twenty four | down the rabbit hole

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With her head tilted to the side, Annabelle silently stared at Caroline as she said into the phone, "Tell me you're not serious."

Elena replied, "I wish I weren't. When we got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie were both gone, too. Shane needs Bonnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses."

Caroline asked her, "Well, where's Damon in all this?"

Elena told her, "We had an argument. I thought he was just taking a walk, but then when we went to the beach, we saw signs of a struggle."

Caroline asked her, "Meaning what?"

Elena said, "Meaning somebody probably jumped him and then grabbed him."

Caroline asked her, "Do you think Shane took him?"

Elena replied, "No, I mean, he's not strong enough to take Damon on, even with the element of surprise. He must have someone or at least a few someone's helping him."

Caroline sighed. "I am so sorry. I wish I was there to help."

Elena said to her, "Well, maybe there's something you can do from home."

Caroline replied, "Anything. Tell me."

Elena told her, "So Shane's looking for the cure. We think we can find him. We have pictures of Jeremy's tattoo, but we just can't translate the map."

Caroline said, "Unless you get the hunter's sword from Klaus."

While Annabelle only raised an eyebrow at Caroline and Klaus simply had a smirk on his face, Elena replied, "Exactly."

While Rebekah started to say how Klaus would never give up the sword, Annabelle only chuckled to herself, which got Caroline to look over at her with a raised eyebrow as she asked, "What's so funny?"

Annabelle replied, "Why do you care? Last I checked, I was nothing more than a severely unstable individual who couldn't be trusted with having actual information, so why would you care about my reason for laughing?" When Caroline opened her mouth to respond, Annabelle said, "And before you say anything more on the matter, just remember that I'm still biding my time until I can get the hell out of here and kill you and all your friends for what you've done."

While Caroline slowly looked away from Annabelle with slightly widened eyes, she said into the phone, "I'll find it. Don't worry. Just email me photos of Jeremy's tattoo. I'll find the sword and I'll call you back."

Elena replied, "Thank you, Caroline." After a couple seconds of silence, she said, "Just be careful while you're around Annabelle. Knowing her, she's not just going to sit around and do nothing. For all we know, she's secretly making a handmade weapon of some sort and is planning on using it against you."

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