Chapter 26

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When Lou got home she sat down with Jack and Lisa and told them she'd spoken to Amy and how she was sorry for her attitude and comments regarding that morning. Lou went on about how she was building her own house which she could of done some time ago.
Peter was also going to help because he felt Quilty for not actually giving them a roof over there head's which made Lou suddenly see her ex in a different way.

Saturday soon rolled around and everyone was inside, the chores were done and everyone was sat in the Lounge watching TV which they hardly ever did.
They were watching the news and weather reports along with long range forecasts for the coming winter which was a few months away, but they were expecting the winters to get colder and worse due to Sun Spot activity or something like that.
"What a load of BS. We've always had bad winters up here".
"That's true Grampa, we have".
"Anyone for Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows".
Everyone answered yes to Lisa's question.

When everyone was sat again Lou produced a detailed floor plan of the Ranch House.
"Right, Amy, Ty, Grampa here's the plan of the house, Amy asked me if I had any Ideas and I do , but there Just Ideas you can think about.
Mum's old Room where Katie is sleeping is the biggest Room and I think you and Ty should move into that one, you'll have more room with your wheelchair, plus you could build your Ensuite off the side where you already have a door to the outside.
Make it as big as Mum's Room because you like a good soak Amy and a shower, so a Two person size bath
(wink wink), a wheel in shower with Grab rails and folding seat, and Two sinks at different levels . Leaving our old rooms for the baby's, what does everyone think about that".
" Lou, you should of taken up Designing, I like it".
"Thank you Grandma".
"Yep ,it's logical, what you two think about it".
"When can we start".
"Thanks Lou, good suggestion, as Amy said when can we start".
They all laughed and Jack was watching Amy closely, he could see that spark in her eyes again.
"Well the contractor said our place should be up in a week and two weeks after we can move in, when they've connected electricity and water, plus Cess pit.
Oh, something for you two to consider, Peter's been really helpful and he's been following this thing about Lack of Sun Spots, he seems to understand it, says its nothing to do with global warming but is a Cycle that the Sun and Earth go through every so often, so our winters could get worse for a few years until the Sun get spots again.
Anyway I transgress, he suggested we not just rely on the Log fire, we have a boiler fitted with outside Flue and the Natural Gas Tank situated at the correct distance from the house.
You could have a Boiler fitted in the bathroom and radiators in All the bedrooms and your bathroom ".
"With the babies only going to be about Three Months old come winter, I like that Idea Lou".
"Actually Lou I very impressed, but I can't afford all that".
"Jack, you know full well you could".
"Lisa, I need these adaptions so we will be paying for it, that's why I was awarded it".
"You mean you'll be paying for it".
"TY!!!, Don't start that again".

"I have a few Ideas of my own but not for the house ".
"What ideas Amy".
"Well Grampa they can convert a RAM Truck so the whole drivers side including the rear door raises up and lifts me and my chair into the Drivers space, so that's my first job, I need to be able to drive".
"That would be helpful".

The following day Ty and Amy were laying in bed talking about the adaptions when Ty goes quiet suddenly.
"What's  up love, you've gone quiet".
"Nothing, Just thinking about an idea that came to me last night".
"Come on then, spill".
"Well, the chair is fine when your out and in the house when your Legs get tired, but on the Ranch it's difficult for you, plus if there right about the winters your going to need something far more substantial so I thought if you, sorry I mean we can afford it we should get you an ATV that's adapted".
"That sounds a good Idea,  how far adapted"
"Well ,Automatic, same as the truck but with two extra Low Gears, number 1 would move very slow to pull you out of a large pot hole or deep hole, and number 2 would be a bit faster for very deep snow".
"I like it when you come up with idea's like that Dr Borden,  I find it rather sexy".
Ty and Amy never made it to Breakfast,  they had it in bed instead.
Later on they went looking for Amy's Truck and an ATV.
"There's one little problem with the ATV Ty, the Quonset Hut is to far away".
"I've already thought about that, you need it as close to the Porch decking as possible".
"In Hand my Love".
"Thank you Ty".

Two weeks later and Amy went for her 7 month scan which was fine, Amy was okay as well.
Lou was finally moving in to her new home and Peter was there to help along with the girls.
Amy's Truck and the ATV were on order, Ty had drawn up some plans to change the temporary ramp to go out towards the main path instead of off the end of the main porch, and was going to build a lean to shed up against the outside wall of the Mud Room with a door to keep the rain and snow out, he would build it on Leg's so it would be the same height as the porch to keep the ATV in.
Jack said he'd help with that little project.
Everything was starting to come together.

To be continued

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