fifty six | the map of moments

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As soon as both Kol and Davina were finished with saying their incantation, Davina said, "It's finished, but I'm worried it's not enough to protect Cami's body from Esther's magic

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As soon as both Kol and Davina were finished with saying their incantation, Davina said, "It's finished, but I'm worried it's not enough to protect Cami's body from Esther's magic."

Kol replied, "I might know a way to distract you from your troubled mind."

It was then that Marcel said to Kol, "You can take this seriously, or I can lock you in a coffin like your brother Finn, if you prefer."

After glancing over at Annabelle, who was slowly making her way over towards Marcel with her head tilted to the side and her eyes narrowed, Kol said to him, "Oh, no, I'd prefer you to bugger off. This spell needs time to cook in peace."

Marcel replied, "Cami doesn't have time. Esther can jump anybody into her body right now."

Kol retorted, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but she's not gonna jump anybody. She's gonna jump Rebekah, who just happens to be miles away. But fair dues, Marcel. I think I'd be a bit testy too if my old ex was about to jump into my new ex. I think that would be a bit, uh—"

It was then that Cami asked him as she started to walk towards them, "Awkward?"

With a tilt of his head, Kol said, "I was gonna say kinky, but—"

As soon as Marcel sped towards Kol and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, Annabelle sped towards Marcel and forcefully removed his hands from Kol and tossed him to the other side of the compound.

While Kol simply smirked to himself and fixed the front of his shirt as Annabelle stepped in front of him with her back facing her brother, Marcel quickly got back up and started to make his way over towards the Mikaelson siblings.

Just as he was about to reach Annabelle, he suddenly stopped walking when Cami said to him, "I appreciate the chivalry, Marcel, but he'll have an easier time protecting me if he's alive."

After looking away from Annabelle, who was now staring up at him with her veins on display and her hands clenched into fists, Marcel said to Kol, "Keep working."

While Annabelle made a point of watching with narrowed eyes as Marcel quickly walked away from the three of them with Cami close behind him, Davina asked Kol, "What is it with you two?"

Kol said to her, "It gets a bit old playing odd man out in my own family." As he went to sit down, he said, "Now, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, they were always a party of three. No room for me at the table. Always seemed to be room for Marcel."

Then he glanced over at Annabelle, who was starting to pace around the inside of the compound, before he said, "And as for Annabelle? The only reason they ever made room for her was because they pitied her and knew that if they didn't involve her in any of their daily activities that she would resort to either killing whoever she fancied or would do something that would gain the attention of Mikael, which was something none of us wanted. If it weren't for her blacking out and killing her husband and children or the matter of her being practically tortured by our parents at a young age, they probably wouldn't have even batted an eye in her direction. And if that were the case, then the only person she would have to rely on would be me, seeing as how we're twins and all. I mean, granted, between the two of us, she is the older one, but it doesn't change the fact that she needed more protection than I ever did. Even now, she still needs it a bit more than anyone else, as far as I'm concerned." It wasn't until after Annabelle had sped out of the compound and went in the opposite direction that Cami and Marcel had gone in that Kol looked back at Davina and asked her, "You know that diamond? The one that I showed you?"

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