Chapter 10

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Jack, Lisa, and Lou were sat on the porch, it had been 12 Months since they found Amy wedged in the rocks, she spent 6 months in hospital,  2 months in Vancouver and 4 months in Hudson General.
As they brought her Temperature up they found a heartbeat, but she was so broken.
They found 6 fractures to her skull where she'd been bashed into rocks like a pinball machine and they had to shave her head, but kept her hair to make a wig. She had 4 operations on her skull and brain due to hemorrhaging.
They found a broken shoulder.
Broken Arm in two places.
Broken Ribs.
Broken Pelvis.
And two broken Leg's.
Lou looked across to the Lounger on the grass where Amy was curled up, her hair was still gone as she'd already had two more hemorrhaging episodes due to the damage.
Lou knew her Sister wasn't the same person she used to know,  she hasn't spoken since that day.
The Doctors didn't know if there was any Brain damage due to the hemorrhaging, but psychologically there could be.
Amy hadn't been to see the horses since and hardly ate at all.
"I'm worried about her Grampa, it's as if she's given up on being alive and Just goes through the motions ".
"I know Lou, she blames herself for the worry she put us through by going out on Spartan".
"It hasn't helped having to have two more brain operations Jack".
"I know, she refuses to wear her wig now, saying that she deserves to suffer not having any hair".

Caleb phoned Ty to tell him how bad Amy was and was furious with Ty when he found out he went to see her while she was in Vancouver Hospital but when he saw the state she was in with no hair and scars on her scalp from the operations and broken bones he left and didn't go back.
"Why man, you had so much love for her and you Just left her on her own, you don't deserve her, all this is your fault, if you'd stayed with her instead of running away this wouldn't have happened, she wouldn't be in this mess,
"I didn't know".
"Because you never stay long enough to find anything out Ty, she's had two more hemorrhages and so two more brain operations Ty, you need to come back and help her".
"I-I, d-don't know if she'd want me".
"She's still in love with you man, if you came back and asked her to forgive you for your foolishness she'd probably kiss you, you idiot. I know you told me how you felt about seeing Ahmed doing things with her in your head, but remember this Ty, it didn't happen to you,  it actually happened to Amy, NOT YOU. You just had visions  of what you thought happened,  Amy actually went through it. Think about it. She's a bag of bones with skin on Ty, no boobs, no sweet little butt you liked, it's all gone and if you leave it to long she'll be locked up in a mental institution because that's what there talking about".
Caleb put his phone down and really hoped it worked.

Lou was in the office and Lisa was in the house so Caleb went to speak with Lisa.
"You got a minute Lisa".
"Yes Caleb come in".
"Where's Amy".
"Jack took her to Maggie's hoping Soraya can get through to her".
"No wig I take it as it's over there".
"She refuses to wear it and thinks if people stare at her she deserves it".
"Listen Lisa, I phoned Ty, and tore a strip off him,  I really hope I got through to him to come and help her if he has any feelings for her,  I know he does and I know Amy still loves him  so I thought I'd better say something ".
"Thank you Caleb, I hope you got through to him, the doctors said if she loses anymore weight she'll be sectioned and we don't want that".
"That's why I told him to hurry up".
"Well fingers crossed  Caleb ".
"Yep fingers crossed".

Three days Later in the early afternoon Jack and Lisa are having coffee on the porch keeping an eye on Amy as they always do , Then they hear a familiar truck come round the bend, they noticed Amy's reaction immediately,  Jack was about to get up and send him packing but Lisa grabs his arm .
"Jack, No, let this play itself out please,  Amy's already reacted, Caleb told me he phoned Ty and bent his ear about this, I just hope it works".
Ty's truck pulled up and he got out and Jumped the fence. When he truly saw her he had to put his hand on his mouth to stifle a sob as he truly saw what Caleb had told him. Jack and Lisa watched on from where they were seated as Ty moved toward Amy.
He knelt down in the grass beside her,
"Amy, I'm so so sorry for what you've been through, I still Love you Amy Fleming and I've been so afraid to come and tell you , I can't go on any longer without you in my life, I  know some of what you've been through. Forgive me Amy for being a complete failure, I thought of what I was thinking instead of what you had actually been through, Will you forgive me, I love you so much.
Amy slowly lifted her head and threw her arms around his neck sobbing into his shoulder, he lifted his hand and very gently moved his hand over her head down to the back of her neck. They both cried and Ty noticed Just how thin the love of his life really was, he saw her fresh scars from her two recent operations.

To be continued

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