sixty five | i'm thinking of you all the while

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While Annabelle resorted to tearing into the throats of whoever wasn't already dead, Damon said, "Come on, Elena

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While Annabelle resorted to tearing into the throats of whoever wasn't already dead, Damon said, "Come on, Elena. Hey, wake up. Elena."

While Damon tried to feed Elena his blood, Alaric said from where he was crouched over Jo's body, "Oh, God. Help. Somebody please help us."

Not long after he did that, Joshua yelled, "Kai!"

A woman in the distance was heard saying, "Help us, please."

And not long after she said that, her pleas were soon turned into screams the second Annabelle started to tear into her throat, which got Joshua to wince to himself before he slowly went about forcing himself to stand up.

As Damon continued to try and get Elena to drink his blood, he said to her, "Come on, just drink it." When she still wasn't drinking his blood, he said, "No."

Then Damon turned his head and said, "Stefan? Stefan?" After both Stefan and Caroline stood with a groan from where they were once lying on the floor, Damon told them, "She won't wake up."

In a whisper, Caroline said as the two of them made their way over towards Damon and Elena, "Oh, my God."

Damon told them, "She won't wake up, I don't understand."

Stefan said to him, "Just get her to the hospital. Now."

In turn, Damon said, "Yeah."

As soon as Damon had picked up Elena and sped out of the room, Caroline said to Stefan, "She's human. What if she doesn't—?"

Then both Caroline and Stefan fell back onto the floor with their necks snapped to reveal Kai, who was silently standing behind them with his hands raised before he told them, "Nothing personal, but this is a family matter now." As he turned to look around the room, he said, "Speaking of, where is Ava and Dorothy?"

Not long after he said that, he found Avalon crouched over Dorothy with her hands held out over her daughter and muttering an incantation under her breath.

With his head tilted to the side, Kai slowly made his way over towards the two of them and silently watched as Avalon continued to mutter the same incantation under her breath.

It wasn't until he had finally stopped behind Avalon that she pulled her hands away and let out a sigh as a single tear rolled down the side of her face before she leaned in towards Dorothy and quietly told her something, while Kai only tilted his head some more in response.

As soon as she pulled away from Dorothy and went to stand up, Kai quickly grabbed her by the arm and said, "Hey there, Ava." While Avalon only sighed in response, he said, "You know, I do have one question for you. It's a question I've been wondering about ever since I escaped that damn prison world and saw you for the first time in eighteen years with a teenage girl that was apparently your daughter."

When Avalon only sighed in response once more, Kai told her, "Back in 1994, the only person you ever really hung out with, you know, aside from your girl friends and the members of the Phoenix Coven, you know, before your old coven had severed all ties you had with their coven, was me. So I can't help but wonder something. Before Dad had sent me away to that prison world, was there anyone else you messed around with? Hmm? Because if not, then I think that you have a hell of a lot of explaining to do, Ava."

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