Chapter 21

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As they were driving home Lisa noticed Amy looked Comatose but she wasn't, she's thinking about the news she got off Dr Virani.
*How am I going to manage, yes I have my Family but I can't expect them to be there all the time, I need my Husband to come home, yeah right as if he'll leave her, what the hell happened to him to go from loving me to cheating on me, especially with her. I was right the first time. I know, I'll phone up the Landlady tomorrow.
I could get a Nanny if I want but Grandpa won't let her live in the house because there's no room. No room because Lou won't move out, I'm  going to have to move out. Why is it always me. Mum promised me the house not Lou*
"Oh,  sorry Lisa I was miles away".
"I noticed sweetheart, what are you going to tell everyone when we get home".
"Nothing , yet anyway".
"That injection has made me really tired, I Just want to sleep Lisa".
"Okay  Just go to your room when we get back, I won't say anything other than everything is okay but you have Sepsis. Does that sound okay".
"Yes, Thank you for everything you do for me Grandma".
"That's what Family is for sweetheart".

They arrived back at Heartland and when Lisa pulled up Jack was there waiting with her chair next to the car.
"Your spoiling me Grampa,thank you".
"Well someone has too".
Amy pulled him down and kissed his Cheek, "I Love you Grampa".
"I love you too sweetheart ".
"You go to your room Amy".
"Thank you, and please explain Everything to Grampa, even the scan results".
"Are you sure Amy".
"Yes Grandma,  thank you".
Amy went in the house and it was thankfully empty so went to her room.
"Your so good to her Lisa, thank you".
"Jack, I think of Amy as my own Daughter, the one I never got to have even though she calls me Grandma ".
Jack pulled Lisa towards him and kissed her.
Sat on the swing on the porch Lisa explained what happened at the doctors to Jack.
"So the baby's okay, it was Just a glitch, thank goodness for that".
"You mean the Babies are fine Jack, Fraternal Twins, two eggs released at the same time and fertilised at the same time, separate sacks etc.".
"Sheesh, how's she going to cope with Twins Lisa".
"Well In the car she was saying how they thought all those zeroes could make up for what she's lost,  but I explained it's  more of a Sorry this happened and we hope this money will help you in your future".
"That's a good way of thinking about it".

Lou walks up the path after being down the Dude Ranch seeing Jack and Lisa on the porch.
"Well that's the Dude Ranch finished for today, where's Amy inside".
"Probably fast asleep by now Lou, you were right about keeping an eye on those bites, she has Sepsis from about four of them, Dr Virani gave her an injection and she's on Antibiotics for 10 days".
"Oh no, what about the Doctors".
"She's 3 months pregnant and everything is fine ".
"Can't believe I'm going to be an Auntie".
"Well at least she's got time to sort things out".
"True Grampa, but she should have her Husband with her".
"I'm still hoping The Ty we know will come back, hopefully ".
"Depends if she's still got her claws in him, hopefully she ran off with someone else ".
"I can't understand what happened to him Grampa".
"I think Lisa may have a thought on that, don't you".
"Yes I do actually, and it goes way back to the original reason he left the first time".
"No Way, he's still nursing that, I would of thought he'd of left that way behind,  after all it happened to Amy not him, maybe he needs professional help to get passed it".
"What he needs is me kicking his arse all the way to Montana".
"How did Amy do with her letter".
"That's Amy's business Lou, she hasn't told us anything about it or how much, so please leave it alone before you cause another rift between you two. Your like a dog with a bone".

In Vancouver the Newspapers had picked up on the Medical Malpractice Court Ruling and it was all over the front of the Paper.
"Hey Ty, you need to get back with Amy for a while before you divorce her".
"What you on about Divorce, I haven't said anything about divorcing her".
"Your married to a millionairess Ty, she's got Millions".
Ty picked up the Paper and read through it, noticing that they'd used a much younger photo of Amy which he remembered when she was 20.
"This Money is hers, she was the one who could of died and almost did especially after that butcher operated on her while he was pissed, this compensation is for the rest of her life".
"But imagine what we could do with half of what she got Ty".
"NO, I wouldn't do that to her, you know dam well I wouldn't".
Ty's phone rang, so he answered and walked away, "Hey Caleb how you doing man".

A while later Ty comes back in and sits down deep in thought.
"What's wrong".
"Amy, she was having a really good day and apparently went out by the pond picking wild Flowers, the wheelchair went down on one side and tipped over,  she ended up in the Pond".
"Well as her husband you'll get all her money".
"What,, she's not dead Blair, she managed to crawl out part of the way, thankfully she didn't slide back in, but she was bitten by about a dozen Leeches and now she has Sepsis so she's on Antibiotics. But the shocker is she's probably 99% Pregnant ".
"WHAT,,,, and how the hell did that happen,  you told me you and her weren't doing anything Ty, I told you I wasn't going to share you with her even if she is your god dam wife".
"That's the thing Blair, as you keep saying, she is my wife, and she knew the best time to get me, like 4.30 in a morning".
"Scheming little bitch, she did it on purpose".
"She did it because she wanted to feel close to me, Amy was screaming out for attention and kept trying to show me, but I kept pushing her away because of you".
"So while you were asleep with ya morning glory , she got you to make love to her and ended up pregnant".


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