Chapter 29

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They'd had lunch and Ty had gone back to work. Amy and Lisa were off to the park and Lou had put a picnic together for them for later on, she was in on the plan with Lisa to get Amy out and doing something as they had both noticed her depression was creeping back in.
They knew it was hard for her not being able to work with Horses even though she went for short Trail rides on Spartan she couldn't stay in a saddle for long like she used to.
So they needed to help her find something else she was good at that she'd be able to do safely, and Jack had remembered something from Amy's childhood that she absolutely loved and was very good at it, she Just needed to be reminded about it one way or another,  so he'd already sowed that seed in her head. Whether she'd remember or not he wasn't sure.

Jack had gone to speak with his Ranch hands who were doing everything he used to do until he retired last year at 70 yrs old, apart from his Heart Attack  and his Arthritis he was pretty healthy but Lisa had told him to slow down or stop as she wanted him around much longer, if he carried on trying to work that wouldn't happen.

Amy and Lisa were having fun with the Twins and Lisa noticed how much better Amy was looking. The twins were quite early for crawling at 5 months of age but according to Lou they can do it between 4 and 7 months. So having Lisa with her was a big help for going after them if they wondered to far. Amy then remembered that she wanted some photos not Just for there photo Album but for Photo Frames.
She got her phone out and got her camera ready, when she thought something would look good she took a shot, as time moved forward she was getting more into it and her mindset changed as she concentrated on watching the Girls and taking photos.
They had there picnic late and both fed the girls who were now on bottles.
They packed up eventually after having admirers of the girls and a few friends they saw.
Amy still got funny looks, but not because she was in a Wheelchair, it was  because of the Baby Pods, maybe they hadn't seen something like that before.

On their way back Lisa asked Amy if she could look at the photos she took.
"Yes of course, here tell me what you think".
Amy carried on driving while Lisa looked at them.
"Oh Amy, these are beautiful pictures you took".
"Well there not bad for a phones Camera, the've improved so much, but I don't think you can beat a DSLR camera with interchangeable Lenses and filters".
"You seem to know a lot about photography,  I've never seen you with a camera in your hand".
"Well when I was about 11 or 12 years old,  mum bought me a camera and I took a lot of photos and learnt from the mistakes I made,  sometimes it took more than once and I read up on it, I forgot how much I enjoyed it actually".
"So why did you stop".
"Well we had the crash and It was 50/50 as to whether I would survive and Mum died, then eventually when I was feeling much better I got my camera back out and went for long Trail rides  but then Dad showed up wanting me to fix horses which I refused to do,  I tried showing him my photo's but he wasn't interested,  then one day out the blue he asked if he could borrow my camera.
Of course I said No, if he couldn't be interested in the photo's I took then I wasn't going to let him use my
camera ".
"So do you still have it".
"No, My Dad crept into the house and took the bag with everything in it, Camera, Lenses, filters, I told Grampa what he must of done,  so Grampa asked him to give them back to me the following day.
He tried to deny it but  someone saw him because he knew what my camera bag looked like and retrieved it from under the river bridge. He brought it back and told Grampa what he saw Dad do, throwing it in the river but it was all ruined and we couldn't afford to replace it so I ended up working with Horses".
"Your Dad got away with it".
"No chance, Grampa had already reported it to the police so when Dad refused to replace it all, he told them who took it and where the eyewitness lived".
"What happened to Tim".
Grampa wouldn't tell me but Dad disappeared for a year then came back a day after my 16th birthday and you already know what's been happening since then".
"Well I think you should take it up again because your amazing Amy".
"Thanks Grandma".

When they got back Amy showed Grampa who was also impressed.
Even Ty was blown away by how she captured the brightness of their Blue and Green eyes.
After Dinner Amy and Ty gave the twins there bath and all that fresh air knocked them straight out into dream world.
Amy started to do some research into what she'd need equipment wise and looked at some professional sites, then what sort of Computer and software,  making a list of everything.
"I've not seen her so excited about something for such a long time".
"We know Ty, I still have her photo Album somewhere,  I'll have a look for it tomorrow and you will be amazed. Marion was".
Amy decided to look to the future in about another 10 years which would make the Twins 10 yrs old and possibly one more baby when they reach 6yrs old making the youngest 4, and building Her own Studio.

Today had brought back memories and Just how much she loved creating things Just from using a camera.

To be continued

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