Chapter 19

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Ty looked at Amy sat in her chair, then picked up his bag to walk out then stopped, "how long".
"How long have you known,  you set this up".
"I never knew Ty, but I suspected you were, so I asked Lou and Lisa about it and they mentioned that when I was on the Lounger one day after getting out of the Hospital after the River accident, I was asleep and Blair turned up looking for you, she even walked into the Loft to see if you were up there, I never set anything up, that was your own doing, Make up your mind Ty, who you want, a wife and family, or good times with little miss psycho".
Ty continues to walk out of the Heartland house.
Jack walks on to the Porch watching, "Ty, What the hell happened to you son, your like the Ty who turned up here at 17, Or was the Ty I came to love as the son I never had Just an Act.
Make sure you make the right choice  Ty".
He got in his Truck and drove off.
Lou ran straight to Amy who was laying on the bed sobbing,  Lou wrapped her in her Arms and held her.
Amy was having trouble breathing,  she was having a Panic Attack,  she was trying to say something,
"Wh, who, who w was that,No NoT my T Ty".
"No Amy, that was definitely not the Ty we know, ssshh,gentle breaths,  innnnnn,,,, outttttttt,,,,,,, ".
Lisa came to the Door and looked in on Amy and Lou, watching as Lou calmed Amy down, Lou saw her and put her thumb up.
Amy eventually found sleep.

3 Month's Later

Amy's Depression had come back with a vengeance,  she hated kicking Ty out but knew if she didn't then Jack would of.
Everyone was keeping an eye on her and on a few occasions went looking for her.
The feeling's she was getting in her legs never lasted that long, but enough where she could stand for a few moments on crutches and allow her to get in and out the wheelchair easier without having to scoot herself across.
But today she was missing again, when she woke this morning she wished she could Just sleep forever then had to grab her paper bin as she couldn't get to the bathroom in time and threw up, she didn't feel like eating and as it was 10am she went out. Now it was 1pm and everyone was back to find an empty house.
Jack, Lisa and Lou went looking for her when Lisa shouted, Jack and Lou came running and saw what Lisa was looking at, Amy's wheelchair was by the Pond edge on it's side.
They ran to where it was and found Amy in the pond, but it looked like she was trying to get out as her head was above and Just out of the pond.
"Jack, is she".
He checked and found a very strong pulse, she was covered in mud where she was trying to pull herself forward then collapsed out of exhaustion.
"She's okay but how she never slipped back in I don't know".
"What's that in her hand Grampa".
Jack had a closer look after he'd pulled her further out the water.
"Well there broken and covered in mud but it looks like she was picking wild flowers".
"OMG, she didn't try to".
"No Lisa, looks like she got to close to the edge".
"Come on let's get her home, you girls will have to give her a shower and clean her up".
When they got her back in the wheelchair it still worked thankfully and Lou operated the Joy stick.
Jack was going to clean the chair up while the women cleaned Amy up, they stripped her muddy wet clothes off and used the shower head to wash the stinky mud off, as the mud came off they found some unwanted hitchhikers,  thankfully they knew how to get them off her.
Amy started to wake up then started to thrash about thinking she was still in the water.
"Amy, it's okay love we've got you, your safe".
Amy calmed down then Lou noticed she threw her hand straight onto her belly, and looking ,Lou saw a very small almost hardly there bump.
"Amy, your okay , ( Lou put her hand on top of Amy's) are you Pregnant by any chance".
Amy looked up at Lou and her Grandma and smiled saying Yes.
"Oh Amy, is that why you were picking wild flowers".
Amy nodded then burst into tears knowing she almost killed herself and her Baby.

When they were finished they were going to help Amy to her room, she was all wrapped up in a very large towel as she was still cold even though the shower water was hot enough to stand without burning her when Caleb walks in.
"Hey Caleb, Just who we need,  could you carry Amy to her bed please ".
"Yeah no problem, Jack Just told me what happened, is that okay with you Amy".
"Yes, thank you Caleb".
Caleb picked her up carefully and took her to her room.
"You be Careful with my sister Caleb, she's carrying precious cargo".
Amy was about to say something then thought she doesn't care how Ty finds out.
"Haven't seen the Doctor yet Caleb so Lou shouldn't of said anything, but waking up and wanting to puke is a really good sign".
"Does he know yet".
"I Just said I haven't seen the Doctor yet Caleb, so until she says yes, I can't say anything ".
"Fair enough, there you go ".
"Thank you caleb".
"Your welcome and if you got leeches on you, better phone Doc soon.".
"Lou, did I have any on me".
"Yes love, I'll phone Dr Virani now".
When Lou helped Amy take off the Towel there was Blood everywhere.
"OMG Lou I'm bleeding to death".
"No your Not, it's the leaches bites, they inject an anti clogging agent so they get plenty of blood. Let's put the Towel back on and I'll get the medical bag, you'll need to cover them to slow the bleeding. You didn't get bitten around the hip area so I'll grab you some panties at least, so you can cover up.".
"Thanks Lou,  I don't know what I'd do with out you".
Amy started crying again but Lou knew it was her hormone levels.
Lou came back and wiped each bite with surgical spirit which stung, then applied a medical wound dressing to each bite, she would monitor the wounds for the next week to make sure there were no infections like Sepsis.

To be continued

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