Chapter 25

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Two weeks had passed without incident,  Jim had been intouch to say that the DEA had taken them all down, a lot of the gang had been killed in the gun battles that followed and those who survived were quick to turn against there bosses, well boss as he was the only one left, the haul they got was in the millions of dollars and Ty wasn't the only Vet to be used and threatened.

They were all sat having a lovely dinner when Ty stood up.
"We have an announcement to make, and.(Yes we know Ty,Amy's pregnant)
( will you shut up Lou and let him Finnish, carry on Ty) as I was saying not everyone actually knows the whole truth, but Amy and myself are having TWINS".
Jack and Lisa made out they didn't know and congratulated the couple.
Lou was still sat opened mouthed then got up and congratulated Ty and Amy.

Time moved on and Ty was taking Amy for her 6 month scan.
They didn't want to know what they were having and wanted to find out when they were born which would be by C Section, Amy was telling Ty how difficult it's getting trying to have a shower or Bath because the bathroom  is to small.
"Well I'm not being horrible Amy but I thought Lou may have moved out by now, her and the girls have no interest in Ranch work and If we move out who's going to run Heartland when Jack retires, I know what your saying Amy but your Mum promised that you would Live and run Heartland, it looks like Lou's trying to take over without following the will agreement ".
"Yes, I thought that , but we still have a problem Ty, the Bathroom is still too  small, maybe we can build on and make it bigger and wider, Let me talk to Grampa and find out what's going on"
As usual Amy went into the bathroom  the following morning as far as she could with her chair so she could have a bath and soak.
Jack, Lou and Lisa were in the kitchen,  Ty was at the Clinic, after Scott found out what happened he took Ty back on, but Ty was happy to be working.

"You know Jack, Amy's really struggling,  we need to make some alterations to the house to make things easier for her".
"Yeah, I think your right Lisa, that bathroom is far to small as is her bedroom".
"Well I'd like to know where Amy expects to put the Twins eventually".
"Well Katie's got the biggest Room in the house Lou, far to big for Just one little Girl, and Georgie has the 2nd biggest room in the attic, so I suggest we put up a dividing wall and turn the Attic into two rooms, Amy and Ty have Katie's old room and the Twins have Amy's old room".
"No chance Grampa, I'm not making Katie move out of her bedroom or making Georgie share a room".
"Well, it's a good Job it's still my House Lou, and I say what happens.
We'll have to build an extension for a new bigger bathroom/Shower wet room I think they call them".
"Have you been working and looking this up Jack".
"Well Amys going to need help when the Twins arrive".
"Grampa   she has money, so why doesn't she build a house that's purpose built".
"According to Marion's will, AMY  is going to take over the running of Heartland Lou, don't  look like that, you knew damn well Marion Left Heartland to Amy because at the time you were living in New York and had no intention of coming back, Amy was going to continue to help abused Horses".
"There's one small problem with that Grampa, Amy hasn't worked with Horses for a very long time".
"That's very true, but From what she was talking about the other day she has some ideas about that".
"So why does she get Heartland and not me".
"So you think you should get Heartland,  you've already got The Dude Ranch and you've got Maggie's Lou, what about your sister having something,  you'd  quite happily take everything from her".
"I'm the business woman,  Amy wouldn't know what she's doing Grampa".
"Sorry but I think your wrong,  Amy is smarter than you think".
"Sorry Lisa but I know my sister and she is clueless".
"I never took you for a Rancher, so I take it you'd continue with the rescue horses and the cattle ranching then Lou even though you don't have the same gift as Amy and your Mum".
"Err No of course not".
"Okay, so what would you do with the Ranch then Lou, please enlighten us."
"Errm ,I think I'd build more Cabins and extend the Dude Ranch,  Build a food restaurant Lodge. Get Amy doing Trail Rides. Have more horses and get Amy to teach basic  Barrel Racing and Show Jumping."
"So you'd get rid of the Cattle or should I say Heartland Beef.
You'd expect Amy to work for you even though she's in a wheelchair.
What exactly does Amy get out of this."
"She'll have a well paid Job."
"Is that it. What will she actually own, and where would she live with Ty and her babies."
"I'm sure they'll find somewhere to Rent."
"So you get everything and Amy gets nothing is what your saying, and what would you do if Amy Left Heartland to start her own business against you. Remember she's more well known and liked than you."
"I'm sure I could get more staff, except for the Horse rescue part."
"Mmmm, a very large Dude Ranch. I do not think so.
Anyway Amy would have you in Court so fast you wouldn't know what was happening."
"Why would she do that."
Because Marion's will leaves it all to Amy. My Will also leaves Heartland to Amy. You're not a Rancher Lou, also you wouldn't have time with your other Businesses.  There's only one thing that matters Lou, I have the final say and Amy gets Heartland , that includes this Ranch House as well Lou".
"Well I'm not going along with moving Katie up to the Attic".
Well I'm sorry you feel this way Lou and to be honest I feel let Down that your acting so greedy Lou, Amy worked her guts out from when she was 15 up to when she had the River Accident,  so she deserves it, if you don't like it then maybe it's time for you to find somewhere else to live because this is a Ranch and needs to be run as one, which Amy is quite capable of doing even in a wheelchair, end of subject".
"Help, Help Please, I'm stuck.".
Lisa ran to the bathroom.

Later on Lou was at Maggie's and was sat having a coffee thinking about what she'd said earlier,  she knew she was wrong and Amy did Deserve to have Heartland.  She thought how selfish she must have sounded especially as Amy was struggling around the house.
Just then someone opened the door to Maggie's and let Amy in. Lisa had dropped her off with her manual wheelchair as she still hadn't got round to sorting out her own truck.
Lou waved her over and asked one of the girls to get her sister her favourite Tea Latte.
"You trying to make up for the things you said this morning ".

"Oh, I'm sorry Amy,  I shouldn't have said those things, and Grampa was right, you deserve to have Heartland,  We both know I'm not a Ranch woman, I'll apologise to grampa later this afternoon, I've decided to build our own place made of ready built modules that Just connect together about half way down the Dude Ranch Road".
"Are you sure Lou, Grampa can't Just tell you to go".
"No it's fine Amy, If me and Peter had stopped messing around, or should I say If I'd stopped messing about and being so fussy about somewhere to live, we would of been in our own house and just maybe Peter would of come home more, so I shouldn't really be at Heartland anyway".
"As long as you're sure Lou".
"Of course I Am".
They hugged and carried on chatting  until Lisa was ready to go home.

To be continued

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