Chapter 13

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It had been 6 months since they got married and Ty was at work and Amy was on her Lounger doing what the Doctor ordered her to do, she wasn't 100% yet, more like 70% but she had to do as she was told, she hardly used the chair anymore,  her Pelvis had healed but left a weakness, Amy was scared, but not for herself as if the worst happened she knew she wouldn't know anything about it, she was scared for her family and especially Ty if they suddenly lost her to a larger brain Hemorrhage.
Doctor Walter who was Amy's Consultant/Surgeon was off to a conference this morning in Vancouver where an acquaintance who was a Leading forward thinking Neurosurgeon,  Doctor Anderson was giving a seminar about the same problems that Amy was suffering from, Multiple Hemorrhaging due to the damage to her blood vessels from the River accident.

Jack was sat on the porch as Lou came back from the Dude Ranch. Jack retired 3 months ago and was enjoying it, although after all those years of getting up early he couldn't sleep in and still got up early every morning.
"Hi Grampa".
"Hey Lou, you finished for the day".
"Yep, I'm glad to say".
Lou took her stuff into the kitchen and put it in the Dishwasher then came out with a coffee and sat with Jack.
"How is she Grampa".
"I honestly don't know Lou, it's been 18 months now since the accident and she's still not recovered, Ty's putting on a brave face, I know that because I've seen the way he looks at her".
"I think we're all doing that Grampa, she told me the other day she's scared, but not for herself, for us and Ty".
"Why not for herself ".
"She said that if she has a bigger hemorrhage she won't know anything about it".
"Ahh, I see her point".
"Well Ty said that as long as she takes it easy and watches her blood pressure she should be okay, until Doctor Walter can come up with a solution or operation to correct things".
Jack rubs his hands over his face, "It's like sitting next to a time Bomb isn't it".
"Yeah, I really hope he can help her".
"Well I'm Just thankful that he hasn't given up on her, he's determined to find someone who can help her".
"She seems happy, although not working must be hard for her
Grampa ".
"I don't think she's that bothered at the moment Lou, her priority seems to be Ty, and showing him Just how much she Loves him".
"I must say though that I've never seen her read so many books".

Lou and Jack suddenly look at the Ranch Drive way as they hear a car coming towards them.
It stops at the Barn and a girl gets out and walks in, a couple of minutes later she walks out looking back up towards the Loft window.
Amy's fast asleep as her meds seem to do that and Jack and Lou recognise her straight away, Blair.
She walks up onto the Porch seeing them sat there.
"Hi, remember me by any chance".
"Yes , what are you doing here".
"Looking for TY he seems to have moved out".
"Yes he did, he got married".
"Pft, Ty Borden got married, I thought he was with your sister".
Lou then decided to do some serious lying.
"Actually they fell out after he graduated University to be a Vet and he went to work for some World Vet company, then moved to Mongolia to help out there, whether he's still there I dont know".
"Oh, shit, thanks".
Blair got back in her car and drove off.
"I'd better let Ty know what Just happened".
Lou phoned Ty and explained who turned up and what she said about Mongolia.
"Okay thanks for the heads up Lou".
Ty went to the rear doors of the clinic and locked them.
"Hey Scott are we expecting anymore customers today".
". No, emergency only".
Ty locked up the front and made the place look dead, then watched through the blinds.
Eventually she turned up and tried the door.
"What's going on".
Ty quickly explained what Lou said.
"Leave it to me".
Scott answered the door.
"Hello what emergency is it".
"Oh sorry no animals".
"So why knock the door".
"Because I'm looking for a friend, Ty Borden, he worked here".
"Yes he did, till he buggered off to Mongolia, to be honest I don't even know if he's still alive because he upset some Poaching Hunter gang out there".
"Oh hell".
"Yeah exactly ,I need to get on with my work".
"Oh yeah right thanks, a wasted Journey Oh well, bye".
"See ya".
Blair wasn't sure if she was being told the truth or not. She knew everyone hated her from before, she decided to try again in a couple of days as she had another place to go first then she'd come back.

Ty came home about 5.30 and found Amy in bed asleep.
"Hey Jack ,Lisa, Lou ,Georgie, and how's Katie" giving her a tickle.
"I'm okayyyyy".
Lou looked and Laughed thinking to herself how nice it would be if he and Amy had children, but with Amy's health seeming to deteriorate by the week, she was worried.
"How longs Amy been asleep".
"She said she was feeling drained although all she's done is what the Doctor told her to and to rest".
"I'm getting worried about her, what do you think".
"Probably the same as you Ty".
They continued to eat dinner, even though Ty didn't feel like eating, he did because his body needed fuel if he was going to be there for her.

Doctor Walter finally got to see his friend Doctor Anderson and moved into the quieter Lounge where they could talk.
"So you wanted to talk about one of your patients Walter".
"Yes I do, and honest to God Andy I think you may be her only chance, I've bought her file with me".
He showed him the file and as soon as he saw the name he remembered her,
"This very pretty young women was the one in the river, am I right".
"Yes, her head was like a pin ball being smacked from one rock to another, we found 7 hemorrhaging sites and fractures, how she even survived I don't know, plus all the broken bones and internal bleeding".
"Jezus Walter, she's a Miracle, how many More Hemorrhages has she had in the 18 month's since the accident".
"Three more since, but we're trying to keep her BP down as it Just blows a hole in a vein if it gets to high,but now
she's deteriorating and I'm really worried for her".
"I take it you've got close to her".
"Yes unfortunately, to her and her Husband, there a wonderful couple and the whole Town loves them, when they found out she was in the river, there was more people out searching for her than there was people in the Town, please look at her file Andy and see if you can help her".
"Okay, you know I like a good challenge, I'll see you in the morning".

To be continued

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