Chapter 9

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Amy was hanging on to Spartan, but he was struggling too, eventually she lost hold of him because her hands and fingers were so cold, she lost sight of Spartan and was swallowing more water than she could spit out, slowly she started to lose consciousness and thought that maybe it would be better this way and closed her eye's.
Spartan managed to pull himself out and onto the bank but he was totally exhausted and collapsed to the ground.
Jack read Ty's letter and Lisa and Lou could see him getting redder in the face with anger.
"What did he say Jack".
"The little shit's left her, said the engagement is off. Said that all he see's when he looks at her is what Ahmed was doing with her".
"What about Amy, doesn't he realise what she's going through, she's the one who went through it not him".
"Talking of which, where is she, should be back by now, I'm going to look for her".
"Me too".
"Me too mum".
"Okay Georgie, let's saddle up".

Amy's body was being swept down stream, she was disappearing below the water, then back up, her body was being bounced off one Boulder then into another and this continued for two miles down stream until her body came to a halt wedged between two boulders as the swell took her up and then back down leaving her hanging there.
Jack, Lou, and Georgie headed straight for the bridge first to rule it out but when they got there they were Just looking at a large hole in the centre of the bridge and by the side of it was Amy's Cowboy hat.
Georgie had wondered off to the right to see if Amy made it to the bank, then Jack and Lou heard Georgie shouting for help.
They both galloped over to where she was and saw a drenched, exhausted Spartan.
"Well Amy definitely ended up in the River, but how far has it taken her".
Jack was trying to get a signal so rode around until he got one and raised the Alarm.
The RCMP sent up two helicopters after working out the flow of the river and roughly how long she'd been in the river going by the state of Spartan.
"Hello, Jack, any news ,have you found her".
"She went in the River Lisa, fell straight through the bridge, we found Spartan but we need a trailer he's exhausted after getting himself out. The've got two helicopters up and rescue teams on the way".
"Caleb's still here, I'll send him with a trailer for Spartan".
"Okay Lise, see you later".
Lisa then told Caleb what's happened with the bridge and Amy was in the River, but Jack n Lou needed a trailer for Spartan who was exhausted.

The Helicopters started at four miles down stream working there way back up the river, the rescue teams were on both sides of the river heading downstream.
Lou and Caleb finally got back with Spartan and Scott was waiting for them.
As news spread of the tragedy more people turned up to help search for Amy.
Ty was in his apartment in Vancouver when his phone rang.
"Hey Mom, how are you, woahhh slow down Mum I can't understand you, start again.
Right, hang on I'll put my TV on , what's happened. What, No, no way, not Amy, I'll phone you back.".
Ty was watching the news about Miracle Girl Amy Fleming being dragged downstream by the fast flowing storm water after herself and her horse fell through the bridge, her horse managed to get out but there's no sign of our Miracle Girl Amy yet.
Ty couldn't believe it, then he remembered that Caleb was taking the letters over to Heartland.
Has she tried to kill herself because he abandoned her AGAIN.
He had to phone.

Jack was searching with everyone else checking the banks and the rocks, then a whistle went off and someone was pointing at a rock.
Jack saw it and made his way over with a rescue team member and found blood on the top of the rock.
"She's well past this point".
The rescuer reported into his radio.
Jacks phone went off and he answered without looking over the roar of the river, Ty could hear the river roaring past and knew Jack was out looking for her.
"Jack, it's Ty, any news yet".
"Why are you even bothered you little shit, you abandoned her Ty Just like you always do".
Jack ended the call before he blew a gasket.
They were almost two miles down stream when they heard the Whistle's that they had found Amy.
Jack looked at the main man in charge and he pointed down the river, where Jack saw his Granddaughter wedged in-between two rocks,  the Helicopter was hovering while the rescuer was trying to dislodge her from where she was stuck.

Ty was still watching the rescue on his TV when he saw where she was wedged, eventually the rescuer got Amy out and she was winched up into the Helicopter, the reporter said she was being taken to Vancouver Hospital because they had the equipment there for Just this sort of emergency. The reporter stated that she was so cold they couldn't tell if she was Dead or Alive.

To be continued

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