Chapter 16

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It had been Two weeks and Amy was starting to wake up, her memories were a bit scrambled, she saw Grampa and Lisa and smiled but then her smile disappeared.
"Hi Love, how are you feeling we were starting to get worried when you weren't waking up".
"Have a headache Lisa".
"I'm not surprised love, why the Sad face".
"Thought Ty might be here".
"Oh he will be once I phone him and tell him".
"He will, really".
"Of course he will, he's been here everyday day for 4 hours for 3 weeks, but today believe it or not he gets called in for an emergency".
"Oh, he's talking to me then".
"What do you mean love, talking to you".
"Amy, when do you think this is, what do you think happened".
Amy looks down like her younger self used to do and says one word,"Blair".
" Oh my Love that was years ago, look at your left hand".
Amy looks and see's an Engagement ring and a Wedding ring.
"We're Married". Yes love, your 24 now Amy and very much in Love with Ty. You've had to have some operations on your brain from when you fell through the bridge".
"The B-Bridge".
"Do you remember Amy".
"Yes, I remember now".
"See your memory's coming back".
Jack suddenly remembers to push the Nurse button which he should of done when she woke up.
"Grandma, why's my arm's not working properly ".
Just then Dr Anderson walks in followed by Dr Walter's who introduced themselves to Amy, they sat down and explained everything to her from being found in bed in a coma due to two small bleeds to the types of problems she'll face over the coming months as her brain heals.
"Amy, you will get through this, one things certain though, you won't get anymore trouble with Hemorrhaging, everything is sealed"
"Thank you".
"I'm glad to see you have speech at least  what about reading,  can you read what's on this for me please".
Amy started to read then after three words she couldn't pronounce some on the other words.
"That's Okay Amy, you did really better than I thought you would, now arms ......... okay and Leg's.......... brilliant, thank you amy. These small problems are due to the operations okay, it's like trying to recover after a stroke, it will take time but try not to get disheartened by it, it can be frustrating  when you want to do something but can't. Now you'll be here for two weeks and then you get to go home with your lovely husband who hasn't left your side, except for today of course, I'll see you later Amy and I'll be in touch with you Lisa".
"Okay thanks so much".

Just after the Doctors left  Ty came barging into the room, Amy saw his face light up when he saw her and ran over to her, he buried his face in her neck as Jack and Lisa left for the Cafeteria to give them some time together. He kissed her and hugged her, then realised she wasn't hugging him back.
"Amy, is everything alright with us".
"Of course it is, I can't move my arm's yet Ty".
"Oh, right,  yes sorry love, I was so excited to see you awake I'd totally forgotten about the side effects".
"Hey  I was the one who woke up thinking Blair was still in the frame".
"No Way. So how is your memory".
"It's a little bitty but you can help me and Grampa and Grandma".
"You remembered that you call her Grandma".
"Yeah, that's really weird that I remember that".
"I really thought I was going to lose you ".
"I was scared, but not for me".
"Why not for you love".
"Because I knew I wouldn't know anything about it, but you and the family would ".
They spent the next hour with Amy in Ty's Lap,  Amy was nusling her head into his chest and just being held.

12 Months Later

Amy's improving,  she has partial use of her arms from elbow to wrist, some fingers work, reading and speach are perfect, never been incontinent as Doctors thought could happen, Memories came back within a week, things were tough at home as Amy couldn't feed herself for 6 months, even now she somedays has problems but Just accepts it, The Doctors explained to Ty that it was as if Amy had a double Stroke on both sides and they had to wait for everything to get back to normal,  Amy's body was still healing itself.
There's only one problem that has Doctor Anderson and Doctor Walter's mystified and that is that Amy can't use her Legs.
Andy has suggested that it could be due to lack of oxygen in a part of the brain where he found the second Bleed Just under the Dead Brain Tissue which they were unable to suck all the blood out but the damage would have already been done,  which means that while Amy was in a coma while they thought she was sleeping her brain recieved nerve damage,  she can feel Ty touching her legs lightly with his hands but not enough to send signals to move them.
Jack went out and with Lisa's help got Amy an Electric wheelchair  so she can get around the house and the Ranch".
But all this has put a strain on their Marriage and it's  now in trouble,  Amy's trying to show Ty how much she loves him with simple things like stroking his thigh or holding his hand but he's been pulling away from her since before she went into the Coma.
Ty, how are you doing sweetheart, I know this must be hard on you and Amy".
"I'm honestly not too bad Lisa, it's Just her Legs, she can feel me touch her Legs slightly but it's like there's no deep signals getting through, only surface ones."
"What about Amy though Ty, any depression or Anxiety ".
"I think she may have some depression ".
"Maybe that's because she feels that you don't love her anymore, look Ty I'm no marriage counsellor but I know what I see ,  and what I see is Amy trying to show you some Love, she's making all the moves as best she can, to try and get you to touch her to show her you still love her and want her, I know this is probably embarrassing for you to talk about to ya grandma but I'm not that old and you need to start being and acting like a husband.
Don't answer if you don't want but when was the last time you made love to your beautiful wife Ty,
("12 months") well that's what she wants from you,  to know she still means something. If her legs are a problem then look on line for help and guidance,  stop ignoring her Ty, or she'll wither and die".

To be continued

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