Chapter 18

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Jack appeared Seconds after Amy had said her last sentence.
"He must be Grampa, because apart from the last three days he's been no where near me, unless he's doing it in his sleep".
"It's true Jack, I've seen Amy trying to get some attention or reaction from him and it's like he doesn't want to touch her, if Amy makes a move to hold his hand he pulls away,  his own wife, and I think I know the reason".
"I know the reason Grandma, and it makes me sick to think of him being so shallow minded which I thought he wasn't capable of being or he's been talking to certain people who have been putting crap in his head".
"Lou, Grandma, has anyone been around,  you know in town or whatever".
Lou and Lisa suddenly look at each other.
"What, come on you two out with it".
"Do you remember after he came back you spent a lot of time in your Lounger on the grass under the Umbrella".
"Yes, I remember ".
Lou and Lisa then told her about Blairs visit.
"Do we have Ty's address for when he was in Vancouver ".
" Yes, in the address book, why".
"Just an idea I'm having ".

"What was that other thing Ty said about Jack killing him"
"Ha ha ha, when things started to click he turned round and said that we hadn't used any protection and said Jacks going to kill me, so I told him it doesn't matter because we're married and we're Husband and Wife so what's he going to do about it".
Lou and Lisa looked at each other then Jack and they all started Laughing even Amy.
"So is this what it's all about Amy, you getting pregnant".
"No Lou, yes it would be nice to get something out of this marriage but it was more the being wanted and being made Love too".

When Amy had finished breakfast she grabbed the address book and went back to her room. An hour later she came back into the Kitchen .
"Well things are making more sense now,  Blair never fell for the gone to Mongolia trip".
"Why not sweetheart ".
Because when Ty came back from Vancouver he'd been living with Blair, The landlady said that Blair left for about 4 weeks then returned,  then she left again about 6 months ago  but someone is paying the rent to keep the apartment".
"So when she left the first time must of been when she came here looking for Ty".
"Yes Lou".

Grampa, Lou , Grandma, are any of you available for an hour later on".
" I'm available after 11am Amy ".
"Thank you Grandma ".
"Arghhhh, this is driving me mad".
"What is Amy".
"It's like a tingling sensation in my legs".
"Really Amy ".
"Yeahhh ".
Later the phone rang and it was Scott in a foul mood because Ty had disappeared again.
"Ready for a little trip Grandma".
They set off and Lisa asked Amy where to first, "let's try the out of town motels etc first grandma".
"Ahh fact finding mission".
By sheer luck they pulled into the first one and found Ty's truck, Amy takes a photo of Ty's truck in front of one of the Rooms, then unexpectedly Ty and Blair walk out arm in arm, so takes another photo then bursts into tears.
"We can go home now Grandma,  thank you".
Through her tears Amy sends Scott a text telling him where Ty is and who he's with.

Ty is in the Motels Dinner with Blair when in walks Scott with Tim, although Tim  stays away from Amy he's still her Father and when her husband is cheating on her he deals out the punishment.
Suddenly Ty see's someone Sit beside him and makes a loud swallowing sound, then he see's Scott push Blair across the seat.
"Amy thought you were getting practice in with someone,  cus your not giving it to her and she Just happens to be my Daughter and YOUR  WIFE. Ty".
Tim remembers Blair very well from the trouble she caused last time.
"So how much is she charging you".
"I don't charge my boyfriend ".
"Pft, Boyfriend,  He's Married Blair, to my Daughter".
"Yeahhh I know".
"Ahh right, but you charge everyone else then".
"What,,, I don't charge anyone".
"Well you might want to start, because your staying away from my Daughter's Husband unless you want to stand in front of a Judge for Soliciting your services, and You will stay away from her and concentrate on your marriage unless you want to do the same except for you it will be obtaining money from being a pimp".
"You have no proof of either Tim.
"True, but very easy to get".
Scott then looks at Ty,
"I'm sorry Ty but this is the umpteenth time this has happened and always followed by Lies. Our partnership is finished under clause 7b if you want to look it up. Grab your stuff and get out of my clinic".
Tim carefully and precisely punches Ty in the stomach winding him.
Get home to your wife or dissappear for good with this Tart".

They got up and walk over to the door  and vanished.

Ty arrives back at Heartland and walks in , not seeing Amy he walks straight into the Bedroom.
"Oh finally, (Amy swings her wheelchair round to look at him ) How's Blair, did you get plenty of practice in".
"What are you on about Amy".
"We saw you both this morning and your Truck, here have a look at the photos". Amy shows Ty the two she has, his Truck and himself and Blair.
"Photo's don't lie Ty".
"Okay, but did you have to send Tim and Scott".
"I didn't send him, I Just told Scott where you were because he kept sending me messages, maybe my Dad was already there".
"Maybe ".
"So what are you going to do Ty, you could of told me you shacked up with Blair in Vancouver and was screwing her".
"I didn't think she'd follow me when I said I was coming back".
"Oh , is it because of her that you won't touch me or kiss me or even make Love to me, I could of made a bet on her following you here Ty".
"No, nothing to do with her at all".
"Okay ,so let's hear the truth of why YOU have been pushing me away Ty, even the times where I've tried to make a connection to you, You're the one that keeps pushing ME away Ty.
What's wrong, can't think of anything off the top of your head.
Why did you even bother coming back Ty, why bother to ask me to Marry you if it's Blair you want, was it quilt,  since we got married two years ago I can count on both hands  how many times you've made Love to me, I know a lot of that time I was ill, but you still didn't Try, and not at all in the last 12 months either".
Amy was folding clothes while talking to him and putting them in a Holdall,  she threw it by his feet then this time said it to him, "We need a break, go back to Blair and make a real decision  on who you want and stick to it."

To be continued

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