Chapter 17

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"I can't believe you came back again"
"I knew you were still here, so what's it like".
"What do you mean what's it like".
"Well your a little, you know what I'm on about, I could chase you round the room to get what I want but she can't, I'm trying to be Diplomatic here Ty".
"Well we haven't been that close since before she went into her coma".
"Why not, she is your wife Ty, won't she let you touch her, orrrr,  is it you won't touch her".
"It's not going to be the same anymore".
"Ty Bordon, you went back to her begging her to forgive you and left me on my own in Vancouver, then you married her so you must still love her".
"Like I said Love isn't the problem".
"Ahh now the truth comes out, you get put off in bed because she can't do the things she used to do, that's wrong Ty, you no doubt promised to love her in good health and sickness or whatever it is you say  and now she's mostly healed apart from not having full use of her legs and Arms you won't have sex with her, no wonder she's getting depressed  and before long she'll work out that your getting it from someone else instead of her. The Amy I remember wasn't stupid Ty".
"Yeah, well that's my problem to sort out Blair".
"Hey  got time for round two".
"You never even got round one Blair, I'm married now and I won't cheat on her".
"Well you can't blame a girl for trying,   don't forget there watching you, and keeping an eye on her Ty so do anything stupid and Amy will pay".

"Hey Scott".
"Where have you been Ty".
"Truck broke down".
"Well it's time to get a decent Truck then, it's no use to me when it keeps breaking down, Oh and Lisa said can you pick up dinner from Maggie's,  I think your having veggie Chilli tonight".
"What you mean is the've all been at work all day and Amy's done piss all again".
"HEY, don't speak like that about her, she's in a wheel chair and has limited movement of her Arm's,  what do you expect her to do Ty, if Amy even tried to cook she could end up scolding or burning herself, what has got into you Ty, you've never ridiculed her like that, no wonder she's back on antidepressants if that's how you treat her, remember it was an accident that could of killed her, and dam well nearly did, you told me you blamed yourself because that was the day caleb delivered the letters".
"See ya tomorrow Scott".
"Don't forget the chilli".

"Hey little sis, why so glum".
"Err well let's see, Ty's talking down to me, won't come anywhere near me and I'm frustrated Lou, sexually".
"Amy, when was the last time you two, you know".
"You mean had sex, made love , before my coma".
"That's way over 12 months ago Amy".
"I know Lou, I count every day and try my hardest to get some affection from him, I'm sorry Lou I need to lay down, feeling a bit off" Amy goes off to there room and shuts the door then gets herself out the chair and slides across-the-board to lay on the bed which is difficult when your arms aren't working at 100%, Amy sobs trying to Justify Ty's actions then realises he must be getting it from else where, because he hasn't got it from her for a very long time".
Amy then starts to plan how she is going to get it very early in the morning if Woody Woodpecker wakes her up again in the back".

About 4.30am Amy gets woken up as usual,  this is the only time when Ty cuddles up to her and puts his arm around her.
Amy slowly and with difficulty takes her PJ's off and turns towards him she moves her hand down to let him out of his boxers and plays with him, of course Ty is fast asleep acting on impulse and is soon on top of Amy deep inside, Amy's in ectasy after over 12 months without getting any and Ty is Just as good asleep as he is awake, his tongue playing with her nipples and thrusting in and out, it didn't take Amy long to reach her crescendo and seconds later so did Ty  then he woke up as he was finishing.
Amy kissed him passionately saying how much she loved him and how she enjoyed what he Just did to her, letting him think he made the first move, she then slowly moved her arms around his waist and grabbed his buttocks and held him in place. Ty was soon back to sleep.
Amy closed her eye's and fell asleep.

Two nights later the exact same thing happened except this time he was well asleep and even more aroused than two nights earlier giving  Amy two orgasm's and she did the same thing holding him in place.
In the morning Ty was getting his breakfast when Amy wheeled in up to the kitchen Table and Lisa and Lou saw she was glowing with a smile, Ty said bye as he was about to walk out but Amy's wheelchair was faster and stopped in front of him,
"Don't I get a kiss my love,( Ty bent down to kiss her cheek but Amy turned her head so they lip locked).
thank you for last night, I mean this morning , I'm still tingling all over, see you at dinner".
She then pulled her chair back to let him out.
Ty was a little confused as he walked to his truck and Amy pulled onto the Porch,
"I love you Lover boy".
Lisa and Lou were watching from the kitchen sink as Ty suddenly froze, then turned around and walked back to the Porch steps.
"Amy, what did you mean about this morning".
"Well the night before last you made passionate love to me and you blew my socks off if I was wearing any and you woke up Just as you came then fell asleep again, then this morning you must of been very randy because this time I came twice and then you did but you didn't wake up this time, but I'm going to tell you now that it was mind blowing and I love you for it, you made me feel like a woman again love, thank you and I love you".
Ty nodded and was about to walk away when his eyes opened fully.
"But Amy, we didn't use protection,  Jack will kill me".
"What are you on about Ty, were married,  were husband and Wife, he can't stop us or say anything silly. I'll  see you tonight".
Ty walks towards his Truck then Amy said what she been waiting to say.
As Ty goes to get in his seat Amy shouts to him."TY, anyone would think you'd been practicing  lover".
Amy turns her chair and wheels in letting the door close.
Amy sits there at the Table looking at Lou and Lisa.
"So I take it you've finally got some attention off him".
"Well it's 4.30 in a morning and he's asleep  but yes and yes it was mind blowing  finally ".
Lou then looks at Amy
"And what was that last bit about practicing".
"Oh, that. I think the Bastards cheating on me".

To be continued

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