Chapter 15

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Doctor Anderson finally see's the vein that's been hemorrhaging and decides  that it's to damaged to be repaired so he clips it at both ends and then seals it, eventually that section of vein which is only 2 inches long will shrivel up and disappear, he then cleans up the area of blood, then see's more blood forming and starts to investigate where its coming from.

Ty's phone beeps again with another message *one vein clipped and sealed, looking at second vein now*.
"No wonder Amy wasn't feeling good, she had two bleeds".
"Really, probably why she's in a Coma Ty".
"Very likely Lou".
While Andy was looking for the second Bleed he found something he didn't like the look of, "Walter did this show up on the MRI" as he pointed a laser beam on it so he could see it on the VR unit.
"No it didn't, what is it".
"It looks like Brain Tissue, but it doesn't look right, was this section the worst part that hit the rocks".
"Yes I was told by the surgeon in Vancouver that they thought she'd hit that area at least twice".
"Well they didn't look very hard did they, can you take a biopsy and tell whoever takes it we need an answer while we have her skull open".
While Andy was looking at it he saw the bleed but had to dig deeper to get to it then clipped it immediately and sealed it.
They were waiting for what seemed like forever and Andy had pulled her scalp back over the hole to keep it covered.
Eventually they heard from the Pathology Lab that it was dead brain tissue from the impact of her head against the rocks.
"If we leave this it could very well turn into a Tumor,  it obviously hasn't had any impact on her since the accident".
"I think your right Andy, safer to take it away and Just make sure it's on her record for regular check ups".
"Think your right Walter, to be safe  let's take it out, I'd like to see this young lady lead as normal a life as possible".
"She grows on you doesn't she".
"There's something about her Walter and I don't know what it is".

It had been a few hours when Ty got a message from the Hospital *First operation a success, stitching her up now, back in recovery 15 minutes. Doctor's Anderson and Walter's wish to speak with you when you arrive*.
Ty was overcome with emotions so Just showed Lisa, Lou and Jack the message.
"Thank god for that". Jack says as he pulls Ty in for a man hug.

Ty drives over to see Amy but first goes to see both the Doctors,  they explain what they found and what they had done, then take him upstairs to see Amy.
Ty's sat by her bed holding her hand when the family quietly walk in.
Lou see's her with her head all bandaged up.
"Did they shave her head again".
"Yes Lou, no choice ".
"She's going to be so pissed about that".
"At least we still have her real hair wig that's something ".
"Err, we don't have it Lisa".
"Lou, why don't we have it, Amy wouldn't get rid of her own hair wig, she Loved her hair".
Well I was having a good tidy up and saw it sat on the side on one of those foam heads so gave it to that charity shop at the end of town".
Lisa gave her a fifthly look as did Jack and Ty was going red in the face.
"Look I didn't think she'd need it again".
"Lou, Amy knew she was going to need it at some point because she told me that she didn't think she'd finished with it yet, so washed it and put it on that foam head so it would dry naturally,  and that was only two days ago, I suggest you go and get it back quickly".
"Err yes Grampa".

Lou set off for the shop where she'd gifted loads of stuff, she walked in and saw the old woman, she explained what she'd done but the lady said someone was coming in to buy it, Lou pulled up the photo of Amy she'd taken less than half an hour ago and showed her.
"Oh my, is that your sister, The Miracle Girl".
"Yes, and she knew she'd need it but I didn't".
"Well as you gave me so much stuff I'll go get it for her, but I'm doing this for your sister, now are you sure there's nothing in those bags you gave me that belong to other members of your family".
"Yes positive, the rest is all mine".
" Okay then, but don't take things that aren't yours in future, here you go and I hope she recovers soon".
"Thank you so much, I'm sorry".
The old lady hadn't sold it and she knew Amy was Lou's sister, in fact she knew who the Wig belonged to and had phoned Jack earlier in the morning to say she'd found it in among Lou's bags of donations.

"So Ty, what did Doctor's Walter's and Anderson want to see you for, if you don't mind me asking".
"Of course not Jack, sorry, that thing with Lou giving something away that's not hers Just threw me".
"Yeah,  thankfully we already knew but don't let on to Lou".
"Ahh okay, err yes  they found what they thought was a brain Tumor,  but it turned out to be Dead Brain Tissue from the original operation in Vancouver".
"What, you gotta be Joking Ty".
"No Lisa, he said the repairs were the worst he'd ever seen, he took the dead Tissue away incase it turned into something else, he's still got two more operations and he's dreading what he's going to find".
"Is he putting a report in Ty".
"Yes a full report, including photo's and VR footage".
Over the next five day's Amy had the other two operations which were Just as badly repaired as the first, but some of the veins were deeper and Dr Anderson was concerned how it would affect her after the operations were finished, now its Just waiting for her to wake up and see where they go from here.

To be continued

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