twenty two | a view to a kill

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With a sigh, Kol took his phone away from his ear when Annabelle yelled, "I'm sorry, she did what?!" When Kol didn't respond to her yelling, Annabelle yelled, "I swear, if that bloody witch hurts you again, I don't care what happens to me! I will kill that witch with my own bare hands!"

Kol said to her, "Just calm down, Annabelle. What she did to me doesn't matter. What matters is that I need to find a way to prevent Nik's former blood bag from finding the cure and waking Silas. That's the only thing that matters to me."

After slowly exhaling through her nose, Annabelle asked, "Is there anything that I could do to help?"

Kol replied, "Unless you found a way to get into either the Gilbert home or the home of Damon Salvatore and break him out of wherever they're keeping him, then I'm afraid not."

Annabelle sighed before she said, "Fine. But if you ever change your mind, just give me a call. You know I'd gladly help you with anything that you ask."

Kol sighed once more before he said, "Let me guess. This is your attempt to get me to hand over the white oak stake because of your fear of losing me."

Annabelle replied, "Kol, I'm right in worrying about you because of this. That bloody doppelganger had already killed Finn. The last thing that I need is to lose you as well."

Kol told her, "Well, you don't have to worry. You won't be losing me any time soon."

She scoffed to herself before she said, "That better be the case, or I will—"

Kol replied, "Yes, I know. You won't rest until you find a way to either kill their friends and family yourself or have the witch you allied yourself with to do it for you. I've heard this a thousand times at this point." When Annabelle sighed and started to say his name, he said, "I appreciate the worry you're feeling. I do, but you have nothing to worry about. You and I both know that I can take care of myself just fine, so there's no point in you worrying about me."

She sighed before she said to him, "Fine. If you're sure."

Kol replied, "I am."

Annabelle sighed once more before she said to him, "Just be safe. I'll talk to you later."

Kol replied, "I will."

Then the phone call had ended.

* * *

As he stared at the ceiling of the cellar, Klaus said to Damon, "You know, none of this would be an issue if you'd have just done your job properly." After turning around to look at Damon once more, he said, "I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy."

As he tossed a plastic ball up into the air, Damon replied, "No, you weren't. Are you kidding? You got there on day two. Do you know how hard it is to get these X-Box brains to focus?"

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