Chapter 23

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After 4 days in ICU Amy was responding well to the IV and the infected bites were starting to clear up, she was was feeling much better.
Normally she would of been taken out of ICU and put in her own room by now, but after the Email Lisa recieved it was decided by Jim, Jack and Lisa and the Hospital Administrator to keep her in the Locked ICU.
Amy noticed a new patient in the bed next to her, she was very pretty but didn't look that ill.
Amy noticed her name was Jane Doe and asked one of the nurses if she was badly hurt or ill.
"She was found unconscious and been robbed, so for now we don't have a name for her".
"Oh that's terrible".

Jim had been on to the Vancouver police regarding the information that Ty had sent Lisa.
Blair and Ty had Just finished breakfast when she got a message,
"Time to move Ty, let's go".
After an hours drive they arrived at a cattle Ranch,  Ty got out and opened the rear door as if to start moving the bricks into the sheds but Blair told him it's not his Job and go and start getting ready, he made sure one of the bricks dropped into the foot well as he'd seen Blair do the same thing three times, she pushed in front of Ty grabbed the blanket covering the goods and threw it in the foot well as usual but on top of the brick.
Ty walked off pleased that it had worked and went into the cattle shed.

When he was ready and Blair had finished bringing in the drugs he made a small incision in the steers side but only enough to put the drugs through,  when he'd finished he stitched it up and treated it and it was all done, then moved on to the next steer.
"That was quicker this time Ty, your getting good at this".
"I don't want to be good at it Blair, I want to go home, I'm fed up of being cooped up in this place, I'm going for a Lay down".
As soon as he got to his room he sent a code word that they'd pre arranged to say it was done. Then he sent another one Just saying "Driving shopping".
When he finished he deleted everything

Back at Heartland it was Just Jack and Lisa when she got a message from Jim with two smiley faces.
"Well Lisa, I knew we hadn't lost our Ty".
"Well he was certainly convincing enough,  it must of been hard not to say anything to Amy, I feel so sorry for her".
"Maybe you could visit her and show her the email so she knows".
"I think it will add a lot of worry to her, knowing Ty's in a difficult situation Jack".
"Mmm, maybe better she doesn't know".

Jim had phoned Vancouver and things were moving quietly, Ty was in the apartment as usual being watched by one of a handful of guys, he thought he'd seen him before but wasn't sure.
Ty was watching him out the corner of his eye, he looked worried,  uncomfortable and sweaty.
"Are you okay, you don't look good".
"She's late, where is she".
"Why you asking me ,I'm hear with you, try phoning her or something".
"No you tell me where she is".
He then made a phone call and a video opened up, "show me " the camera swung round and there was Amy in bed sleeping, he showed Ty, "tell me where Blairs gone or I tell him to kill your wife".
"Hey No, how am I supposed to know why she's late".
Just then the door opened and Blair walked in with shopping.
"What the hell's going on here".
Ty answered.  "This nut Job was about to order Amy's death because you were late, that's what's going on Blair, he's Crazy ".
"Jed, get out, she's our Leverage and you kill her and the boss will kill you, hear me".
He walks out and slams the door.
Blair could see how rattled Ty was.
"I'm sorry Ty, I won't be having him watch you again, I promise ".
"What took so Long, shopping queues".
"Yeah, it was really busy today".
Ty had no Idea how long they were going to keep him and he hated it, he Just wanted to get back home to Heartland.
One thing he couldn't work out was why he was allowed to keep his Phone, were they so sure of there threats against Amy that they were sure he wouldn't do anything stupid, he was was glad he was being cautious and deleting anything that could point the finger at him.

Another 3 days went by without incident, and everyone concerned decided Amy could go home where they'd have to watch her from a distance instead of outside the door.
Lisa and Jack had already talked about security and asked Jim for advice on who to use, they needed to be armed because it came to light that it was an American Cartel that was in charge of the operation which worried them because it put Ty in more danger, Jim explained that they needed to do a lot more investigation as to who and how many were part of it. The DEA was involved as well as the FBI as it was Americans pulling the strings.
They still needed Blair as the trigger but didn't want to arrest her Just yet.

Amy was brought home and they were all in the house sat in the Lounge having drinks.
Lou walks in and gives Amy a big hug.
"What's with all the Armed men out there Grampa".
"Well, as we now have armed Guards on Heartland you'd better both have a seat and we'll explain what's going on".
Jack and Lisa explained to Amy that Ty Never ever cheated on her and went into the reasons, they let her read the Email he sent also.
Then Lisa explained about the Security and how Ty was trying to protect her the way he's always does.
Amy broke down because she was ashamed of doubting his love for her.

To be continued

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