Chapter 28

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They were eating and talking, even the odd Laughter as Tim walked in.
"Well I don't really know what you've got to Laugh about Amy from some of what I've heard, you don't work with Horses anymore and someone said you'd had a baby, You and I need to talk Ty, outside Now".
Amy put her hand on Ty's arm, telling him to stay put.
"You've been gone over 2 years Dad, you have no Idea what's happened except for Tittle Tattle from Maggie's,  Ty and I are Married Dad, we tried to find you but your phone was off and we had no address for you".
"Married,, So you thought you'd better do the honorable thing and marry her did you Ty".
"We'd already been married over a year before I became pregnant Dad, Stop trying to cause trouble ".
"Trouble,  what about you not working with Horses then Amy, Ty doesn't want you to work is that it".
"As usual Tim, you come into my home throwing accusations around when you know Diddly squat about the situation or what's been happening".
Tim then noticed Amy was moving backwards,  as she she came around the table and passed Jack Tim saw her in a wheelchair.
"Amy, why are you still in a Wheelchair,when I saw you last you were improving and using crutches, what the hell happened ".
"Remember that terrible accident, well the Surgeon in Vancouver messed up big time, since then I've had multiple Brain Hemorrhages and ended up in a Coma. Thankfully my Doctor and an associate of his who's a specialist performed a series of Operations to correct the damage that was going to kill me eventually, unfortunately there were consequences to the operations which we knew about before hand one of which is my legs, the others have improved 100%".
"I didn't know, now I understand why you haven't been working with Horses, I'm so sorry Amy".
"Well how about you come and see baby".
"Okay, I'd love to".
Amy went in front to their room, and when they went inside Tim saw it was Marion's old room then saw the Large Ensuite extension.
"Here you go".
Tim turned round and saw two cribs, he looked in the first and saw a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed little girl. Then thinking the other was spare he saw a dark haired,  green eyed little girl.
Tim looked at them both, then looked at Amy.
"Twins Dad, two separate eggs, that's why there  different ".
"They are both beautiful Amy, I'm so proud of you ". Tim actually had a couple of tears on his face.
"Thanks Dad".
"So what are there names".
"Well our Dark haired Beauty is called "Aileen Lillian Borden",  and our little Blonde haired beauty is "Phillipa Marion Borden".
Amy went back to the Table to Finnish her dinner which Ty blasted in the microwave, while Tim looked at his two new Granddaughters,  when Amy had finished her meal she went and got her dad to Join them for Coffee and Buiscits.
"Ty, I can't get over how beautiful those two little girls are, congratulations to both of you".
"Thanks Tim, we're both still in shock I think".
No one mentioned the drama that Amy and Ty went through,  mainly because it was Tim.
They had a great couple of Hours together then Tim said goodnight.
He never asked about Lou, so they guessed that Lou had spoken to him at some point.
Weeks went by and when they got up one morning it was freezing, Ty checked the boiler and turned the Thermostate up then went to start a fire in the Lounge, when he looked out it was snowing a blizzard.
Amy came through to the kitchen and with the help of her new chair was able to raise herself up to normal level as if she was stood up and put the coffee on, she looked outside.
She lowered herself back down and went into the Lounge.
"God it's cold, that long range forecast actually got it right".
"I know love, I'm glad me and Jack started cutting down some of the dead trees on the Ranch for logs, were well stocked up for this, it shouldn't take long to warm the place up now the fire's going and the boilers on for the Radiators".
The storm lasted a couple of days and they ended up with three foot of snow. The winter months were the worst Amy had ever seen although Jack enlightened her and Ty that when he was younger they had worse than this every winter.

Eventually spring was starting to show, the Twins were now 5 months old and becoming right little characters, always making Amy laugh. Tim had been coming over to see his Granddaughters at least twice a week and his visits were so different to what they used to be.
Amy was talking about it to Jack and Lisa in the Lounge.
"It's so different Grampa, there's none of his BS or moaning at me, it's actually nice".
"Well ,I don't mean this to sound the way it does but your of no use to him now Amy as far as Horses go.
He can't try to push you into things or get you doing something free of charge like he used to do. I think that's why he came back originally to see if you were doing what you used to do".
"Yeah I think you may be right, but it's so nice to have normal conversations with him".

Amy and Lisa gave the girls a bath and dressed them up to go out into Hudson as the temperature was up around 16c and it was dry. First stop was Maggie's for Lunch and the Twins had plenty of admirers including Lou who came to sit with them.
Amy had a Buggy Pod on each side of her chair for Babies and could part exchange them for the next Size up when she needed to.

Amy had a Buggy Pod on each side of her chair for Babies and could part exchange them for the next Size up when she needed to

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This was the first time Amy had used them, soon Ty walked in to see them and was met with a big smile on Amy's face.
The three most important girls in his life.

To be continued

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