seventy eight | behind the black horizon

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With a shake of his head, Finn asked, "Just how am I the loophole?"

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With a shake of his head, Finn asked, "Just how am I the loophole?"

Kol told him, "Last year, when Esther first brought us back, I got put in the body of a gormless twit, but you got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city. Vincent's. And even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between you two."

Then Elijah pressed play on the video, which allowed them to hear Vincent say, "And, Davina, that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the Ancestor's radar. I want you to find the thread between me and Finn."

After the video ended, Elijah asked Davina, "Have you ever done anything like this?"

Davina replied, "I don't even know if it's possible. But I do have Vincent's blood. If I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down."

It was then that Finn said to them, "I should have sensed something was wrong when Freya didn't call. Now Lucien has a head start."

With a raise of his eyebrows, Kai replied, "Yeah, you should've, but you didn't. Which makes you have even less of a chance of being given a trophy for brother of the year, now, doesn't it?"

Just as Finn went to take a step towards Kai, he suddenly stopped when both Dorothy and Annabelle stepped out in front of Kai, who did nothing but smirk to himself at the mere thought of an Original vampire being willing to protect him.

After shaking his head to himself with a sigh, Finn said to Davina, "Go, witch. Tend to your spells. I won't rest until she's found."

Kol replied, "Behold, the selfless martyr. First he wants to rip Davina's head off for trapping him in his body, now he can't wait to be spelled."

Just as Finn started to walk over towards Kol, he suddenly stopped when Elijah told him, "Finn, you and I shall go together. Kol, you stay here with Davina."

Kol asked Elijah, "You're going with him? So the two people responsible for not destroying the white oak when they had the chance, thus putting us in this bloody mess, and now they're off to try and fix it. That's just marvelous. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?"

It was then that Davina grabbed Kol by the hand and said to him, "Kol, look at me." After Kol turned to look over at Davina, she said to him, "I don't know this magic. I need your help. Come on. Let's go."

Just as Annabelle went to follow Kol and Davina in an attempt to make up for her choice of choosing Lucien over him, she suddenly stopped when Elijah told her, "Annabelle, you'll be coming with us." Then he glanced over at Kai and Dorothy before he said to Annabelle, "Make sure your witches help Davina with tracking down Freya."

Instead of bothering to respond, Annabelle continued to stand in place and stare at Kol's back as he followed Davina out of the room and eventually into another one, while Elijah held a glass out to Finn and said to him, "Let us begin."

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