Chapter 11

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"How can you love me still, Look at me Ty, I'm broken and worthless".
"Who says your worthless Amy".
"I'm no good to anyone anymore, I can't walk and although my Arm's work, they won't always do what I want, maybe I should have Just died in the river".
" Amy, please don't talk like that, it was a tragic accident,  you didn't know all this would happen because you walked across a bridge, the same way as if you was walking across the main road in Hudson and a Truck came from nowhere and hit you".
"But I was on Spartan and I shouldn't of been".
"Who said you shouldn't be Amy".
"My Doctor ".
"Okay, so if you'd walked up to the bridge and walked across it and fell through, would you still blame yourself , you can't punish yourself for an accident Amy, it's not Logical, your Doctor is wrong.
Do you know that Mr Odellisous actually gave me some correct advice two days ago which is a first".
Amy started gently laughing as did Ty as Amy held on to him for dear life.
"Just as Lou came out the mudroom door she heard Amy and Ty, she looked at Jack n Lisa and was called over to sit down.
"That's the first bit of emotion, talking and laughter we've got out of her in 12 months ".
Ty looked across finally at the others and all three put there thumbs up, mouthing Thank You.
Ty couldn't believe how nice it was to hold her in his arms, he stood lifting her up and sat in the chair with Amy on his lap as she cuddled into him.
They stayed like that for about half an hour.
"Would you like to go down by the pond Amy".
Amy nodded and Ty got up and lifted her into her Wheelchair pushing her, towards the pond.
Ten minutes later Jack saw Tim's  truck come round the corner and he parked by the Gate, he'd returned Not long after the accident.
"Oh great, he hadn't better start or he's going to undo what Ty's Just done".
"What's HE doing here". and started to walk towards the Pond. Lou went after him
"Dad, stop now,  don't go undoing everything Ty's Just accomplished ".
"Oh, and what's he accomplished eh".
"Well he's got her talking, laughing and interacting to start with".
"Oh, goody, well I could of done that eventually ".
"No you couldn't,  you've tried to do that for 6 month's and all you've done is push her further into depression with your bullying and the horrible things you say to her,  so leave them alone".
Tim ignores Lou's pleas to leave them alone.
"No, I've got words to say to him".
Tim continues towards where Amy and Ty are sitting in the grass talking, Ty explaining how he was having nightmares about what he imagined Ahmed doing to her even though she was the one going through it.
"Look who turns up".
"Dad  I told you to leave them alone".
"No, I've got things to say".
Ty stood up, Ty put his hands up as he didn't want anything to start, he was here for Amy.
"Look Tim, I'm here to see Amy, not pick a fight so please Just leave us to continue".
"No way, you get off Heartland now".
"Err, Heartland isn't your Ranch Tim so you can't stop me".
"Get away from my Daughter then".
"Err she's 23 Tim and an Adult so you can't stop me".
Tim then fed up with excuses and only thinks about himself and not his daughter attacks Ty because he left her, while Ty try's to defend himself Amy wheels away back to the house while Lou's trying to stop her father from making things worse.
Jack and Lisa are sitting on the porch when Amy wheeled back into the house crying and yelled "I can't take anymore of my Dad's bullying".
Then Lou turns up telling Jack what's happening down by the pond, so Jack shoots off to stop Tim.
Amy's locked her door and Just finished talking to the Police, since she's been home from Hospital her dad hasn't stopped picking on her to pull herself together,  even said some horrible things about her accident and they wonder why she hasn't made any progress.
Amy's even recorded most of the arguments.
After about half an hour the Police and an Ambulance  turn up, Amy had been worried that Ty may need one.
"Lou you'd better check on Amy, when she came back she yelled that she couldn't take anymore of her Dad's Bullying, any idea what she meant".
"I've got a good Idea,  I'll check on her".
Lou went to Amy's room and knocked on the door, there was no answer,  so Lou knocked again but this time she  forced the door open and screamed.
Lisa went running into house.

When Jack gets there Ty's covered in blood  and hardly fighting back, he's letting Tim dig a bigger hole for himself as Amy had already told him before Tim arrived about the Verbal bullying and not one of her so called family attempted to stop him apart from the odd few words Like leave her alone etc and then getting worried why she's getting worse.
"Tim, that's enough there's no need for all this trouble every Flaming day, leave it alone, Ty falls to the ground and Tim shakes Jack off then turns and punches him too, right in front of the RCMP officers.
Tim's put in handcuffs and asked why he attacked Ty.
"He, err he, deserved it."
Tim couldn't answer because his rage took over and he wasn't thinking.
The Officer's then asked why he punched Jack.
"He got in the way".
Your under arrest for Assault.
They read him his rights and put him inside the car.
Jack helped Ty up and started to walk him back to the house.
As they emerged there was an Ambulance which Jack thought was quick, then had a horrible feeling.
Two Paramedics came out with Amy on a stretcher and  Jack asked if they could take Ty , he then asked what happened to his Granddaughter.

Lou was going to go with Amy and Ty, "What happened Lou."
" She rushed in and said she couldn't take anymore bullying from Tim and locked her bedroom door, we got worried as she wouldn't open the door".
"Well I had to shoulder it open and she'd cut her wrists but had second thoughts,  thankfully not deep but she was really bad and they sedated her".

"Lou, we were doing really fine and she was talking to me until Tim showed up".
"I know, I asked him to leave you alone".
"I found out why she wasn't improving Lou".
"Let me guess Dad".
"Yeah, he was bullying her, not physically but emotionally and mentally,  he kept on about the accident and how lucky she was she survived if you know where I'm going, I mean it made her feel even more Quilty about what happened".
"The problem with my Dad is he doesn't think, Just acts".
"But he was Physiologicaly affecting her Lou, saying that her brain damage wasn't that noticeable, no wonder she was getting worse".

To be continued

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