Chapter 6

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Another Doctor comes over to the family telling them that they got Amy back, now she was having surgery again as it looks like the bullet caught a rib sending splinters out which they were identifying with a mobile operating scanner, one had entered her heart and Another went into her spleen. He said all he could give them this time was a 50/50 chance of her survival but they'd keep the family updated.
They stayed with Ty who was now fully awake and explaining what happened, they also sensitively told him that things didn't look good for Amy due to bone splinters from her ribs. Tears were rolling down his cheeks when the same Jnr Doctor came to see them.
He introduced himself to Ty then sat down.
"I'm sorry to say Amy is in a critical condition,  using the scanner, one of the surgeon's noticed that there was also a Rib in her back that had been shattered, there trying to remove those as we speak, as soon as the've finished he will come and speak to you".
"Thank you for keeping us updated".

As they were all together a woman came over who introduced herself as part of the Patient/Family counsellors, her name was Helen and she asked if they had any questions regarding Amy's condition.
"Yes Actually if your able to".
"Well I'll try Mr Borden".
" Well my Fiancée Amy was stood in front of me and we were hugging when she got shot and it then went through me, what damage does she have if you know of course ".
"Yes I can, I had a look at her file and spoke with one of the team, So you were in front of her but her back was facing the window which was in a small way better for her, now the bullet entered to the left of her spine missing anything to do with her nervous system, it went through her lung which collapsed it, and missed her heart by 1 inch but nicked an Artery. Of course as it entered her body they now know it hit a Rib and hit another on the way out which they knew about, but they didn't realise it hit her back rib. Now they closed the Artery and repaired her lung to
reinflate it as soon as they drained the blood from her chest which all worked, they were able to get the bone fragments out from the front rib and seal the organs that they pierced. Then she was fine till they brought her into recovery and she Flatlines. They took her back in and opened her up again to restart her heart and found it punctured by a shard of bone, they quickly sorted that out and restarted her heart, then did a scan and found more from her rear Rib so now there trying to find the bone fragments because when that bullet went in it shattered her Rib sending fragments everywhere. The front one went outwards and they found some of it in your chest Mr Borden".
"Dear God , he could of blown her chest wide open".
" Yes , it could of gone that way but thankfully he was further away than he realised on that hill and the wind was in your Granddaughters favour which is why he missed her heart, the distance slowed the bullet down, but if it hadn't hit her ribs, she'd be out here with all of you, the've done more damage than the bullet, I'll go and see if I can find out anything ".
"Thank you for explaining".
"Your welcome Mr Borden ".

It was a while before Helen came back, but she wasn't alone, Nurses were pushing Amy back into the recovery room, Jack and the others couldn't believe the amount of wires, tubes and equipment that came along with her. They were attaching more wires to her when an Alarm went off but a nurse Just reset it and told them it was nothing to worry about.
Ty wanted to go see her.
" I need to hold her hand".
"How do you feel Mr Borden ".
"Please call me Ty, and I feel fine, Just very sore". Let me get you a wheel Chair ".
"No, I can walk".
"Err, no your not, you've Just had surgery, unless you want to go back into OR, Ty".
Soon Ty was by Amy's bed and holding her hand. He saw the bandage straight down her front where they'd cracked her rib cage open to operate not once but twice.
She was alive and thats all he cared about, so did the family.
"Amy,, Amy,, I'm here".
"I'm sorry Ty, but Amy's been put into a medical Coma, we want her body to concentrate on healing it self".
"Now let's get you to your Room and I thought you'd like to know that the've arranged for Amy to be in the same room as yourself".
Ty smiled, he was so pleased and the family would be too.

A phone call came through to Hudson General reception from a young woman asking if Miss Fleming was alright as they were worried, they said they understood that they couldn't say much but as long as Amy was fine that's all they needed to know. The receptionist Just told the caller that she was fine.
The woman put the phone down and turned around to look at Ahmed," She's fine is all she would say".
"Okay, Thank you for calling for me".
"Your welcome".
She Left Ahmeds suite and was about to walk away but she felt something was off so stayed near the outside of the door listening.
Ahmed picked up his phone and dialled a number, a man answered and she heard Ahmed Speak, "You failed and I don't like people who fail me. Finnish the Job I paid you to do".
The young woman was horrified and ran as fast as she could to her car.

To be continued

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