Chapter 5

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The Doctor and a couple of Nurses ran to Amy's room and couldn't believe what they were seeing in front of them , Amy was laying on top of Ty with blood all over her back on her Left chest area and they could see the same on Ty's chest on his Right hand side, the Doctor looked up and saw the bullet hole in the window.
"Everyone, stay out of reach of the window, the've been shot, do what you can and I'll phone for help.
Then he went to the nearest phone and called A & E for a Trauma team for two shooting victims and to get the police.

The Trauma Team were there very quickly,  Amy was the worst hit and rushed straight to theatre for emergency Surgery.  Ty was also rushed to theatre not far behind Amy.
The police arrived and spoke to the Doctor and he explained everything to them including the guy who tried to get in pretending to be Jack, they thankfully had footage of him entering the Hospital and standing at The Locked Unit reception.
The police then tried to figure where the gunman would of been standing to take the shot.

Jack, Lisa, Lou, Peter, Tim and Katie and Georgie were having Dinner when the Phone rang, Lou got up and answered the phone, Lou was listening  and Jack saw her looking at the two empty Chairs where Amy and Ty would normally sit, he saw tears in her eye's then she hung up the phone.
"Lou whats wrong".
Lou walked back in towards the Dinner Table.
"Tim looked up. "I wouldn't worry Jack , if it was important Lou would of bent our ears by now wouldn't you Lou".
Jack was watching her as she looked at the chairs again then quick as a flash she swung her head to look at her father.
Slowly Jack followed where Lou was heading  straight for Tim.
"Whats up Lou, you've been acting weird since the phone call, someone die Lou. She looked at him then ,,,,,
"Remember when you came in after beating up Ahmed and then Lisa told you that you'd put Amy In grave danger".
"Yes, If you remember I said what could he do about it"
"Well that was the Hospital and a sniper Just Shot Amy and Ty through the room window, both are critical and both are in surgery, the high powered bullet went through Amy's chest and through Ty's chest".
Lou was about to go back to her chair when she turned round and slapped Tim as hard as she could,  then she walked back to her room. " come on girls lets go to the Hospital ".
"Think we'll go to Jack, let's get ready".

Tim Just sat there, his head was spinning,  twice now he'd put his youngest daughter in harms way.
He thought to himself that he shouldn't have come back, would his next mess up actually kill her, he couldn't live with that . There was no guarantee she would survive this time, he needed to stay away.

The family arrived at the Hospital and Lou booked in at reception, then she was told to take a seat and the Doctors  would be informed.
They all sat down and noticed a large police presence.
Jack had his head in his hands ,
"I can't believe this is the second time Tim has put Amy in danger and now included Ty too".
Everyone was quiet and Just sat waiting.

A Doctor came through the doors but who's Doctor was it.
"Tyler Borden" the Doctor shouted,  everyone put there hands up.
He came over grabbing a chair and sat in the middle facing them.
"Hello, I'm Dr Gilbert, Mr Borden is in recovery and the Operation went very well, now from what we've managed to find out from the Staff where Miss Fleming was staying was that Mr Borden had spoken to his fiancee and a member of staff saw them hugging and Kissing when the bullet came through the window hitting Amy in the Left side and went through into Mr Bordens Right hand side, he's  doing okay , but as for your Granddaughter, the bullet went in missing her heart by Just 6cm but did nick an artery which we eventually were able to seal, she did lose a lot of blood, she's still in surgery and should be in recovery within the next 30 minutes,  I'll  update you a little later".
"Will they Survive Doctor,".
" I'll  be honest, Mr Borden will be fine and out after a couple of weeks,  as for Miss Fleming its 60/40 on her pulling through at the moment,  we will see how she recovers and we will keep you notified,  I'll let you know when you can see Mr borden".
" Thank you ".

A short while later the Doctor comes in and tells them that Ty is still in recovery but they can go see him.
They'd been there for about half an hour and he was starting to come around when they see them wheeling in another patient from surgery with loads of wires all hooked up , Lou then realises that it's Amy, Just as there starting to move Amy's bed into place Amy Flatlines.
The family watch in horror as there doing CPR and setting up the shock pads, the heart monitor is still a continuous beep, eventually they hear the Doctor shout to get her back to the OR, and then there rushing Amy back with a Doctor kneeling over her doing CPR compressions.

To be continued

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