver got her luggage and put it on the Porch for her, she thanked him and paid giving him a big Tip.
Amy left her luggage and walked into the the kitchen,  Lisa, Lou and Jack all turned round to see her with a very big smile and tears.
"I'm so glad to be home I've missed you all so much".
Amy's smile faded as she saw the look on their faces, "Where's Ty,  I thought he'd be here".
"Why on earth would you expect that Amy when he found out you were cheating on him ".
"What!!!!!, I would never cheat on Ty, what on earth are you on about".
Lou opened her Laptop and pointed to a video on there, "then what do you call that Amy".
Amy looked and saw her and Ahmed kissing on a sofa.
"Where the hell did that come from, I dont remember that and I certainly wouldn't do that to Ty, this is all so sureal, I dont actually remember a lot about the last four months ".
She started crying and ran to her room shutting her door.
Lisa, Lou and Jack all looked at each other. Then Lisa spoke.
" What did Amy mean, she doesn't remember a lot about the last
4 months , Lou take her straight to the medical clinic and ask for blood tests for drugs".
"Lisa, Amy wouldn't take drugs".
"I know Jack, but I'm not so sure about the Prince, he, I think has a thing for Amy and if he tried it on she would go ballistic at him, but if Amy was drugged she wouldn't remember anything ,  not even if he forced himself on her, I'm  assuming she's a Virgin". Lou looked at Lisa.
"Amy told me she was and wanted to stay that way until her wedding night".
"Get the Doctor to check her out Lou".
"Yeah I will.
Lou went straight to Amy's room.
"Amy, can I come in please sis".
Amy was still crying.
"Lou, I honestly do not remember going to any Party last night before I came home, and I feel like I have a lot of time missing, what's going on,  and who put that Video on line Lou".
"First things first Amy, okay, let's go get you some blood test's and a check up okay".
"Why do I need Tests and a check up".
"Okay, listen carefully,  we think your missing Time and not remembering things may be because Ahmed drugged you Amy".
"Well I do remember missing about 2 weeks  after I'd been there for about 6 weeks then suddenly it was 8 weeks, he said that I was unconscious because I fell off a horse but I was feeling so confused I didn't think much about it".
"Come on sis let's go before it clears your body, you need to know sweetie".
Lou and Amy got to the clinic and saw Dr Virani at the reception Desk, so Lou told Amy to sit down while she went to speak to Dr Virani.
Lou came back to Amy and told her not to worry.
"But I am worried Lou, I Love Ty and he never came to see me because of that dam Video,  can we find out who uploaded it Lou".
" Leave it to me okay, I'll ask around".

"Amy Fleming ". A nurse asked.
Amy and Lou went in and sat down.
"Hello Amy, ( hi Dr Virani) right ,Lou told me a bit about why your here so first thing is to do the blood test".
A nurse came in and took the necessary amount of blood.
"Okay Amy, I need to ask some personal questions,  is that okay with you".
"Yes fine".
"Good,  now the last time I saw you for a Gyny appointment you was a Virgin, is that still the case  I ask because your engaged to Ty".
"Yes  we both want our wedding night to be our first time together".
"Okay  well can I Just examine you while your here sweetheart".
"Yes of course".
Dr Virani got Amy ready and Lou was sat holding her hand.
"Okay Amy, I'm Just going to have a look".
Dr Virani did what she needed to then explained that the next item would feel cold. After she'd finished she told Amy to get dressed and asked Lou to follow her.
"Lou, Amy's no longer a virgin and the checkup I Just did showed scarring,  she's been raped Lou and I think on multiple occasions   the first time I would of thought she'd notice".
"Well she would of except she told me she lost 2 weeks after she'd been there about 6 weeks , he used the excuse that she fell off a horse and doctors had checked her over but she was unconscious for those 2 weeks".
"Well that would of given her 2 weeks to heal, so she wouldn't of known that he took her Virginity, now we need to check if she's pregnant".
"Ohh No, she's been through enough already".
"Let's make sure and I can give her something if she go's over the edge".
"Right Amy I need you to listen to me and your going to be upset I know  but he took your Virginity love, I'm so sorry".
"H-How, I don't remember".
"You said you were unconscious for 2 weeks which was plenty of time to heal and you wouldn't have known, but I think from what I've seen he did it on a number of occasions Amy.
"NO, NO NO, he didn't,  please say your wrong".
"Amy, I'm sorry Sis but he did, when was your last monthly Cycle".
"Err,,  oh I don't know Lou, I'm feeling so confused, check my phone in Notes".
Lou had a look and told Dr Virani".
"Amy, let's do an Ultrasound to make sure everything is OK ".
They were doing the Ultrasound and nothing was there. She then got Amy to do a pregnancy test which came back negative.
Dr Virani gave Amy something to calm her down , as Amy fell asleep Dr Virani explained to Lou that she needed to fill out paperwork and forward it to the Police.
Lou nodded and they finally got Amy into the car and Lou drove her home with some Medication to keep Amy calm for now.

To be continued

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