Chapter 2

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Lou got back and called for Jack to help get Amy inside, Caleb was there and carried Amy into her room and lay her on her bed, then Lou put a blanket over her.
Lou phoned Ty and asked him to come over  she told him that the doctor had given Amy something to knock her out as she completely lost it.
"Why did she lose it Lou, was she feeling quilty".
"Don't be like that Ty until you know the full story, it's far worse than we thought and the police are now involved Ty".
"What, why".
"I'm not repeating it Ty, so if you still have any feelings for her get here so I can explain what has happened,  the consequences and Ty, Just so your aware Amy is Totally Innocent in this, get here as soon as possible.
Ty eventually turned up and now sat at the Dinning Table with Jack, Lisa, Lou but no Tim, Lou had been to check up on Amy who was still asleep.
" Right  I've checked on Amy and she's still Asleep thankfully, I took Amy to see Dr Virani for Blood Tests and to check her over.
Now after the Blood Tests were taken Dr Virani asked Amy if she was still a Virgin as we know that Amy and yourself Ty were refraining until your wedding night,  and I personally think that is a wonderful thing Ty,  now when Dr Virani checked Amy she found that Amy had been Raped on multiple occasions and Dr Virani found internal scars to prove it, Amy however didn't remember anything and insisted she was still a Virgin which Dr Virani had to explain it to her .
She thinks due to the amount of confusion to Amy plus the missing Time over the last four months that Ahmed kept her ďrugged and completely knocked out everytime he raped her,  as for the Kiss on the Video, well she still seems a little drugged up and that's what he did Ty, it was a set up, he drugged her to the point where she had no Idea what she was doing and didn't remember it the following morning".
"Well obviously your going to be on Amy's side, I DIDN'T WANT HER TO GO ON THE BLOODY HELICOPTER TO GO TO EUROPE,  I DIDN'T TRUST HIM"
"But you still let her go Ty, why didn't you say something ".
"I tried Jack, but Tim was all for it and kept pushing her to go , I heard him in Maggie's telling one of his mates how Amy had it made if she could only get rid of the idiot she was engaged to. How do you think that made me feel".
"Not very good I suppose, but it wasn't up to him or anyone else Ty, it was up to you , your the one she loves Ty, your the one she came home too didn't she".
"Yeah, she came home no longer a virgin , ruined our wedding night".
"Will you stop thinking of only yourself,  how the hell do you think Amy feels, Doctor Virani had to knock her out she took it that bad, because she was thinking about YOU not herself and how this would affect not Just you but your future Ty, that's how much she loves you".
"As I said the Police are involved in this, and I already know what your going to do Ty, you'll run away and break my little Sister's heart without a second thought. She kept saying over and over again how her life was ruined and Ty wouldn't want to have anything to do with her now ".
"Yeah, well she got that part right didn't she".
Ty turned and walked out,  they heard his truck disappear .
Jack looked at everybody, "I actually expected better from him, maybe Tim's right and he isn't the one for her after what I heard and saw Just now".
The 3 of them moved into the kitchen .
"So how are we going to find a computer expert slash Hacker".
"I think I know someone who may know of someone,  I'll call him right now".
"Thanks lisa".

Lisa comes back in and hands her phone to Lou.
"Lou he needs to know the website and what it's called".
"Oh, thanks Lisa, Lou grabs her Laptop and with Lisa's phone goes to her room. Thankfully Peter has the girls at the dude Ranch.

Lou comes out back to the kitchen and hands Lisa her phone back.
"Any Luck Lou".
"Yeah, he's gonna phone Lisa when he finds anything, I'm going to check on Amy".
Lou opened Amy's door and found her half awake crying into her pillow.
"Hey, come here little Sis".
Lou wrapped her into her arms and held her letting her cry.
"The family has your back Amy, we love you and stop blaming yourself because this is not your fault, the Police are involved now okay ".
"But what about Ty, Lou. He hasn't even been to see me, I tried phoning him but he never picks up".
"I'll go and see him okay".
"Thanks Lou, I feel so Lost and alone even though I have you and Grampa and Lisa, has Dad shown up yet".
"No sweetie,  we've been trying to get hold of him, but we will keep trying".
"Thanks Lou, I still feel tired so I'm going to sleep ".
Just then Amy's phone rang, she didn't look and Just answered.
"Hello Amy, are you coming to work because I have another trip planned to Germany if you'd like to come with me  it's only for 2 months".
"My contract finished Ahmed, and I'll never work for you ever again after what you did to me  I know all about it, and how you drugged me, and what you did to me".
Amy ended the call and blocked his number and the one for Hill Hurst. She turned over and cried.

Lou Joined Jack and Lisa in the kitchen.
"How is she Lou".
"I feel so sorry for her Lisa, she said she feels lost, confused and Alone even though she has us, she keeps asking for Ty and if Dad's turned up yet".
Jack was furious with Tim for not being here, but more for why he wasn't here.
Just then Lisa's phone rang, she spoke for a few minutes then told them she was putting him on speaker phone.
"Hi everyone,  my names Phil and I've  not only located where the Video was uploaded but also the account it came from. It was uploaded from a place called Moose Jaw ,  but the person had to open his own account to be able to upload the video which I can tell you I have been able to delete.  This is going to shock you all I'm afraid, because the person was called Tim Fleming,  I hope this helps you and get back to me if you need help in the future ".
"Thank you Phil".
"That explains why Tim isn't here".
"I can't believe he'd do this".
"I CAN, he didn't like Ty".
"Amy, I thought you were sleeping,  I'm so Sorry you had to hear that".
"I needed the bathroom".
Amy went in and locked the door.

To be continued

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