nine | before sunset

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With a sigh, Annabelle twirled a knife around her fingers, while Rebekah told her about all of the happenings that had been occurring after their brother, Finn, was killed by Elena and her friends.

Annabelle, honestly, couldn't care less about the happenings going on at the school, which involved Rebekah and Caroline arguing about whether or not the decade dance would be for the twenties or the seventies.

Nor did she care much for Rebekah apparently missing the decade dance that she had organized.

The only thing that she cared about that Rebekah had told her about was the fact that the reason that she even missed the decade dance was simply because their mother had possessed Rebekah's body.

She was close to just stopping what she was doing and going back to Mystic Falls in order to tear her mother's head from the rest of her body, only to stop and sigh to herself when it was revealed that Esther had died once more.

After that, she didn't much care for whatever Rebekah was saying.

The only thing that she wanted to do was end the phone call as quickly as she possibly could and deal with the repercussions from doing that later on.

She was about to do just that, only to stop when Rebekah told her that Alaric Saltzman was still alive and had almost killed her with a white oak stake.

Annabelle's eyebrows furrowed as she asked, "Who the hell is Alaric?"

Rebekah told her, "He's a friend of the Salvatore brothers and Elena's friends, but that doesn't matter. We destroyed all of the white oak stakes, but for some reason Alaric is still alive and he has a white oak stake." When Annabelle didn't respond, Rebekah said, "I'd only just gotten away from him. Caroline wasn't that lucky, though. Alaric snapped her neck and dragged her inside the school."

Annabelle sighed as she asked, "Isn't Caroline that girl Nik's so fond of?" When Rebekah confirmed that was in fact the Caroline that she was talking about, Annabelle scoffed. "Why should I care about what he did to her? It was her friends that got Finn killed. If it wasn't for them, Finn would still be alive, and he'd probably be off somewhere trying to spend the rest of his immortal life with Sage doing whatever it is that he pleased. I say you let Caroline die and try to destroy this white oak stake this Alaric bloke apparently has."

Rebekah also sighed before she told her, "Annabelle, you don't understand. For some reason, Alaric can't be killed."

Annabelle's eyebrows furrowed as she asked, "What do you mean that he can't be killed? He's a vampire, isn't he?" When Rebekah confirmed this statement, Annabelle asked, "Then what's the problem? If he's a regular vampire, then there should be no problem with killing him."

Rebekah sighed once more before she told her, "Annabelle, Caroline and I shoved the white oak stake into his heart, but he only pulled it out of his own chest. He didn't desiccate and he didn't burst into flames. He's still alive."

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