forty | crescent city

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While Elijah continued to examine the body of Papa Tunde, Klaus asked him, "Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?"

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While Elijah continued to examine the body of Papa Tunde, Klaus asked him, "Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?"

While Annabelle simply rolled her eyes in response, Elijah replied, "You have a theory that you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?"

Marcel said to them, "Back in the day, the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep."

Elijah said to him, "It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?"

Klaus said to them, "Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be their prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?"

It was then that Rebekah entered the compound and said to them, "Well, don't you all look cheery." While Annabelle only sighed in response, Rebekah said to them, "Listen to this... a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving her tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux."

Klaus replied, "What?"

Rebekah told them, "The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle."

Marcel said to her, "Well, maybe it is. They think that all hope is lost, but now suddenly a Harvest girl is resurrected. This is how we're gonna get Davina back– Kill the witch who took her place."

After scoffing to herself, Annabelle replied, "Right. And how exactly do you plan on us doing that when we don't even know what witch even took her place? Would you prefer it if we were to go around and kill every single witch we see, just in case it happens to be the very witch that took her place? Hmm? Because that would be a rather long and dreadful process for us to do."

It was then that Hayley said to them, "I have a theory about who one of them could be..." After holding the photograph out to them, she said, "Celeste. I mean, it's got to be. Davina was trying to tell us. She was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil was coming."

After a couple seconds of silence, Klaus said, "First Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores. Now your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."

* * *

As she stood over a stove and was stirring around the contents inside of a pot, Rebekah said into her phone, "So help me God, Marcel, if you don't call me back with an update, I will kill you myself."

Not long after she ended the call and turned her attention back to the pot, she suddenly turned her head to look at a naked man, who was slowly making his way towards the kitchen, before she said, "Oh. I beg your pardon. I was expecting someone furrier."

The man asked her, "You're one of them, aren't you? An Original."

Rebekah replied, "Yes. You might want to say that with some more respect. I suppose you'll be wanting Hayley."

The man retorted as he slowly started to walk over towards Rebekah, "Or I could just talk to you. I'm Oliver. I didn't catch your name."

Rebekah told him, "I'm Rebekah." Then she turned her head and yelled, "Hayley, the party's here!"

It was then that a sigh was heard, which got Rebekah to stare past Oliver and over at Annabelle, who had her arms crossed over her chest and a blank look on her face before she said, "You know, if I knew that my coming here because of all your texts and calls would result in me finding you alone in a kitchen with a naked werewolf, I wouldn't have come." As Oliver slowly turned around to look at Annabelle, she told them, "I have far much better things to do than watch a bunch of werewolves run around this house with absolutely no clothing on them whatsoever."

Just as Oliver opened his mouth to say something to her, Annabelle told him, "Yes, I know your name and I know what you are. I don't care for whatever it is you have to say to me. The only thing I care about is getting through this without gouging my eyes out for seeing a naked werewolf. Now, if you two will excuse me, I am going to go and see if Hayley needs help with anything."

And just as quickly as Annabelle had shown up outside of the kitchen, she was gone.

* * *

While most of the werewolves danced with each other in the backyard of the plantation, Annabelle continued to down as many bottles of alcohol as she possibly could.

And as Annabelle continued to down the bottle of scotch she was currently drinking, Oliver said after Rebekah unenthusiastically let him spin her, "Well, come on! You can do better than that."

Rebekah replied, "Sorry. I've got a burdened brain tonight."

Oliver said to her, "No, no, no, no. Tonight is not a night for burdens. It's to celebrate. It's to enjoy life for the few hours that we get to live it. It's to hug our friends, our family, and to dance our asses off."

And as Rebekah started to actually dance with Oliver, Hayley looked over at Annabelle, who looked like she would rather be anywhere else at that exact moment, before she quickly made her way into the house and left the two Originals by themselves.

* * *

The second Annabelle arrived in the forest, she found Rebekah lying on the floor with wounds covering most of her body.

Then she looked around herself to see the bodies of a couple of werewolves lying around her.

Just as she went to approach her sister, Annabelle suddenly stopped when she felt a painful sensation start to occur in her head, which caused her to fall to her knees and let out a scream, while she pressed her hands against both sides of her head.

It didn't matter just how much she was fighting against the pain in her head, she couldn't find a way to force herself back up onto her feet.

So she could do nothing but watch as a red-haired woman crouched in front of her and watched the unstable original start to shake, while Annabelle's veins started to come onto display.

As Annabelle's shaking worsened and her screams grew louder, the woman said to her, "You know, I did hear about you. Your sister told me all about you, the most unstable member of your family that kills anyone, no matter who they are. I wonder if that means that if it came to it, that you would do the same that you're loyal to."

Despite the pain she was feeling, Annabelle did everything she could to reach out towards the woman, only to stop when the pain increased and she found herself screaming even louder.

Then the woman said to her, "Don't take this personally. I just have some unfinished business with your sister that needs to be taken care of, and I just can't let one of the most bloodthirsty members of your family get in the way of that."

Just as Annabelle was about to scream once more, she suddenly stopped when the woman flicked her wrist and Annabelle found herself falling face-first onto the ground with her arms and legs sprawled in different directions.

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