Chapter 12

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They were going to section Amy but Ty and the family all explained who was to blame for her getting worse and what he was doing and saying to her, so Doctors agreed to send her home, Ty was also discharged.
It had been a couple of days and Ty arrived finding Amy back on her Lounger.
Ty looked at her through his window and realised Just how thin she was, he knew he may have to start again but he loved her and wanted to help her get back to somewhere near normal.

It had been a month since Ty returned and the Family had seen a dramatic change in Amy, she was getting counselling and had finally accepted that it was Just an accident and she was lucky to survive.
Ty didn't press charges against Tim provided he stayed away from Amy, and neither did Jack, provided he never set foot on Heartland.
Jack apologised to Amy for not realising what her Dad was up to.
Tim had to agree to the conditions or go to prison.
Without Tim about and having Ty and the family to support her Amy made great progress over the coming months, she started to fill out and started to get her confidence back, her muscles were growing and getting stronger so could walk with a walking stick, her hair was growing quite fast as it always had and after another 6 months it was past her neck and resting on her shoulders.
Amy and Ty had started dating again and there love for each other was stronger, They were going out for there 6 month anniversary after some persuasion from Ty as she was self conscious about the scars eitherside of her neck from the roughrope Jesse used, Ty had been out and bought a New engagement Ring, the other one held too many bad memories and while they were in a restaurant he got down on one knee and proposed again, Amy said Yes much quicker than last time, at least 10 seconds faster.
When they got home to Heartland Jack, Lisa, and Lou were still up and actually thought they were stopping out later.
"Did ya have a good time at that new restaurant".
"Oh you've got to try it there food is brilliant and the entertainment is out of this world ".
Amy then held her hand up showing them her New Engagement Ring.
"Omg congratulations you two,  came at once from the three of them.
Lou looked and smiled,"So how long this time till the wedding you two".
"Two weeks,  here, front room, Family and 6 of our best friends only. We will have a better reception later on in a large Tent, like Grampa and Grandma".
Ty and Amy went back out on to the Porch and cuddled up on the New Swing seat with Amy on Ty's Lap.
"I Love you Ty Borden".
"I Love you more Amy Fleming ".
"Thank you for asking me to Marry you, I really thought 6 months ago that No one would want me".
"I've always wanted you to marry me Amy".
Amy kissed Ty with passion and Ty reciprocated.

Two weeks later and Ty and Amy were married in front of the Fireplace in the Lounge, they had dancing and a beautiful Buffet that Lisa arranged.
They spent their first night as Husband and wife at the Dude Ranch and woke in the morning still in each others arms, Ty had never seen Amy so happy and full of smiles.
They made there way back up to the Ranch House for breakfast about 10am.
"Good Morning all".
"Morning Newlyweds ".
" Sit down you two and I'll bring your breakfasts in for you, but don't get used to it".
"Thank you Grandma ".
Lisa still loved the way Amy and Lou called her Grandma, it made her feel like she really was part of the family.
Amy was still putting a little weight on every week and was almost back to her original size.
"So any plans for today".
" Yes Maggie's for Lunch  and then an ATV ride up the North East of Heartland ".
"Please take Firearms with you on that stretch, there's quite a few predator Animal's along that stretch of the Forrest".
"So that's why I haven't been that way before".
"You know that Amy, I'm surprised you've forgotten".
"Sorry Grampa ".
"Amy, look at me a minute love".
She turned to look at Ty and she saw the expression on his face and started to cry.
"We'll  have to give breakfast a miss, come on Amy, Lisa please phone the Hospital and say were coming in".
About Ten minutes later and they were there, a nurse was waiting at the doors for them with a wheelchair,  Ty placed Amy in and told the nurse he'd catch them up. He quickly signed Amy in and then ran as fast as possible to catch them up.
Ty was stood with the Doctor in the control room Just like the last time she came in for a check up which he was surprised about, but the doctor knew Ty could read scans and that it would keep him calm.
As the images came in the Doctor saw that they were right to come in as there was a small hemorrhage Just starting,  the rest of the images came through  clear.
"I'm going to give Amy a drug we use to help clot any bleeds, then give it a couple of hours , then repeat the Scan. Hopefully we can get away without having to operate".
Ty couldn't believe this was happening on there first day as Husband and wife.
They were taken to the Day ward and Amy was hooked up to an IV, Ty told Amy he was going to update the family while the nurse was taking Amy's vitals etc.
"Hi Lisa, we're going to be here for another three hours at least,  yes they found a small hemorrhage,  the Doctor was pleased we came in immediately before it got any bigger.
Err,  no hopefully these drugs there giving her will clot it and save an operation, okay I'll keep you posted,  bye".
Lisa put the phone down and saw Jack and Lou, Georgie looking at her.
"The answer is yes she was hemorrhaging again, but there trying drugs instead as Ty got her there quickly rather than operating,  so Just need to wait, about 3 hrs Ty reckons".
"Good Job it happened before they went on a trail ride".

The nurse reported back to the Doctor that Amy's blood pressure was high which could explain why she was having these attacks, this was the first time it had been picked up.
Ty was sat holding Amy's hand and could see she was worried,  (all the hemorrhaging had been in the places where her head had been smacked against the rocks ) and hoping she wouldn't need another operation.
The Doctor came in and explained about her blood pressure so they were going to arrange some tests, they also want her blood pressure monitored four times a day to see if there's a pattern, he then says there ready for another scan.
An hour later and there back at Heartland and come in to hugs and kisses. They sit down and explain that the drug worked and they suspect it could be due to blood pressure.  Amy gets the monitor out and shows everyone what she needs to do but in the meantime must take it easy and keep her blood pressure low as much as possible with the help of the medication she's been prescribed.

To be continued

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