three | all my children

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The very first thing that was heard in the early hours of the following morning was not one, but two blood curdling screams.

The first scream belonged to a young man when Annabelle had quickly pulled him onto a side street and started to tear into his neck.

The second scream, however, belonged to a young woman that came across the sight of the young man that was trying to fight his way out of Annabelle's grip, but was unable to succeed.

Soon enough, that young woman was also dragged into the side street.

Then another scream was heard and another, and another, and another.

About an hour or two later, the side street had a rather large pile of headless bodies lying on the sidewalk with each head lying on picket fences that surrounded the front yards of some of the houses.

By the time that she was finished, she was completely drenched in blood and the overwhelming anger that she felt from Damon snapping Kol's neck was gone.

The only thing that she felt was the excitement that came with tearing into the necks of anyone that she saw as she scoured the streets for any living person whose necks she could tear into.

She knew she would be given an earful by Esther and Klaus, but she didn't care.

This was the first time in two-hundred and ninety-two years that she was able to go about and kill whoever she pleased.

She wasn't about to let either of them dictate about how she should spend her time, since she completely abhorred her mother and considered Klaus to be nothing more than a mere nuisance to her, depending on the occasion.

Just as she was about to leave the side street and head back to the home that Klaus had built for them, she suddenly stopped when she heard another blood curdling scream.

For a moment, she paused and let a wide and bloodthirsty grin make its way onto her face before she sped to the newest victim of hers.

And just like that, the young woman's blood curdling scream was cut short.

* * *

After a rather long inner debate on how to work the modern-day shower, Annabelle had stepped out of the bathroom with wet hair and a clean set of clothes on her.

As she started to walk down the stairs in order to join three of her four brothers, she couldn't help but notice just how quiet it was inside of their home.

After spending practically her whole life with her siblings, it was quite unusual for Annabelle whenever it was silent.

She couldn't help but wonder what their reason was for being silent.

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