one | bringing out the dead

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While Elijah Mikaelson went to undagger one of his own brothers, Damon Salvatore had just undaggered another one of Elijah's brothers and walked over to one, single unopened coffin.

As soon as he stopped beside the coffin, he removed the lid and saw a young woman lying inside of it with veins covering every inch of her body and her hands folded over her chest.

He reached down to take the dagger out of her chest, only to stop when Elijah grabbed his arm and said to him, "I wouldn't do that, if I were you."

Damon looked over at Elijah as he raised an eyebrow at him and asked him, "Oh, yeah? And why's that?"

Elijah told him, "Because out of all of my siblings, she was the angriest when she was daggered."

With a scoff, Damon replied, "So what? If she's anything like you, I'm sure she'll be fine."

Elijah sighed before he said, "I'll have you know that her anger is close to being as bad as Klaus's and it becomes far worse than his when she's truly angry about something. And I'll have you know that she was quite angry when she was daggered." When Damon only turned his head and eyed Elijah's sister, Elijah said to him, "I'm sure that the last thing you'd need is her to wake up and either rip your heart out of your chest or forcefully remove your head from the rest of your body."

Damon only eyed her for a couple more seconds before he stepped aside and allowed Elijah to remove the dagger from her chest.

While Elijah went back to undaggering his remaining siblings, Damon asked him, "Would I be right in assuming she's part of the pro-Klaus crowd?"

Elijah only chuckled in response, which got Damon to eye him as he undaggered his brother.

Just as Damon was about to ask him another question, he suddenly stopped when he saw a blur move past him and then saw Elijah pinned to a wall with one arm pressed against his neck and a hand pressed against his chest.

Damon's eyebrows furrowed as he looked between the empty coffin and the brunette that had Elijah pinned to the wall.

While he slowly walked towards them and eyed the unknown sister, she said, "Oh, well, if it isn't my darling brother Elijah. I must say that after being daggered for who knows how long, it's good to see such a familiar face."

Elijah started to raise a hand as he said to her, "Now, Annabelle—"

She scoffed as she said to him, "Don't bloody Annabelle me. Not after how you idly stood aside as Niklaus shoved that damn dagger into my chest." After grabbing the dagger that she threw into the wall before she sped towards him, she moved it towards his chest as she said to him, "Perhaps I should do the same to you. After all, it would be more than fair after your refusal in helping me when I needed it most."

Elijah started to say to her, "Annabelle, please—"

She tilted her head as she asked him, "Please, what? Please hurry up with daggering you. Please compel the bloke that's watching us to dagger you and watch as he dies. I really hope it's the second one, because I haven't seen anyone die in who knows how long and I'd love nothing more than to see someone die."

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