Chapter 14

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Ty gets up early for work and dresses then kisses Amy's forehead before closing the door.
When he gets to the kitchen Jacks already up as is Lisa, he pours himself coffee after wishing everyone a good morning and sits down, not long after Katie Joins them for breakfast.
"Oh Lisa, Amy was in quite a deep sleep so can you give her a shout about 10 and check on her please ".
"Of course I will Ty".
"Thank you Lisa, I'll see you tonight or sooner if I can get away any earlier".
"Alright, bye".

Walter, are you going back to Hudson this morning".
"Yeah I am Andy why".
"Well I couldn't sleep last night so went over Mrs Bordens file, and I need to see her A S A P because I believe she's in a lot of trouble and yes I think I can help her".
"Thank you Andy, I'm leaving in about 30 minutes".
"Well this is urgent Walter so  we are taking my Helicopter straight to the Hospital , see if you can arrange for Mrs Borden to come in late morning".
"Okay I'll contact my secretary".
There flight was about an hour long and were soon at the Hospital.

Lisa looked at the time and went to check on Amy Just as the house phone started to ring.
""Lisa , I'll get the phone, you check on Amy".
Jack was on the phone to Doctor Walter's secretary when Lisa came rushing in "Jack, I can't wake her up I think she may be in a coma"
Jack relayed what Lisa said and the secretary said she'd send help immediately. She then phoned Doctor Walter's back.
Walter then spoke with his friend Andy telling him.
By the time Amy was picked up and rushed to Hospital the Neurological Operating Room was ready for her, as was the MRI scanner.
Ty arrived and announced himself to reception then saw the Family already waiting, Lisa noticed that Ty was not Okay and hugged him tight as did Lou and Georgie.
Doctor Anderson came out and introduced himself to Ty and the Family then asked them to follow him to a more private waiting room.

"Right, Doctor Walter's spoke with me yesterday about Amy's case, Do you mind me calling your wife Amy, I think it's more personal on first name basis".
"No, that's fine, I like that".
"Okay, well Amy is down having an MRI to find out what's going on.
I can help Amy but obviously all Operations have risks, now I need you all to know about the after effects of these types of surgeries.
If the cause of what's wrong is one of the areas needing surgery then were looking at 3 separate operations, if it's not then we're looking at 4 surgeries.
What I intend to do is thread internal stents through the damaged veins to reinforce them stopping anymore hemorrhages, now each operation will take between 4 and 6 hours, which is why they can't all be done together, also to try and do more than one will put her life at risk even more than it is now, any questions so far".
All the Family nodded no.

"Now you need to be aware of her after care and the difficulties,  not Just Amy but all of you as a family will face during her recovery.
When she does wake up her memories will be there but could be Jumbled up, like she may think she's younger than she is, or not know who people are to start with, so visual props will help like photos, and stories to kick start her brain.
Imagine that you've had to repair your PC at home and then restart it, everything is there but it takes time for the PC to rearrange everything.
Amy will more than likely need to learn things again like,
Using her arms.
Using utensils for eating.
This will all take time and you need to be strong, don't let her see you getting frustrated or crying, if you are get someone else to take over and leave the room, you do not want her to think she's a burden".
Lisa then asks a question as she can tell Ty is getting upset.
"How long will this all take Doctor Anderson".
" Good question, between 6 to 12 months, some things will come back easier than others, but her first operation will be in about 15 minutes, then if she's up to it every two days, and as I said 4 to 6 hours long.
I would say to go home as you only live down the road, better than worrying here shut up in a room, we have all your numbers and Amy will go to recovery first anyway, so I better make a move, however I do need your consent Ty to operate if you could sign this form please, I will speak to you all later".
Doctor Anderson got up and took the signed consent form with him, once he was out the door Ty broke down sobbing thinking back to the Day she rode off because he Left her.
Lou and Lisa and Georgie were there for him as he cried.

The operating Room looked like it had come straight out of a science fiction film, Amy was in a sterile see through tent that was Air conditioned with Micro fibre filters, Andy was a stickler for keeping his patients free of infections, especially when he had there brain open.
There were 3 cameras pointing at Amy's head and they were connected to the Operating Table, both Doctors wore very thin VR units which were plugged into the sockets on the side of the table, they would only see Amy's Brain through the Virtual Reality units where they could zoom in and out and change positions. Both the Doctors and the two nurses wore thin protective suits.
The Laser unit was connected to the computer that had her MRI Scan and this showed Andy where the areas were that he needed to operate on, so drew circles where he was shown and numbered each one according to urgency.
He made his first cut and pulled the scalp back then pinned it, the laser then showed where the vein or veins were located and showed the area of skull to be cut out.
The operation had now started.

Ty and the others all got back to Heartland and Jack started on making the Coffee.
Ty's phone went off with a message and saw it was from the Hospital.
*Operation has now started *.
"I Just got a Text Message from the Hospital Lisa".
"Anything wrong Ty".
"No, Just letting me know that the Operation has started, didn't know they did that".
"Well not normally, unless this is the way Doctor Anderson works".
"Well I certainly appreciate it".

To be continued

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