Chapter 3

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Lisa was looking at the bathroom door then the clock, when Lou's phone rang.
"Hello Dr Virani ".
"Hi Lou, the blood tests came back positive for drugs, there trying to identify what they are, they think they may have been made to order,  I'll  keep you informed ".
"Thank you".

"Lou, Amy's been in there an awfully long time don't you think".
"Yes she has". Lou rushed over to the door but found it locked,  "Amy, please unlock the door ". There was no answer so shoved her shoulder against the door which opened on the first try. Lou found Amy slumped inside the bath and an empty pill bottle,  Lou thought she may try something stupid but not yet and she had checked her room but forgot about the bathroom cupboard,  she checked her pulse then asked Lisa who was at the bathroom door by now to call an Ambulance for an OD.

At the exact same time Tim walked in and found himself suddenly laying on the floor holding his Jaw.
"Owww, what the hell was that for".
"Where the hell have you been".
"Moose Jaw ".
"Did you forget your Daughter was coming home".
"Oh, was that today or tomorrow and what's going on in the bathroom".
"Well let's see shall we".
Jack walked Tim over there,( is Amy decent Lou), "yes Grampa ".  "Here Tim have a look at your your Daughter who Just took an OD".
"What she do that for, I thought they looked cute as a couple in that video".
"What Video would that be Tim".
"Did I say Video,  sorry I meant Photo".
"What photo would that be Tim".
"Err, oh it doesn't matter is she going to be alright".
"I don't know if she'll ever be alright again Tim,  between what you and that S.O.B Prince have done to her".

Just then the Paramedics arrived and Jack pointed to the bathroom.
"What do you mean, what Ahmed did to her".
Jack was about to answer Tim when the Paramedics came towards the kitchen with Amy on a gurney,  oxygen mask and a heart monitor beeping away.
"I'm going with her Grampa and Lisa's going to follow to Hudson General ".
Jack nodded.
"Sit Tim we need a chat and to bring you up to date on things"
Tim sat down as Jack brought two coffees to the Table,  Jack noticed the slight smirk on Tim's face.
"What's the smirk for Tim".
"Well my plan worked to split Amy and Ty up, but why she'd take an OD because of him I don't understand ".
"Your as bad as Ahmed you Son of a bitch,  she didn't do it because of Ty.
I can't believe you'd make it look like Amy cheated on Ty, your own daughter because we both know she wouldn't do that to him, you really think Ahmed would be better for Amy instead of Ty".
"Yes I do, he has the money to make her go as far as she wants".
"That's not what he wanted her for, he wanted her to only work with his horses, and Ty wouldn't of Drugged her for about two months or rendered her unconscious so he could Rape her multiple times. They, Ty and Amy were refraining from sexual activity until there wedding night,  but that S.O.B took hers away from her and so she wouldn't know he put a fake bandage on her head and kept her unconscious for two weeks while she healed. He did it again and again Tim, that video you put up shows Ahmed kissing her although he had her drugged and she doesn't even remember it. She Took the OD because you uploaded the video, she felt betrayed by you, your the one who convinced her to go to Europe even though she was having second thoughts about it.
And one more thing, you broke up their relationship, she Loved Ty with all her heart, now I'm off to the hospital".

Tim sat there trying to understand what he'd done, he pressured her to go with Ahmed thinking he was great and Rich but he got that wrong.
Then put that video on and didn't know Amy was Drugged so had no idea what she was doing,  Now the Prince had raped his daughter and he'd broken Her and Ty up. He had to try and fix this.

At the Hospital Amy was coming around,  the Paramedics had injected Amy with a reversal drug at Heartland and  now in A & E she was being monitored.  The Doctor on duty was asking Jack if Amy was a Danger to herself so Jack had to tell him what had happened to his Granddaughter,  given what he heard he decided to section Amy for a couple of weeks to start with where she could speak to someone  about what she'd learnt happened and help her get through this without any danger to herself.
Jack went back and put Lisa and Lou in the picture  telling them it wasn't long term Just a couple of weeks or more if they feel she needs it.
They made the excuse of her having to stay in overnight so went to tell her they love her and assure her that she mustn't blame herself or think she did anything wrong and the person to blame is the Prince and unfortunately her father,  but she must realise that Tim was also misled by Ahmed.
After they left the Doctor injected something into her IV while she was dozing.

The following day Tim's first port of call was to see Ty. He knocked on the door to the Trailer and Ty opened the door,  he could see how upset Ty was but Ty didn't know yet what had happened to his fiancee.
"Hello Ty, can I come in and talk to you".
"I don't really feel like talking about Amy thanks Tim".
"Well I need to apologise to you Ty because you were right and I was wrong, I thought he was a decent bloke, but after what I've found out I Just want to Kill him".
"Well that makes two of us Tim".
"Please Ty don't take this out on Amy, she's completely gone over the edge and I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but she's been Sectioned for a while ".
"What!!!, why what happened to her".
"I think it was my fault Ty, we didn't know she'd woken up and was on her way to the bathroom when she heard that it was me, her own father who betrayed her,  I put the Video on line but I didn't know she was drugged or that he'd kept her drugged for 4 months and increased the dosage when he wanted her. I'm so sorry Ty, I've ruined everything for you and Amy and knowing what he did to her, I know now, that he didn't have any feelings for her, he only wanted her for one thing that she wouldn't give him so he had to drug her to get it,  I mean she  wanted to stay a virgin for a reason and that was you Ty, that's how much she loved you and I never even gave it a thought".
"So Tim why's Amy been Sectioned ".
"Well she didn't know what he'd done till she saw the Doctor,  she thinks she's completely lost you, then when she found out what I'd done, she took an  OD of her medication to kill herself, and Lou said the Blood test's from when she went to see Dr Virani came back positive for drugs but think it was made to order".
"Is she okay Tim".
"I don't know Ty, Jack Just said they gave her a reversal injection and not knowing whether she would try again they kept her in and she's going to have counselling , that's all I know".
"Okay, thanks for coming over Tim".

To be continued

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