fifty one | alive and kicking

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Cadiz, Spain - 1702

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Cadiz, Spain - 1702

Not long after he entered the home they were staying in, Klaus yelled, "Kol!" When he didn't receive a response, he yelled, "Annabelle!"

After Klaus and Elijah entered the room, they removed their hats as Elijah said with a sigh, "All of my efforts to keep this family concealed, yet debauchery like this has led Father directly to us."

As he started to walk even further into the room, Klaus said, "Kol. Annabelle. Show yourselves. This is no time for games."

It was then that Kol was seen pinning a woman onto a wooden beam as he continued to tear into her throat before he eventually spun the two of them around and dropped her onto the floor.

With a raise of his arms, Kol looked up at his two brothers as he said, "Come, come, brother." As he went to grab a cup from the floor, he said, "There's always time for games."

As Kol went to walk even further into the room, Elijah asked him, "Where is Annabelle?"

When Kol only waved an arm in response, Klaus yelled, "Annabelle! Come out where we can see you right this instant!"

It was then that Annabelle stumbled out of her own place of hiding where she was tearing into the throats of her own victims.

Once she saw Klaus and Elijah standing not far from where Kol stood, she said with a chuckle, "Hello, brothers." When neither of them responded and simply kept their eyes on her entire front that was covered in blood along with her face, she asked him, "What brings the two of you around this time? Were we too noisy this time around?"

With a sigh, Elijah said to Kol and Annabelle, "We must leave. Mikael is very nearly upon us."

From where he was now seated, Kol replied, "If Mikael were upon us, I imagine Niklaus would be quite dead."

Klaus told him, "I barely escaped. Father left the head of my horse on a pike in the town square."

After glancing over at Annabelle, who looked rather annoyed at this very moment, Kol looked back at Klaus and asked him, "He killed poor Theo? What a beast." While Annabelle started to chuckle to herself with a mere shake of her head, which resulted in some of the blood on her outfit getting onto Kol, Kol said to Klaus, "But then, Father's always hated you most. Surely he'll chase you if you flee, leaving Annabelle and me here. Perhaps I'll make myself mayor."

As he looked between his two siblings, Elijah said to them, "Rebekah and Finn have boarded the ship. It is imperative we remain together."

As he went to stand from the chair he was sitting on, Kol replied, "Rebekah does what she's told because she fears Nik." As he continued to walk over towards Klaus, Kol said, "And Finn... is in no position to argue given the dagger in his heart. We'll take our chances here."

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