Chapter 4

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The following day Ty turned up at Heartland, he'd hardly slept last night, he Just kept bursting into tears.
He walked in and saw Lou and Lisa and stood there staring at the floor.
"Are you Okay Ty".
Ty shook his head and looked up, Lisa saw the tears in his eye's and walked over to him, she wrapped him in a hug and he quietly cried. Eventually he pulled himself together.
"Thanks Lisa".
"So have you made a decision about you and Amy".
"No decision to be made Lou, Amy's my Fiancée and she needs me, I admit I blamed her to start with for going, then I realised there's only two people to blame for this Lou, your Dad for pressuring her into going when she'd more or less decided not to go because I didn't trust Ahmed, and Ahmed himself because he only wanted Amy away from her family so he could use her for some sick fantasies he has of using women for his own amusement and pleasure ".
"Actually Ty Lisa got in touch with someone she knows of to check up on Ahmed".
"What did you find Lisa".
"Some very disturbing news Ty, this isn't the first time he's done this".
"Can Ahmed get to her where she is because if the Police are involved who knows what he may try".
Lou looks at Ty then Lisa.
"I'll phone them and tell them only 4 people are allowed to see her".
Lou phones the Locked Unit and speaks to the Doctor who's in charge, he already knows what happened and when Lou explains there worries about Ahmed trying to see her the doctor assures her that only the four names will be allowed he also asks that she sends photos of those allowed to there email address so they can attach them to her file. Lou asks how Amy is and the Doctor says she keeps asking for Ty so if he could visit that would be good because she thinks he doesn't want her anymore. Lou thanks him and says she'll arrange something.
"Right ,we need to send photos of ourselves for Amy's file, they have our names but if Ahmed turns up and says he's Ty or Jack they have no photo's to prove otherwise".
Lou takes Ty's and Lisa's photo's then Lisa takes Lou's Just as Jack walks in, Lisa tells him to smile and before he can do anything she has his photo too.
Lou then emails them immediately to the Doctor.
"Ty, apparently Amy's been asking for you, she thinks it's all over between you, will you go see her".
"Of course I will, I came here to ask if I could go see her".
Jack looks confused so Lou explains about Ty's concerns about Ahmed visiting Amy now the police are involved.
Lou phones the unit again to see if Ty can stop by to see Amy or if he needs an appointment, the receptionist quickly asks someone then tells Lou he can Just call in. Ty decides to go see Amy later in the Afternoon after he's finished with classes at University.

Tim was on the warpath for Ahmed and turns up at Hill Hurst Stables to see if he's there.
He's walking round when he see's him and heads straight to him.
"Tim, nice to see you".
Tims fist hit Ahmed Square on the chin sending him flying, as he got up..
"Thats for Drugging Amy and Rapeing her you S.O.B.".
"Look Tim, I dont know what she's been saying but she was willing ".
"Well the blood tests and medical check up prove otherwise " Then Tim hits him again.
" I think I'll press charges Tim".
"Yeah you do that, I think Amy's pressing charges against you anyway. They'll be interested in what I have to tell them for there investigation on you Too".
Tim leaves then Ahmed calls one of his security team speaking quietly to him, he nods at the Prince and walks out.
A while later the Prince receives a message that Amy's in a locked unit and her room number. Ahmed makes another call gives the information and then says two words "Kill her".

Tim arrives at Heartland and walks in shaking his hand.
"What have you done to your hand Tim".
"Hi Lisa, Went to have words with the Prince, punched him on the chin for what he did to Amy, drugging her etc.
Then punched him again".

"You don't change do you, you've put Amy in terrible danger ".
"What's he going to do about it Lisa".
"He'll try to Kill Amy so she can't give evidence ".
"Really, he'd go that far".
"Yes he would Tim, none of the attacks went to court because he must of paid them off for their silence or threatened them".

Later that afternoon someone approached the reception Desk at the locked unit asking to see Amy Fleming, she asked his name and he said he was Jack Bartlett, she pulled up the photos to check as the way he looked she was expecting a foreign name "You'll have to give me a minute while I check with the Doctor ".
As she left she pressed the security button.
When she came back with the Doctor and security he was gone, the Doctor asked security to go check up on Amy Just in case, Amy was fine so he never got through.

When Ty had finished at University he made his way back to Hudson General to see Amy.
Tim was still at Heartland and worried about his daughter, Lou had phoned to forewarn them.
When she was told someone had already tried to see Amy and gave Jacks name she became very concerned, she explained that Ty was visiting later, the receptionist asked if they had his photo which Lou confirmed.

An hour passed and Ty turned up and booked in at reception who then checked Ty's photo. He was Taken through to see Amy, her door wasn't shut or locked only the ward doors were kept locked.
He was left Just outside her room so Ty stood in the doorway and saw her standing at the Window looking out.
Ty walked in and knocked on the door as he went in, Amy turned around and as soon as she saw him standing there her eyes filled up.
Ty Just looked and thought how beautiful she was, he held his arms out with a big smile and Just said 3 words"I LOVE YOU" ,Amy ran into his arms and he held her, he then put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up then gave her a meaningful kiss then told her that everything will be alright and apologised for his reaction as he was more in shock at what she'd been through. They kissed again then they heard glass shatter, Amy gasped and Ty did the same, he tried to hang on to Amy and managed to press the Alarm button, then they both collapsed in a heap on the floor.

To be continued

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