ninety six | one wrong turn on bourbon

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2 years ago- England

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2 years ago- England

It had been a couple of days since Kai and Dorothy headed off to America to find Kol in an attempt to keep Annabelle even more happy than usual by updating her about what was going on with Kol and his wife, Davina.

While Annabelle was bidding them goodbye, Joseph was kind of glad that they were leaving.

He had no problems with Dorothy.

It was Kai that he had a problem with.

A year after their visit to Copenhagen, Kai saw Joseph looking at engagement rings to see which would be a perfect fit for her, only for his attention to be brought over to Kai when Kai threatened to disembowel him and set him on fire, if he hurt Annabelle.

And since Kai had no problem with killing his entire family and both the Phoenix and Gemini Covens at least nine years prior at that point, Joseph had no reason not to believe that Kai would follow through on his threat if he found out that Annabelle got hurt.

And as soon as Kai had left England with Dorothy, Joseph immediately went back to work, while Annabelle spoke with them over the phone.

He wanted to make sure everything was perfect, while also making sure Annabelle didn't revert back to the person she was when they had first met twelve years ago.

It was this reason alone that he kept a close eye on Annabelle, while she wandered around the streets of England and took in the sights of how different things seemed to be for her after not being in England for five-hundred and thirty years.

It wasn't until she stopped outside of a burnt down and broken home that Joseph asked her, "Annabelle, what's wrong?"

She told him, "This, Joseph, is exactly where I had met William Kelly over five-hundred years ago. He was only human then, and I had been a vampire for nearly five-hundred years at the time. I, um, I saw how his parents had treated him. I remember how angry I got with them. I suppose seeing how they treated him reminded me of how Mikael and Esther had treated me before I left my home and moved in with Atticus." After sighing to herself, she said, "So in order to give him the chance to have revenge against those that had wronged him, I chose to be kind and offer him the chance to become like me. To become a vampire. At first, he was terribly confused. He didn't understand what I had meant until I compelled his parents to stay still and not make a single sound, whilst I explained to him everything he could have going for him, if he let me turn him. After what felt like hours of answering all of his questions, he agreed. I fed him my blood, snapped his neck and waited until he woke up."

As she took a couple steps towards the damaged home, she said, "As soon as he woke up, I bit into his mother's wrist and offered it to him. I didn't even have to say anything. He immediately started to drink her blood the moment he got to her. And once he was fully turned into a vampire, he tore into the throats of his parents and didn't stop until they were dead. He consumed every single ounce of their blood before he went through the rest of his village and started to kill every single person that had treated him rather horribly his whole life. He had twenty-five years of people that he hated, and he killed them all."

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