one hundred and two | 'til the day i die

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While Annabelle and Dorothy kept a close eye on Kai to make sure this wedding didn't turn out to be like his sister's wedding thirteen years ago, Freya asked Keelin in a whisper, "What happened to your dress?"

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While Annabelle and Dorothy kept a close eye on Kai to make sure this wedding didn't turn out to be like his sister's wedding thirteen years ago, Freya asked Keelin in a whisper, "What happened to your dress?"

In turn, Keelin quietly replied, "Are you kidding, girl? I'm not taking any chances."

Just as Kai went to turn to Dorothy and ask her a question, he suddenly stopped when Joseph quickly covered Kai's mouth with his hand, while Kol said, "Dearly beloved, now, not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. You know, sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers." While Annabelle only chuckled to herself in response, Kol said, "Now, I don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now, I, for one, am grateful for today, and I'm grateful for all of you."

Then Kol looked over at Joseph and said to him, "Except for you, mate. But that's only because you chose to propose to Annabelle without even bothering to talk to me about it." While Joseph slowly made a point of hiding himself behind Annabelle, despite Annabelle being four inches shorter than him, Kol turned to Keelin and told her, "Keelin, when I first met you, I would have never predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing more but the best in life."

After watching Hope hand Kol the wedding rings and Keelin and Freya each say their words to one another, Annabelle leaned her head into Joseph's chest and started to interlock her fingers with his own, while Kol said, "Now, by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk in the thirteenth century, and by the Internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride."

And while the newlyweds kissed one another, Kol peaked his head around the two of them and stared at Joseph with narrowed eyes.

In response to Kol's actions, Joseph attempted to shrink behind his fiancée in an attempt to keep Kol from looking at him the way he was at that exact moment.

* * *

With a sigh, Joseph said, "Okay, I'm gonna admit it. Kol scares me."

While watching Kol spin Davina around before the two of them started to dance once more, Annabelle replied, "Don't let Kol hear you say that. Knowing him, he won't rest until he's managed to make you regret ever admitting that in the first place." After seeing Kol glance over at them with a smirk on his face, Annabelle said, "Well, it was nice knowing you, while it lasted, Joseph."

Joseph turned to her with furrowed eyebrows as he said, "What?"

Instead of verbally responding, Annabelle nodded over at Kol, who was smiling as he danced with Davina.

Then Kol glanced over at them, just in time for Joseph's eyes to widen before he said, "Oh, crap. He heard me say it, didn't he?"

After chuckling to herself, Annabelle lightly grabbed the side of Joseph's face and turned his head to face her before she said, "Don't worry, Joseph. I won't let him hurt you. I promise."

After sighing to himself, Joseph asked her, "Does he really need to be at the wedding?" When he saw the way Annabelle was now looking at him, he said, "I'm serious, Annabelle. Knowing Kol, he would freaking kill me, just for not asking for his blessing."

Instead of responding, Annabelle stared past Joseph and over at Kol, who was now chuckling to himself with a mere shake of his head, while Davina looked between Kol and Annabelle with a raised eyebrow.

Just as Joseph was about to say something more to her, he suddenly stopped when he saw Hope start to fall forward, only for Keelin to quickly catch her.

It was then that Annabelle, Joseph, Kai and Dorothy quickly started to make their way over towards where Hope was standing, while Klaus asked Keelin, "Is she alright?"

As she started to pull herself away from Keelin, Hope said, "I'm fine. I'm fine."

In turn, Keelin said, "Yeah. My medical diagnosis is too much champagne."

Then Hope said as she went to raise her glass, "Oh, yeah. Speaking of, I would like to make a toast. This has been the best day ever. And you know what? You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one. And being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of 'always and forever', too. So... cheers."

While the others said cheers, Kol glanced over at Annabelle, who was now dragging Kai away from the rest of them and telling him why he couldn't just set one of the tables on fire.

Joseph and Dorothy, on the other hand, were mindlessly sipping away at their glasses of champagne without much of a care in the world.

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