Chapter 7

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Once the young woman got to her car she drove to the nearest Precinct of the towns Police and asked to speak to a Detective.
She explained what was going on and what this Prince asked her to do, she then gave him the details.
The Detective phoned Hudson General and explained he was from Florida where a Prince Ahmed was staying and asked if they had an Amy Fleming as a patient. He explained what he was told by the young woman and the Doctor thanked him and would quickly get things moving.

A while Later Jim the Chief of Police turned up and went to see the Family who were now in a room near the Nurses Station in ICU with Amy and Ty. Emotions were running high and Jack saw Jim enter the room, he called Jack out silently and Jack followed.
Jim introduced him to Sergeant Lucas who's part of the Fire Arms unit and explained what had happened, Jim then informed Jack that Lucas who was in plain clothes would be present in the room for Amy's protection as her life was still in Danger.
" Listen Jack, we know where the shooter was on the hill but he didn't leave any evidence we could use, we have his photo from reception and we are trying to identify him and his connection to Ahmed".
"So you can't arrest Ahmed".
" No Jack, not for this attack, at least we know where he is, now we can arrest him for the attacks and drugging of Amy but as for the shooting we don't have any evidence we can use yet".
"Okay, thanks Jim".

It was getting late and everyone decided to go home except Jack who hadn't told the family of the threat against Amy, he Just told them that because of what happened this was Just added protection.
Jim had asked the Doctor to make sure whoever came into the room wore an orange band on there arm so they could be identified when they walked in. The Sergeant sat in the corner behind the door which would be kept locked during the night,  only the Sergeant and Head Nurse had a key.
In the morning they came in to do checks on Amy, the night Nurse came in 3 times during the night to take Amy's OBs. The Doctor had good news and Amy was becoming more stable, after they'd left Ty went to her bed and held her hand while he sat there in a chair.
Knowing that she was safe and improving Jack went home.

When Jack got home everyone was up, Jack informed them that Amy had improved overnight but it was still early days.
"I'm going to pop in and see Ty and check on Amy Grampa "
"And I'm going in this afternoon Jack".
"Okay, thats good , Just so your aware the Armed Police Sergeant will be there unless they change shifts, but someone will be ".
"What's that all about Jack, something must of happened to suddenly put Amy under protection ".
"Well they received word that the shooter may try again, so there not taking any chances".
"How do they know Grampa".
"A Tip came in from Florida where Ahmed was, I know there going to arrest him for what he did to Amy in Europe ".
"That's if he's still there Jack".
"That's true".
"Grampa, we found this letter last night from Dad, it was on the Table".
Jack read it then put it down.
"Well to be perfectly honest I think given he almost got her killed and the fact that had he left her to make her own decision she wouldn't of been raped and Drugged, I think he's done the right thing, as long as he stays away for some time".

Later in the morning Lou had been at Maggie's sorting through paperwork and the wages for the staff, now she was off to the hospital.
As Lou approached the Hospital it was pandemonium, there were Police cars everywhere and the first thing Lou thought about was her Little Sister and Ty. Lou ran in and up to their room, she passed loads of Police officers but once she got to the Room she was stopped.
"I need to see my Sister, is she alright".
A voice came from inside the room to say she could enter.
Lou was allowed in and saw four Policemen holding a handcuffed bloke on the floor and not far away a Syringe on the floor. Amy was still in a deep sleep and Ty was sat watching as they hauled the suspect up and marched him out the room handing him over to the awaiting Officer's, then a forensics expert came in to retrieve the Syringe.
"What happened Ty".
"I was Just dozing when I saw this guy walking over towards Amy's bed when the Police Officer was suddenly behind this guy with a gun pointing into that guys head, he was told to put the Syringe down and then more police ran in and had him on the ground ".
" OMG Ty, was he going to you know ".
"Yes Lou, Just like Jack said".
" How is she Ty, and please tell me the truth ".
"Amy's doing well Lou honestly, the Doctor says she's improving every time they come to check up on her".
"Oh that's great news Ty".
"Listen Lou I've got an Idea to keep her safe but I don't know if you'll like it".
"Okay shoot, anything will be considered to keep her safe ".
"Okay, listen very carefully I will say this only once, ha ha ha ha".
"Ha ha ha okay smartarse, be serious".
"Well, why don't we get Lisa to contact her friend in France and let the papers know he's being charged and maybe others will come forward to file charges, Lisa said she found out something, so there must be others and then Amy may be safer, whats he going to do kill all of them. At the most he'll get banned from those countries or if there's warrants out for his arrest he won't be able to travel".
" Mmmm, I'll have a word with Lisa and Jim".

To be continued

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