twenty seven | because the night

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With his hands folded behind his back, Klaus watched as Caroline downed whatever alcohol was left in the plastic cup that she held in her hand before he said to her, "Desperate times I take it

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With his hands folded behind his back, Klaus watched as Caroline downed whatever alcohol was left in the plastic cup that she held in her hand before he said to her, "Desperate times I take it."

After tossing the cup into the garbage can she was holding, Caroline asked him, "What are you doing here?"

Klaus replied, "Not judging you for starters, although if you are determined to get drunk, then perhaps I might recommend something a little more sanitary."

In response to his words, Caroline grabbed another plastic cup and downed the alcohol in that one before also tossing it into the garbage can.

Klaus said to her, "Well, then. You showed me."

Caroline asked him, "Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler to the ends of the earth, or are there still some hopes and dreams you want to crush around here?"

Klaus replied, "Depends. Do you happen to know where the young Brutus is?"

Caroline said to him, "I know where he's not– with me. He gave Matt the deed to the house, so he's gone for good."

Klaus nodded his head to himself and took a couple of steps closer to Caroline as he said, "Tyler made it his life's mission to kill me. You can't hate me for driving him away."

Caroline replied, "No. I can, and I do. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to spiraling, so go away."

It was then that Annabelle had entered the room with a blood bag in hand and said to Caroline, "Sorry, love, but neither of us can leave just yet."

With a scoff, Caroline opened her mouth to respond, only to stop when Stefan had said from behind her, "Actually, I asked him to be here. We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls."

After looking away from Stefan, Caroline asked him, "Okay, I get why Klaus has to be here, but why does Annabelle have to be here? Last I checked, she still wants to kill us all after what happened to Finn and Kol."

With a chuckle, Annabelle said to her, "Oh, don't you worry your pretty, little head, darling. I still want to kill you and your friends, but according to Klaus, business trumps any personal issues that I may have with you lot."

Just as Caroline was about to respond, Klaus told Caroline, "After hearing about how Annabelle had not only snapped Rebekah's neck but had also resorted to murdering several families once more, I felt that keeping her busy in the meantime until her apparent diabolical plan actually happens would help with ensuring that she doesn't lose any more control of herself."

After eyeing Annabelle with furrowed eyebrows, Caroline turned to Stefan and asked him, "Are you sure that having her here will be a good idea?" After looking back at Annabelle, whose head was tilted to the side and happened to have a blank look on her face, she looked back at Stefan and said, "I mean, come on, Stefan. You and I both know just how much she'd love to kill us all after what happened to Kol."

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