Chapter 20

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Lisa came and asked if she could come in to which Amy said Yes, she had her Panties on but didn't care if Lisa saw her naked as she'd already seen her in the shower.
"Can I help Lou".
"Err,  yes please Amy's still got some that are bleeding".
"Oh yes on your legs sweetheart, did we see any on her legs Lou".
"I don't remember taking any off her legs".
Just then Georgie Screams from the Bathroom.
Lou goes running and see's the look of horror on her face, she forgot they'd obviously got home from school.
"What's wrong ".
"T there in the Bath,  blood and are they leeches".
"Lisa, found the ones from Amy's legs".
"Why's Amy got them on her legs".
"Actually Georgie Amy had about 12 all over her body".
"What, why".
"We couldn't find her and when we did she was Err in the pond, her wheelchair tipped over and she could of drowned, but managed to pull herself out enough so she didn't ".
Georgie ran straight for Amy's room and not even noticing she was naked threw her arms round her neck and hugged her".
"I'm okay Georgie,  honestly".
"How did it happen".
"Would you believe me if I said I was picking Wild Flowers".
"Er no".
"Well it's actually true, I was feeling really down this morning and Just wanted to sleep forever but then felt sick so had to use my rubbish bin, then I realised I must be Pregnant and felt this urg to get out the house as it was nice".
"Really, you're Pregnant ".
"I'm 99% certain but can't  tell anyone yet properly until I see Dr Virani tomorrow".
"So you haven't told".
"No , not until I know for certain,  which I know I am, but I need a blood test, scan and other stuff first".
"Are you Happy Amy".
"Yes Georgie,  I'm very happy about it".
Georgie then left them to it and went to get a drink.

Amy was all tucked up in bed and fast asleep. Jack came in and grabbed a coffee, he put the post on the Table and Lou's beady eye's caught the Letter for Amy, she picked it up and saw it was from the Medical council,  she flipped the envelope over and was about to open it when Jack snatched it out of her hands.
"What on earth were you going to do Lou, it's addressed to Amy, you'd go mad if she opened your mail".
"Oh god, sorry Grampa I wasn't even thinking".
"Well it's a good Job I stopped you isn't it".
"It could be urgent, we should look".
"NO WE SHOULDN'T,  it can wait, and may I add that if it was Urgent it would be stamped across the front".
Jack then picked up the envelope off the table as Lou kept looking at it and put it in his pocket.
Jack had a good Idea what it was and it had taken over a year with the help of the two doctors reports to sort out Medical Negligence for the mess they caused Amy plus damages and Life Time disabilities, and mental problems, all of it could of cost Amy her life.

The following morning Amy was up for her appointment with Dr Virani, Lisa had already offered to take Amy in as her and Jack knew Lou was like a dog with a bone and would keep on at Amy as to who the Letter was from ,what was in it etc.
Lisa had brought it with her and handed it to Amy once they were driving up the Drive.
Amy quickly opened it and read it, flipped the paper over and looked at the cheque,  she kept looking at it as if all that money could put right what she's lost that she wouldn't have if the surgeon hadn't decided to try and operate when he'd been at a party and wasn't on call but he'd picked up another Doctors phone and went in to operate anyway.
"Everything okay sweetheart ".
"Yeah, Just thinking how they think all these zeroes can put my life back together".
"Well it can't can it, but you still have the rest of your life Amy, and your child. That money they gave you is to help you, a modified Truck so you can get out, equipment you may need to help you Amy, that is what it's for, to say sorry. He will never operate on anyone else".
"Maybe your right Grandma, I will need help".
Lisa moved her hand and held Amy's  as she drove towards town.
"After you've seen Dr Virani we have an appointment with a Lawyer to sort out paperwork to keep your compensation safe".
"Keep it safe".
"Your still married to Ty love, I don't think he can touch it because it's a medical compensation Just for you, I don't think he'd try to get any of it, I still hope the Ty we know and love will come back one day, but I don't  trust you know who, that's if she hasn't cleared off yet."
"I forgot about divorce things, he can't touch it, I need it Grandma".
"It's okay Amy, don't get worked up, we will sort it, okay".
"Yes, Thank you".
"Are you feeling alright Amy , you seem off, and your hand is very hot ".
Lisa pulls up at the Medical Clinic and gets the normal wheelchair out.

They were sat in the doctors when Amy's called in, Lisa asks to see Dr Virani while the Nurse is checking Amy's OB's.
A while Later Lisa and Dr Virani  walk in as if nothings wrong and Dr Virani  checks Amy's OB's.
"Right everything seems okay Amy except for your Temp  and blood pressure isn't to bad. Now let's do a scan".
She put the gel on Amy's belly and and starts moving the wand about.
Right Amy, I need to check these bites, after she's finished she looks at Lisa, Amy I'm going to take a blood test okay, I think a few of those bites are infected and could be Sepsis.
She takes the blood test then gives Amy an injection to counter act the poison with some Antibiotic capsules.
She sends the blood out straight away to be tested.
"Would you like to hear the heartbeat Amy".
"Yes please ".
Dr Virani turned up the volume and there it was,  bump bump,  bumpbumpbump.
"Let me do the scan again Amy it could be a glitch.
Amy and Lisa had been to the Lawyer  who assured Amy that no-one could take the money due to the circumstances and it was only meant for her use. Amy and Lisa signed some papers and it was all done.
Next they went to the bank.
"Come on you, bed time you've definitely got some type of infection, Let's get home ".

To be continued

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