Chapter 30

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The following day it was Saturday morning and they'd had breakfast,  the Twins were crawling round the room investigating when Jack came in and handed Amy a Photo Album, she looked at it then it was like a Rush of memories exploded, Amy moved herself onto the sofa and turned her chair off incase the Twins tried to press something they shouldn't then opened the Album. Ty grabbed the Twins and placed them into the play pen then sat, he and Amy looked through it. Ty was really impressed by what he saw, so was Lisa, they could see the difference from when she was young right up to when she lost her Camera thanks to Tim.
Ty decided to encourage Amy to buy herself what she needs and to teach herself what she needs to learn using the Internet and videos on You Tube because he'd seen such enthusiasm in her and the Amy he loved was coming back, so that's what she did.


4 years later Amy was becoming a very professional photographer and she'd Just told Ty she was pregnant,  a year earlier to her plan but she didn't care, she was Happy, it just meant the baby would be a year older and would be in school when she reached that 10 year mark.
Ty was doing well too, he was now a 50/50 partner with Scott in the Clinic.
Unfortunately Amy's success also brought back her father's old ways as soon as he saw Amy making money and selling her photo's,  he started to try and interfere hoping he could make some money.
Amy heard through a friend that she'd seen some of her photos on another Website so contacted them as to why her photos were on their website. They of course wanted proof which she supplied as all her work was digitally watermarked and when they found out they removed the photos .
Amy then contacted a friend she'd made who was also a Photographer and explained what happened,  her friend came over and she showed Amy how to secure her website and photo's so no one could copy or download her work anymore.
Amy didn't know who did it but it won't be happening again.

Tim was looking up his account with the website but couldn't sign in so went into it as a guest and found the Photos had been deleted and so had his account. He emailed them and when he got a reply he wasn't happy, he was going to ask Amy what she was playing at then realised she doesn't know it was him, So he tries to do the same thing again but finds he can't copy or download this time.
Amy had been shown how to put a passkey on her computer and files, a good security programme and a Filing  Cabinet with electronic lock to keep printed photo's and paperwork in.

Jack was celebrating his 80th Birthday the same month that Jackson Tyler Borden was born giving Amy and Ty a son, the Twins were 5 years old now but Amy had seen a change in her Grampa's health as did Lisa.

3 Years later and Amy had the builders starting on her Studio which was on the left side of the house about 30ft from there Ensuite extension but a little further back.
She'd asked Grampa if she could use his old trucks as Props for Photoshoots  which he said was perfectly OK,  infact Amy had the best indoor and Outdoor props she'd ever need.
Bails of Hay, old trucks , A Barn ,Horses, Waterfalls on Trail rides, you name it.
She also had the best Landscapes,  Natural,  in Infra-red,  whatever she wanted.
Ty was so proud of her and they had fantastic photos of the children and Family photo's taken by a remote clicker.
Amy and Ty's love grew deeper and when she realised she had one more year to go to her 10 year plan it was totally blown when she found out she was pregnant.
"Amy what about your 10 year plan that you were talking about".
Then Amy did something he hadn't seen for a few years, she looked down into her lap holding her hands with a smile on her face Just like she used to do when she was 16 years old, and he loved it when she did it.
"Well one thing with photography is I can do it pregnant or not".
Ty told her how pleased he was but suggested it would be the last and Amy agreed that this little one would definitely be the last, but a nice surprise.

Amy's 10 year plan was here, a little different to what she thought in her head but everything was Just how she wanted it, thanks to Walter and Andy the two doctors who saved her life, so for the Grand opening of her Studio which she'd been working on inside for the last 3 years whenever she had time and Ty could help her with it she was ready. The lighting and other things she needed done was done by contractors.
Lisa and Lou put on the Buffet and and Amy not only had family and friends but a lot of people she'd got to know like the company who dealt with the Printing,  Website owner, others in Photography, and of course she didn't forget to invite Walter and Andy.
They cut the Ribbon and she also had a magazine there thanks to Lou who arranged it so Amy could tell the Story of how all this came about, the children were on their best behavior , she also announced that she was expecting much to the families delight.
While Amy, Ty, Lou, Jack and Lisa were all talking ,the Reporter came up to tell Amy that it was nice to see she had her Father acting as her Agent.
Amy was left open mouthed so Ty asked her what made her think that as Amy represented herself.
She showed them his card that he gave her which he'd obviously got printed, the family quickly put her right on that subject.
Amy to the family's surprise got the microphone and called everyone to her attention, she then explained that she doesn't have or need an Agent and anyone whose been going round saying there her Agent is a Con Artist and to destroy there business cards.
Tim went bright red when everyone turned to look at him, then Jack took the microphone and banned him from ever setting foot on Heartland property asking two very well built gentleman to escort him off the premises.
After that the buffet was served and Amy's display room was opened up by pulling four sliding panels open so everyone could see her collection of new photographs she'd been working on, everyone was impressed,  she had a natural flare for the way she captured and represented her work.
7 months later Amy had a little boy again which to her and Ty was perfect,  2 Girls and 2 Boys, they weren't sure of a Name then Amy asked Ty if Thomas Payne Borden would be okay as that was her Great Grandfather's name, Grandma Lyndys father.
Ty thought it was a great name so Thomas it was.

Life was good for Ty and Amy and Jack stayed with them for another 10 years and was happiest when surrounded buy all 7 Great Grandchildren.
Lisa missed him but with Amy, Ty and the children all in the house she was never alone.
Tim was allowed to see the children but never on Heartland, always at his place or Maggie's and the Park.
Amy won many Awards for her work and Ty took over the Clinic from Scott eventually.
There Love for each other was a good example for there children and as they grew they knew that's what they wanted.
Ty and Amy often talked about what they went through  and where they were now, Amy still had regular Check ups and all was well with her health.
They were true Soul Mates.


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