Chapter 27

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2 Months Later

Amy was due and booked in the next day to meet the Twins.
Her and Ty were excited, the extention for the Ensuite didn't take very long and they did the heating at the same time which meant that they had constant hot water for the Bath or Shower, Amy and Ty were moved into her Mom's old room and the baby's rooms were already too.
Her Truck was amazing and so easy to drive as was the ATV.
Ty had planted some Conifers around the Gas Tank which they both admitted was bigger than they realised, but the trees were fast growing so wouldn't take long to hide it.
While Lisa was tidying up in the main room she found a drawing pad and thinking that it was Katie's was having a look at the doodling then realises it was Amy's pad.
Lisa looked and realised Amy was designing her own Saddle with straps to help keep her in the saddle meaning she was thinking of getting back to riding. Lisa put it back where she found it and didn't mention anything.
The following morning Amy and Ty were at the Hospital ready to meet there Twins.

Jack, Lisa, Lou and the girls were in the waiting area, Ty walked in.
"Would you like to come and meet the girls".
"Twin Girls, oh bless".
"Twins but totally different Lisa".
They walked in and saw two little bundles but when they looked in they were surprised, Baby one was Blonde with Blue eyes but Baby no 2 had Black hair and Emerald Green eyes, one of Amy and one of Ty. They were gorgeous.
Two days later and Amy was back home taking it easy, resting in bed due to her stitches Lisa and Ty were helping to look after the girls, Amy was breastfeeding and pumping as well so they could feed them in-between Amy feeding .
Two weeks later and Amy was up busy with her Daughter's, she still marvelled at how she grew these two beautiful little girls, Twins but so different, she'd also noticed that she could tell who was upset or crying, but now they had to think of names as they decided to wait until they met their daughters first.
Amy had thought of a Name for Daughter no 1 "Phillipa" meaning "Horse Lover".
For her other Daughter Amy thought of "Aileen" meaning " Bright Shinning Light".
Amy knew how much she loved those names, she Just hoped Ty liked them too.

When Ty got home he did what he always did and went straight to Amy and kissed her.
"Ty, I've found two names that I think fit the girls to a tee, and they have meanings".
Amy told Ty the names and there meanings and he loved them.
"There both beautiful names Amy, what about middle names".
"What do you think they should be Ty".
"Well how about our Mom's names, Marion and Lillian".
"Your brilliant Ty, how about Aileen Lillian Borden and Phillipa Marion Borden".
"Brilliant, we have two beautiful daughters with brilliant special names".
There naming Day was approaching, Lisa and Lou were working on what food to put on.
Saturday soon arrived, Amy and Ty had invited only family and very close friends to attend this important day, the Twins were dressed in identical outfits but went with their different hair colours beautifully. The day went well and the girls were spoilt.

That night in bed ,"Ty, would you help me to part exchange my Wheelchair tomorrow, it's restricting me quite a bit, especially in the kitchen, and I Don't think Grampa would appreciate me redesigning the kitchen as well".
"Yeah of course Love, what are you looking for".
"I need control over height".
"No problem, we'll go into Calgary tomorrow ".
"Thank you".
The following day they were were in Calgary, Lisa and Lou offered to look after the girls while they went to sort out her chair, there were all sorts of wheelchairs but Amy wanted one that would allow her to raise her height to get to the work surfaces, the salesman was very helpful and was in a chair himself so understood when Amy was explaining what she needed and took her straight to three different makes and models to look at.
Amy chose the one that had the highest lift and he did a good price on hers as part exchange.
Although Amy could move her legs somewhat minimal it was very tiring so relied on her chair more.
The new one had better steering, longer battery life, and allowed her to raise and lower her seat.

When they returned to Heartland she was showing and explaining the new features on the chair then went to see the Twins.
Later on, Lisa was preparing dinner and Amy was in the Lounge feeding the Twins.
Jack was reading his paper again, it usually took him all day, only reading it when he had a break.
Scott walked in to Maggie's and was surprised to see Tim who disappeared a few years ago to California.
"Hi Tim, long time no see".
"Oh hi Scott, what you doing here this time of day".
"Just thought I'd get some food before Ty finishes his shift and goes home, I'm covering the late shift tonight ".
"Should of got Ty to do it".
"Oh he's done the last 3 evenings so it's my turn tonight and tomorrow ".
"Oh right, hope you've been keeping my Amy busy fixing horses".
"Err, she doesn't work with Horses anymore Tim, not since the accident".
"What do you mean, how long ago did she stop helping horses".
"About 2 or 3 yrs ago, I thought you'd of known about it, mind you Amy's got her hands full with the Babies now, anyway I better get back and let Ty get home to her".
"Babies!!!!!!!! There still together ".
"Oh yes, and very much in Love".

Back at Heartland it was dinnertime and Ty walked in Just at the right time. Lisa had made everyone individual Chicken and Vegetable pies with potatoes and more veg with a nice thick gravy.
Amy and Ty now sat where Lisa and Lou used to sit as it was easier for Amy and if she needed anything Ty would go and get it, the girls were asleep at least for another hour.
"Amy, I hope you don't mind me bringing this up but when I was cleaning and hoovering the the room yesterday I found a drawing pad I thought was Katie's and when I looked I realised it wasn't hers".
"Oh, yeah, I was messing about with an Idea I had, I'll get it right eventually"..

To be continued

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