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For the first time in days, the sound of bloodcurdling screams were heard once more

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For the first time in days, the sound of bloodcurdling screams were heard once more.

And those screams were all thanks to Annabelle, who was beyond angry about everything that had happened.

From finding out that Finn was killed, to watching Kol get killed right in front of her and then finally to the point where she was finally able to leave the Gilbert household and was about to do as she wished with Caroline, only to be forcefully stopped when her neck was snapped, and she found herself lying in her own bedroom.

And Klaus was nowhere to be seen.

Although, Klaus's disappearance was the least of her concerns.

At this very moment, the only thing that mattered was releasing this pent-up anger that she had buried deep inside of herself after she had nearly killed Elena before she and Klaus were trapped inside of the Gilbert home with a containment spell that was cast by Bonnie.

After spending the past couple of days staring at the spot where Kol had died, Annabelle needed to release the tension and anger that she was feeling that was doing nothing but worsening with each passing second.

And it was because of Annabelle's relentless rage that several headless bodies were found scattered throughout Mystic Falls and not one single person that was unaware of the supernatural community was even aware of why all of these headless bodies were being found.

As for those that were either in Elena's friend group or the ones that were well aware of the supernatural community that resided in Mystic Falls, they knew better than to try and keep Annabelle from doing as she wished.

They knew better than to try and keep her from killing whoever she wanted.

They knew damn well that if they even tried to, it would only result in their own deaths.

And because of that, not one single person had attempted to stop her because they all knew only two people could actually stop her.

One of them was Klaus, who was tracking down Tyler Lockwood so that he could kill the young hybrid for everything that he'd done.

While the second was her twin brother Kol, who had been dead for days now after the white oak stake had been shoved into his heart by Jeremy Gilbert.

And as for the people in Mystic Falls that knew of Annabelle, they knew that they were all doomed because there was not one single person inside of Mystic Falls that could truly keep her from losing control of herself.

And because of that, Annabelle continued to tear into the necks of whoever she wished and left piles of bodies scattered throughout the small town.

* * *

The second that Annabelle had heard the clicking of heels that were approaching her, she quickly turned around and was about to go and attack whoever it was that was walking towards her, only to stop when she saw that it was none other than her sister, Rebekah.

After eyeing Annabelle, Rebekah said, "Well, you certainly are a bit of a mess." After taking in the sight of Annabelle's body that was drenched in blood, Rebekah asked, "What happened while I was gone? How did you manage to lose grip on yourself so easily?"

Annabelle replied, "I have a better question. How have you not lost control of yourself?" Just as Rebekah had opened her mouth to respond, she suddenly stopped when Annabelle had started to slowly walk towards her as she asked her younger sister, "Did you choose to forget about how just mere days ago we had lost Kol? Did you forget that we've lost not one, but two of our brothers? Were you so desperate in finding the cure for vampirism that you chose to forget about how I had watched Kol frantically scream as he quickly– and yet painfully– died after Jeremy had shoved the white oak stake into his chest? Is that it? Did you just choose to forget about how both Kol and Finn were murdered at the hands of that bloody doppelganger and her friends? Because I haven't. The sound of Kol's screams and the mere sight of his body that had caught on fire are imprinted in my mind. I can't forget it."

As Rebekah slowly backed away from Annabelle, she said in a whisper, "Annabelle." When Annabelle didn't stop walking towards her, she said, "Annabelle, please."

After ignoring Rebekah's plea, Annabelle said, "The only two things that cause me to momentarily forget that mere memory of my twin brother dying in front of me is killing just about every single person that I see and thinking of all of the ways that I could make that bloody doppelganger and her friends pay for what they've done. Whether I have them die in a slow or fast manner doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me is that they all pay for what they did. The only thing that I care about is exacting my revenge in Kol's name. That's it. I don't care about anything else." While Rebekah had said yet another plea, Annabelle said, "As for you, the only thing that you care about is getting that damned cure that got Kol killed in the first place. You don't care that he was killed. I don't think that you ever did. And because of that, I won't feel the slightest bit bad for what I'm about to do."

As she eyed Annabelle, Rebekah asked her, "And what are you going to do?"

Instead of verbally responding to Rebekah's question, Annabelle had simply plastered a grin on her face before she grabbed Rebekah by the front of her neck and then quickly snapped it.

It wasn't until Rebekah had fallen face-first onto the asphalt that Annabelle had kicked her aside before she had sped out of the side street with murder on her mind.

* * *

It wasn't long after Annabelle had snapped Rebekah's neck that those who knew of the Original vampire family had heard about how Annabelle had mercilessly snapped her own sister's neck.

Although they shouldn't be surprised, they couldn't help but feel surprised in finding out that Annabelle had lost control of the little sanity that she had left and took her anger out on her own sister.

Another thing that had surprised them was the fact that Kol Mikaelson was the only thing that had helped her stay even the slightest bit sane and it was his death that had caused her to lose sight of what she should've been doing.

And because of that, Annabelle was completely unaware of the fact that the flashing was occurring for the first time in days.

Not to mention the fact that she was also unaware that three men and one woman were quietly talking to one another about how Annabelle had lost complete control of herself.

And while the three men and the woman had talked about how different Annabelle was, compared to how she was when they had last seen her centuries ago, the one young man that was left out of the conversation did nothing but silently watch her as she tore into the necks of whoever she pleased.

It didn't look as if she cared about the consequences from losing control of herself like this.

She didn't seem to care that she could be daggered because of her losing control of herself like this.

And because of that, this young man was the only one who was worried about what would happen as soon as her siblings had returned to Mystic Falls and found the mess that she made for herself as she started to repeatedly throw punch after punch into the brick wall.

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