Chapter 22

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Lisa was up early, worried about Amy and went to check on her, Sepsis was something that you didn't mess with, it was dangerous, she'd phoned Dr Virani late yesterday to ask more about it and what to watch for, Lisa wasn't taking any chances with Amy, she was definitely the Daughter she never got to have.
"Amy, Amy, how you feeling love".
" got a headache mom, why's it so hot".
"You stay in bed Love".
Lisa walked out and into the Kitchen past Jack and picked up the phone.
"What's wrong Lisa".
"Amy, the Antibiotics aren't working, Hello, yes I need an Ambulance for possible Sepsis poisoning from multiple Leech bites, yes she was given an injection and Antibiotics yesterday but she's worse this morning,  Hot and clamy, delirious,  yes, about a Dozen around Lunchtime yesterday, and four that look infected.
Thank you. Yes, Heartland Ranch on , yes that's where we are thank you. Yes it was Dr Virani, Amy Fleming  Borden,  yes. Bye".
"Right the Ambulance is on the way, there going to contact Dr Viriani direct".

Caleb was helping Jack this morning when he started driving down the long driveway of Heartland,  he looked in his mirror and saw an Ambulance coming up behind him with lights flashing so pulled over to let it past, he then followed it up to the house.
"Lisa, who is it for".
"Amy and those dam Leech bites".
"What's she got Lisa"
"I think it's the Sepsis infection but I have no idea how bad".
They bring Amy out and put her in the Ambulance.
"Where you taking her, I need to phone her husband".
"ICU Hudson General".
Amy and Lisa arrive quickly as it's early morning and Dr Virani is waiting for her.
"Lisa, she'll be alright that's why I gave her that injection yesterday Just in case, she'll be in for about 5 to 10 days depending how the infection reacts, blood tests have gone off but thanks to you I'm positive we caught it early".
"So she'll have regular injections".
"Oh no , it'll be IV and we call it the magic bullet, it's a four Antibiotic mix, and it does work Lisa".
"Okay, thanks Dr Virani ".
"No problem,  I'll phone when we get the blood work results through ".
"Thank you".

"So what you going to do Ty".
"About what Blair".
"Amy of course".
"What about Amy, can't you give it a rest".
"Not when she has all that cash."
"She doesn't have cash Blair, The Lawyer has it so people like you can't get to it".
"Your bloody Joking right, she's not got it in the bank".
"Sooo, you'll have to"......
"SHUT UP BLAIR. I'm not robbing my own wife of money she needs, if you don't like it leave".
"Yeah right, don't forget I have evidence of what you did for us, you'll go down for a long time, and They pay the rent on this place ".
"Enough of the Blackmail Blair, you threatened Amy so I did what I had to, keeping her safe then she had the accident and  then you started Blackmailing me. I did what you wanted now let me go back to her".
"Can't do that Ty".
"Why not"
"They want you to do it again".
"You said one time only".
"Yeh, well they lied".
"Well I could tell everything I know".
"You could , then your Amy would die slowly Ty.
Ty's phone rings.
Hey Caleb, okay hang on a minute. What news are you talking about".

"Blair, I need to go see Amy".
Ty explains what has happened to Blair, then she opens her phone and makes a call, here. Ty takes her phone and see's it a video chat and looking at it he see's Amy through the doors of ICU.
"Your watching her".
The phone call then ends.
"I'm not, but they are Ty. Like I said they want another shipment to go out, your too good at your Job Ty, Amy's perfectly safe as long as we do what they want".
"And how long is this going to go on for Blair  I want to get back to my life".
"They call the shots Ty".
Ty knew he had to try and get out of this mess but without putting Amy in danger, he thought by making it look like he was cheating on her and Amy kicking him out that it would stop them using her as Leverage but it didn't work, they knew probably thanks to Blair that he was still very much in Love with her.
He had to find a way.
Later that night he was trying to think when Blair said she was going to take a bath, once he heard her get in the water he started looking around and noticed her car keys, on it was a Dragons head, he picked it up and on closer inspection noticed it had a small gap as if it could pull apart and it did. It was a USB, so he quickly put it in his Laptop to see what was on it.
Everything was on it, he thought that this must be her back up or insurance if she got caught, he copied it to his laptop and hid the file.
While Blair was still in the Bath he wrote an Email to Lisa and told her everything,  he also told her they were watching Amy, even in ICU as he was refusing to carry on and they did a video chat showing Amy in bed in the the ICU unit so he knows it was real time, then asked her to see if Jim the Chief of the RCMP could help. He gave Blairs reg number, no licence and what he planed on doing, then sent the contents of what was on the  USB as an attachment.
Ty sent it off then deleted it and then deleted the contents of the folder he made and the recycle bin. Closed his laptop and put her Keys back then went to make coffee.

To be continued

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