Chapter 8

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It had now been two weeks,  when they went to arrest Ahmed he was gone, which they weren't surprised about, they phoned Hudson who dispatched two cars to Hillhurst Stables and found the same there.
Lisa and Jack agreed with Ty's plan and 2 days later it was in the papers in the major Country's of Europe and as soon as Ahmed saw it he left to go home. He knew that his chance to stop Amy had gone and if anything happened to her it would be him they'd look to.
During these last 2 weeks 11 women came forward to file charges against Prince Ahmed now they knew someone else was fighting him in court, 6 were from France and 5 from Germany,  this also made the News papers on the front cover Just like Amy's.
As Ty predicted there were arrest warrants out for him in Canada, France and Germany which made life very difficult for him when the council of Elders and his Brothers found out. He was stripped of his Title and his assets including his Jet and was no longer allowed to manage the Show Jumping Team, he was also Tagged so they could keep track of his whereabouts.
Amy was finally being allowed to wake up and even though Ty had been released from Hospital he spent everyday at her side.
After four weeks Amy woke up by herself and saw Ty sat in a chair.
"Amy, it's so good to finally have you awake".
"What happened Ty".
Ty explained to her what happened then explained that they informed the papers, it was to get Ahmed away from her, they put it in the paper about what happened to her and she was pressing charges,  11 others came forward to press charges against him as well, then carried on with what happened to Ahmed when he went home.
"So I'm safe then".
"Yep, your safe ".
"Thank you Ty".
Ty eventually left knowing Lou and Lisa would be turning up soon.

Amy felt that Ty was different,  he didn't kiss her when he left.
Lou and Lisa turned up with pizza  trying to cheer Amy up but she told them she was worried because he seemed distant and didn't kiss her goodbye when he left.
Amy was in hospital another 2 weeks but Ty only visited twice blaming work and finals at University.
Ty was at dinner at Heartland .
"So Ty, Amy's coming home tomorrow,  what time will you be picking her up".
"Oh, err, I've got work and two Exams  tomorrow so I won't have chance".
"Don't  worry about it I'll get her after Lunch".
"You sure Lou, I thought you said you were busy with a meeting tomorrow".
"It's  okay Lisa I'll rearrange it,  my sisters Way More important than work".
Lou said this while Looking at Ty.
Jack noticed this .
"So Ty, you haven't had much contact with Amy since she woke up, anything I should be worried about,  I know she's missing you like crazy".
"No, Just busy really with Graduation coming up".
"When is Graduation Ty  we all want to be there and show you support you know".
"Yeah it's in three weeks time,   Wednesday the 27th at 3pm".
"Lou, Mark it on the calendar,  don't  want to miss it.".

After another two weeks Amy came home and she was still messed up by all this and Ty was definitely acting differently to everything he was saying, not once had he mentioned the wedding or kissed her properly,  Amy hadn't seen him in Two weeks, he wasn't answering his phone either.
In two day's it was Ty's Graduation but they weren't sure where to go.
"Amy can you phone Ty and ask him where we're supposed to go at the University please".
"I would Grampa but he doesn't pick up for me anymore, infact I haven't seen him in two weeks Grampa".
Amy then got up and  walked out towards the barn and saddled up Spartan even though she shouldn't be riding Just yet, so kept him at a walk.
Jack tried to phone Ty and no answer so phoned the University to ask them, he didn't like the answer when it came, telling him that Graduation was weeks ago, he looked out the kitchen window and saw Amy riding away.
"That stupid girl, what's she doing".
"Who Jack".
"Amy, she Just rode off on Spartan Lisa, what is going on".
"I'd have to say that after everything Ty said to her, he's going back on his word Jack, he's distancing himself from her".
"Well I think your right there Lisa, us to I'm afraid, his Graduation was 2 weeks ago".
"What,,,  why would he do that".
Just then Calebs Truck approached the Ranch House.
He headed to the door.
"Hi all, is Amy here".
"No she's not, Amy not long rode off on Spartan ".
"Oh, cause I got a letter here for her from Ty, he must of Left it in the Trailer for me to pass on when he left".
"What do you mean when he left".
"He left the day after he graduated Jack, there's a letter for you to".
"That's almost two weeks ago, so that's why he never contacted Amy in the last two weeks".
"Not sure Jack, but I suppose not".
"Here I'll take my letter, leave that on the Table for Amy".
"Okay , oh Just so you know with all the rain the've had up north, the rivers swollen and has weakened some of the wooden bridges, it's left them unstable".

Amy and Spartan were walking on the Trail towards the bridge, Amy was well and truly into her depression,  no Ty to talk to, her Dad had took off,  she didn't know what she was going to do.
Her phone pinged with a message so she stopped Just before the bridge to see who it was from , Soraya.
Amy opened it to read it.
* What's going on Amy, Just heard you and Ty broke up, and he left Hudson two weeks ago after he Graduated. Please give me a call or come and see me, miss you girlfriend*.
Amy's heart went into overdrive,  he'd left her again, the one man she loved so much had up and gone, he was always running away from her, usually when he had something going on in his head, over thinking things, she was definitely on her own now, he didn't have the guts to tell her either.
She sent a text back to Soraya, *Thanks for letting me know, he said nothing to me, my life's over now, I need him Soraya*.
Amy turned her phone off and put it in her pocket then with tears running down her face and blurred vision she set off across the the bridge, she was half way across,  sobbing, when the middle part of the bridge collapsed under her sending herself and Spartan into the fast torrent of the river.

To be continued

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