Chapter 24

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Ty was in the apartment as usual and Blair had gone out, she was driving along the road when she heard the Sirens and saw the lights in her mirror, as she was pulling over she made a quick call on speaker phone then turned her phone off as the Officer's approached her car.
"Ty, get your stuff together were leaving".
"Where we going, and why".
"Never mind the questions,  the Police will be all over this place shortly".
"I don't mind".
"No you probably wouldn't,  but my boss would".
Ty went off and packed his bag along with his Laptop hidden inside, he came out of his bedroom and  approached the main door noticing that his babysitter had his back to him Ty grabbed something heavy...
He walked out of the apartment locking the door behind him leaving his babysitter unconscious and tied up on the floor.
Ty started his Truck and set off on his 13 hour trip back to Hudson.

Blair was in the interview room after being stopped as a banned driver, but it was the distinct smell that gave everything away when they searched  her car finding the Brick on the floor underneath the blanket.
Blair knew she was in deep trouble and asked if they could do a deal, giving them the actual people responsible as she was Just small fry compared to the rest of them. They raided the apartment and found the guy Ty left behind, also at the same time they raided the farm where Blair  had informed them who were involved. When they sat with her a second time she had a lawyer and he arranged a deal providing the DA approved it,so held on to her USB  until everything was agreed.

The following day they were eating breakfast, Amy was feeling like her old self again especially after the chat yesterday where she found out everything about what happened, even why Ty was pushing her away even though he hated doing it.
Jack's phone rang, "Ty, yes, okay . I'm  on it now".
Looking at Amy Jack smiled  "Your Husband is almost here , he escaped and drove none stop. Got to open the Quonset Hut so he can hide his Truck in there".
Lou went with Jack Just incase he needed to move anything out of the way for Ty's truck.
Jack and Lou were looking towards the main driveway for Ty's truck when they heard it approaching from behind them coming from the rear Dude Ranch entrance,  Ty drove his truck straight in and they quickly closed the doors.
When he got out Lou flung her arms around him telling him they missed him so much but someone else had missed him more. Then Jack gave him a man hug telling him it was so good to see him.
"How is she Jack, Lou".
"Much better since Grampa told us what was going on and letting her read your Email".
The three of them ran to the house and got inside, the gaurds were hidden so as to not tip off anyone watching Heartland.
Ty walked in and saw Amy stood up on her crutches, and her slightly swollen belly, he saw her eyes filling up and walked over , he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her then with his mouth near her ear, "I'm so sorry you've had to go through this , I Just wanted you safe and out of harm's way., I really do love you, so much".
Ty held her and took her crutches away then carried her to there room telling everyone they needed to talk.
After about two hours Lisa went to check on them, there was no answer to the light knock so Lisa gently opened the door about an inch and saw them laying across the bed in each others arms fast asleep.

About 3 hrs later Ty carried Amy out of there room and gently lowered her into her chair, as he went to pull back up Amy wouldn't let go and pulled him down for a kiss.
"What are you drinking love".
"Decaff coffee please".
It was about that time that Jim turned up in his own car and in normal clothes.
"Hey everyone,  Ty, I need to get a statement from you".
Ty went to his Laptop bag and pulled out a three page statement that he'd already written, "This should please you, I started keeping a record of everything that happened including where we went , amount of Drugs , so wrote it all out as a statement for you. Read it through and if your happy with it it, I'll sign it.".
"I wish everyone did it like this, it would save me so many hours".
Jim Read through it while drinking his coffee then asked Ty to sign it at the end of the last sentence,  then again a little further down.
"Thank you Ty".
"Your welcome, Just glad this part is over".
"Where did Amy go".
"I don't know Jack, hang on a second,  she's on the Porch".
Jack nodded and went to sit by her.
"You okay Amy".
"Yes, fine Grampa, Just so happy Ty is back".
"You definitely look happier".
Jack pulled her over towards him slightly to give her a hug when she yelped in pain throwing her hand up to the top of her arm where it was now bleeding.
Jim and Ty had Just come out onto the Porch a second before she yelped.
Ty ran over pulling the top of her shirt down, then scooped her up and ran back into the house.
Jim knew exactly what it was and was on his phone. Ty came out and said something to Jack who then then got on the radio to security.
A high powered BMW came out of nowhere and up the driveway with two Gaurd's in it.
Jim was stood looking and watching and before long could hear gun shots going off for some time, two other Gaurd's came in the house,  one in the kitchen and another near the rear/side door.
Lisa was was cleaning up the wound and then put a dressing on it.
"Well thankfully that was just a nick".
Ty's phone went off for a message and when Ty looked it Just said *That was a Warning*.
"Jim look".
Ty showed him and then Jim got a radio call to say they had the shooter but unfortunately he was dead.
Jim then took over and called his men in to try and make a connection to who sent him.
Jack went back out on the porch and steered Amy's wheelchair inside the house.

To be continued

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