seventy four | heart shaped box

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While Kai went to follow a lead for where the coven of siphoning witches could have gone off to, Annabelle paced around the inside of their new home as she waited for his return

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While Kai went to follow a lead for where the coven of siphoning witches could have gone off to, Annabelle paced around the inside of their new home as she waited for his return.

Normally, she would be fine with him going out on his own, but after what had happened to Dorothy what felt like months ago at this point, she hated the idea of something happening to the infuriating heretic that had somehow managed to grow on her during the time the two of them had spent together.

It was because of her worry of what would happen to Kai that she didn't know someone was hanging around the doorway to her front door until she heard a voice say to her, "Hello, love."

With a roll of her eyes, she said, "Piss off, William. I have far better things to do than to entertain you at this point in time."

With a scoff, William asked her, "What are you even busy with? Pacing around the inside of this home and hoping that everything goes well for that witch friend of yours? What was his name again? Kai?" After watching her slowly turn her head to look over at him with her veins on display, he said to her, "Now that I have your attention, I thought I should let you know that dearest Aurora had not only taken your sister Freya captive and had shot her with a gun before burying her alive, but Aurora also has white oak bullets that she plans on using on your siblings and possibly you, if you've done something to piss her off in the months you've been missing."

After scoffing to herself, Annabelle replied, "And why the hell would I care about what happens to them? Last I checked, none of them had thought to tell me that Kol was killed again. So, William, do tell me why the hell I should give a damn about them when the last I saw any of them, they thought it necessary to shove a dagger into my heart, simply because of my choice of turning my back on them for the first time in over a thousand years."

With a shrug of his shoulders, William told her, "Well, I just thought you would want to see them one last time before they got killed by Aurora."

Annabelle said to him, "Even if they were killed by Aurora, I would be the last person they would ever want to see before their demise. After all, why would they want to see me? They hate me and see me as an enemy, due to my choice of not wanting to aid them in their wish to make this prophecy not come true, despite them having months to do just that. So, no, William, I have no desire to see either of their faces. So if you could kindly piss off and find someone else to bother, that would be greatly appreciated."

After forcing a chuckle in response, William started to raise his eyebrows as he asked her, "And what if I told you that Davina Claire, the very witch who informed you of Kol's demise, is currently working on a spell that could ensure that your darling brother Kol is brought back to life once more? Only this time, in his original body."

The most Annabelle did in response to his words was stare at him with furrowed eyebrows as she shoved her hand into her pocket and grabbed onto the carving she held onto during the Christmas holidays.

* * *

While Annabelle paced around the inside of her home and thought some more on the information William had revealed to her, Kai had grown close to finding out just where the coven of siphoning witches had gone off to.

Just as he went to take a step forward, he suddenly stopped and slowly tilted his head, while he listened to the sound of the approaching footsteps from far behind himself.

With his eyes now narrowed, Kai slowly went to raise his hand, only to stop when an unfamiliar man that looked shorter than him suddenly appeared in front of him.

While tilting his head some more, Kai asked him, "Who the hell are you?"

With a grin on his face, the man replied, "Where are my manners? I'm an old, shall we say, friend of Annabelle's and someone that has some information about what happened to your beloved daughter, if you can believe it." The moment he saw Kai's veins start to come onto display, the man said to him, "And it appears that you do."

When Kai didn't respond, the man said, "Well, it's either that, or you simply wish to kill me at this very moment. You know, similarly to how you killed everyone in your family, excluding your daughter of course, and both the Gemini and Phoenix Covens."

In response to the man's words, Kai slowly started to raise his hand, which got the man to start to grab both sides of his head as he said, "Okay, okay, okay. I understand. She's still a rather difficult subject for you to speak of. I understand. But what I don't understand is why you're still aligned with Annabelle, when it was her refusal to listen to you that got you to lose your daughter in the first place." When Kai only tilted his head in response, the man said to him, "Oh, don't tell me you actually believed that Annabelle, the one known as the unstable Original and has been known to care for no one but herself and her own family for centuries, actually gave a damn about Dorothy."

After forcing a chuckle, Kai replied, "You don't know anything about her. Annabelle did care about Dorothy, and she's just as pissed off that she was killed as I am. So if this is your attempt to turn me against her, then you're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, vamp."

The man told him, "Oh, that's where you're wrong, Kai Parker. I don't intend to turn you against her. I only want to ensure that the only person she could truly count on is me, just as she did centuries ago before we parted ways. And the only way I could ever see that happening is if you're dead."

The most Kai did was smirk in response before he flicked his wrist, which resulted in the man falling face-first onto the floor.

While staring down at the man, Kai said to him, "Good luck doing that, if you can't even find me in the first place."

And not long after he said that, Kai disappeared into thin air and left the unconscious vampire to lie on the ground with his neck snapped.

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