fifty two | every mother's son

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After turning to look away from Annabelle, who was currently staring down at the things of food on the table with her arms crossed over her chest and her head tilted to the side, Hayley asked as she looked over at Klaus, "So, which restaurant's mi...

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After turning to look away from Annabelle, who was currently staring down at the things of food on the table with her arms crossed over her chest and her head tilted to the side, Hayley asked as she looked over at Klaus, "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?"

Klaus told her, "It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this."

Hayley replied, "Hmm. Then I guess we have Elijah to thank."

As Elijah started to make his way over towards them, he said, "This wasn't my doing."

Hayley asked him, "Then where did this all come from?"

It was then that a covered tray started to move, which got Annabelle to raise an eyebrow and Hayley to slightly jump.

While Annabelle tilted her head some more, Klaus grabbed the handle to the cover and pulled it off the platter, which resulted in a couple of birds to start to fly away from them.

As she looked between the three siblings and the birds that just flew away, Hayley asked them, "What the hell was that?"

After watching Klaus pick up the folded piece of paper, Annabelle turned her attention over to him, who soon enough raised his head and told Hayley, "An invitation from our mother."

* * *

As she continued to stir around the food inside of the cauldron, Esther said, "Now, children, it's very hot." As she poured some of the food into the bowls her children were holding, she said, "Rebekah, Kol, be careful."

Then Esther brought her attention to a young Annabelle, who was staring up at her with wide eyes and a small smile on her face.

For several long moments, Esther continued to stare down at Annabelle, who was starting to grow rather impatient, while her siblings shared glances with one another when they saw that their mother had yet to give Annabelle any food.

It was only then that Esther did give Annabelle some food as well, which resulted in Annabelle's small smile to widen before she quickly made her way over towards Kol, who was quite upset over the fact that Annabelle was grateful for not even being given as much food as he had been given.

While Kol made a point of discreetly putting some of his food into her bowl in order to make sure she would have more than had been given to her, Esther looked at her other children and asked them, "Where's Niklaus?" After seeing how Elijah looked over at Finn, Esther said to him, "Elijah?"

Then Esther looked over at Finn and asked him, "Finn? Where's your brother?"

While Annabelle started to clench her hands into fists from underneath the table and Kol made a point of slowly uncurling her hands from fists, Finn looked over at his other siblings before he told Esther, "He's in the woods, Mother. Hiding."

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