twenty six | bring it on

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After opening a door to see that Damon Salvatore was standing on the other side of it, Klaus said as Damon entered the room, "Ah, what an unpleasant surprise."

As he stopped walking and turned to face Klaus, Damon said to him, "So I just came up with a list. It's called things you suck at. Number one, finding Katherine, ever. Number two, covering up your secret phone conversations to that little backstabber Hayley." After tossing the papers aside, Damon asked, "Yeah, so where is she, and what does she know about Katherine?"

Klaus replied, "I should help you? After you lot killed my brother and imprisoned Annabelle and me in the Gilbert living room?" After gesturing over towards Annabelle, who was staring at Damon with narrowed eyes and her veins on display, he said, "In case you haven't noticed, Annabelle's still quite angry about that whole situation."

Just as Damon turned his head to look over at Annabelle, he immediately stopped when he saw that Annabelle was standing a couple inches from his face with her head tilted to the side and her hands clenched into fists.

After taking a couple of steps away from the seething Original, Damon said to Klaus, "You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems. Katherine has the cure." As he took a couple of more steps away from both siblings, Damon said, "My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine."

While Annabelle only scoffed to herself as she tilted her head some more, Klaus walked past Damon and sat onto the couch as he replied, "Can't help you, mate. Hayley's off limits. Although I-I did have a run-in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. Too bad for you, I bit halfway through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chit-chat."

After plastering a smile on his face, Damon opened his mouth to respond, only to stop when Klaus said, "I'd run off, if I were you. Annabelle has been feeling a bit peckish, in regard to your human friends. I think the last thing you lot need is Annabelle tearing into the throats of Matt and Bonnie, along with your friends' loved ones. Wouldn't you agree, Damon?" While Damon turned his head and eyed Annabelle, Klaus chuckled before he said, "And I'll tell you a little secret, Damon. There are only two things keeping Annabelle from ripping your heart out of your chest. The first would be her giving me her word that she'd help me in securing the cure and making sure none of you try to cram it down my throat."

After looking back at Klaus, Damon asked, "And what's the second thing?"

Klaus sighed before he told him, "Now, that one, I don't know. The only thing I know is that she has this secret weapon that she plans on using on you lot the second she's able to. So if I were you, I'd watch your back. There's no knowing just what this secret weapon is and when she would choose to use it."

Damon quickly turned his head to look at Annabelle, who plastered a grin on her face as she mockingly waved at Damon.

After muttering 'right' under his breath, Damon quickly exited the room and left Annabelle to stare after the elder Salvatore sibling, while Klaus had only chuckled to himself.

* * *

While Klaus had an apparent dinner with Hayley as an attempt to get her to tell him all that he had to know about Katherine and her whereabouts, Annabelle had just finished killing off yet another family that she believed were just rubbing their happiness in her face.

Despite it being a couple hundred years since Annabelle had last done this, it didn't change the fact that seeing a family practically rubbing their happiness in her face still completely enraged her.

It pissed her off almost as much as witnessing Kol getting murdered right in front of her.

In her honest opinion, if she couldn't have moments of pure joy with her own family– now that two of her brothers were murdered at the hands of Elena's friends– then nobody could.

She saw no point in allowing others to be happy with their own families, when the one person in her family who made her the happiest was murdered shortly before Elena and her friends had left in order to retrieve the cure for vampirism.

And because of her current rage and her need for releasing all of this anger out on anyone that she saw, she was completely unaware of the fact that Klaus was repeatedly attempting and also failing to get a hold of her through both text messages and phone calls.

While Annabelle managed to convince another family into inviting her into their home before ultimately slaughtering them, one single vampire had watched with his head hung low as Annabelle tore into the necks of the entire family with no remorse whatsoever.

And while the bloodcurdling screams slowly died down, the lone vampire couldn't help but wonder if Annabelle Mikaelson was the very same vampire that he was told several stories about during his two-hundred and sixty-one years as a vampire.

* * *

While Klaus and Hayley had started to make out with each other, Annabelle was lying down on a rather large puddle of blood with her arms lying above her own head with a blank look on her face on the other side of town and practically surrounded by the headless bodies of her former victims.

As Annabelle stared up at the blood-spattered ceiling of the home that she was invited inside of, she did nothing but simply lie there as she listened to the sobs of the single victim that was still alive, while the young teenage girl crawled over to the headless bodies of her family.

It wasn't until the teenage girl had lied her head on her headless father's chest that Annabelle had slowly turned her head and blankly stared at the sobbing teenager with her veins on display.

Without taking her eyes off the sobbing teenager, Annabelle slowly stood up before she walked over to the teenager just as slowly with her head tilted to the side.

It was only when Annabelle had stopped right behind the teenager that the teenage girl had looked up at her and said, "Please, don't. I-I won't tell anyone what happened. I swear, I'll tell no one about this. J-Just let me go." When Annabelle had only grabbed her arm and pulled the teenage girl onto her feet, the teenager started to sob again as she said, "No, please. No. I'm serious. I won't tell anyone. Just, please—"

Instead of going by the young teenage girl's wishes, Annabelle simply stared into her eyes before she said, "I want you to run as far as you possibly can inside of your home and try your best to hide from me, because if I find you, I will kill you. Do you understand me? I won't be able to keep myself from tearing into your throat and doing with you as I wish."

Without giving the teenager a chance to respond, Annabelle shoved the teenage girl away from herself and silently watched as she ran as far as she possibly could from Annabelle.

However, after a couple minutes of running, the teenager's leg was grabbed before she was dragged into one of the empty rooms and she was tossed into a wall.

After groaning and grabbing the side of her head, the teenage girl slowly stood onto her feet before she slightly jumped when she saw that Annabelle's face was a mere couple of inches away from her own.

Before the teenage girl could so much as attempt to start begging again, Annabelle quickly grabbed her hair and raised her head before she sank her teeth into the teenager's neck.

And while the teenage girl started to scream, Annabelle sank her teeth even more into the teenager's neck, which got there to be a sickening crunch to be heard before she silently watched as the teenager's head had rolled off of the top of her neck and away from the rest of her own body.

And for the first time since Annabelle had watched Kol be murdered, everything was completely and utterly silent.

And Annabelle did nothing but welcome the sound of this silence as she walked around the practical mansion and took in the sights of the blood spatters that were on the ceiling and walls.

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