eighty five | haunter of ruins

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As he started to make his way over towards the rest of his siblings and the two heretics, Kol asked them, "What's the hold up? Alright, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger— why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez?" Then he reached out...

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As he started to make his way over towards the rest of his siblings and the two heretics, Kol asked them, "What's the hold up? Alright, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger— why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez?" Then he reached out towards the newspaper Elijah and was holding and ripped it away from him as he said, "You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way— I assure you you haven't missed much."

Elijah replied, "Circumstances have changed. We will leave here soon enough."

It was then that Rebekah said to Kol, "We have our niece to consider."

Not long after she said that, Freya told them, "Kol has a point. We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible."

Klaus said to them, "We're not going anywhere today. I want one day of peace with my daughter before we uproot her."

Freya replied, "Any delay is a risk."

In turn, Klaus said to her, "One day. We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked, we weren't followed, and I'm not asking!"

It was then that the door opened and out came Hope, who was being led by Hayley, which allowed Klaus to turn his attention over towards his daughter and Hayley to say to them, "Everybody, look who's awake."

Hope looked between each of the siblings before she let her eyes linger on both Kai and Dorothy.

Over the past five years that Kai and Dorothy had spent with Hope and Hayley, Hope had taken it upon herself to call the two heretics her aunt and uncle, despite just how much it seemed to upset Hayley over the fact that Kai Parker, a man that had brutally murdered his own siblings and then killed his whole coven six years earlier.

Adding onto the fact that Hayley didn't trust Kai to be alone with Hope, due to his choice of stabbing his twin sister in her back, repeatedly, and possibly killing his own two nieces in the process, Hayley still wasn't at all that ecstatic over seeing just how overjoyed Hope was upon seeing Kai Parker of all people.

After finally looking away from Kai and Dorothy, Hope looked over at Klaus and said to him, "Hello."

After a couple seconds of silence, Klaus said to her, "Hello."

Then Hope turned to Hayley and asked her, "Mom, can I go play in the garden?"

With a nod of her head, Hayley replied, "Yeah. Sure."

Then just like that, each of them watched as Hope made her way off of the porch and over towards the garden, while Annabelle turned to Kai and asked him why the hell Hope looked so happy to see him.

* * *

With a sigh, Annabelle said to him, "So let me get this straight. For the past five years, while my siblings and I have been incapacitated, you somehow managed to convince my niece that you and Dorothy are her aunt and uncle?"

With a shake of his head, Kai said, "No. She just came up with that all on her own. And I don't even know why she did, but she did."

With an eyebrow raised, Annabelle asked him, "And is Hayley okay with that?"

With a scoff, Kai replied, "Are you freaking kidding me? Anytime the kid calls me 'Uncle Kai', Hallie looks like she's gonna have a freaking heart attack or some crap. Plus, she would try and correct Hope, but then she'd see the look on her kid's face and then find herself being unable to say anything. So I guess after a while, she just gave up."

Annabelle asked him, "And you didn't bother to correct her?"

With a chuckle, Kai said, "No, of course not. Just seeing Hallie lose her freaking mind over her kid thinking I'm her uncle is too funny to just pass up. There was no way in hell that I was going to just take away the only source of entertainment I had for the past couple years." Then he turned his head to see Hope sitting with Klaus before he asked Annabelle, "How much do you want to bet that Nikolai's listening to everything I'm saying right now?"

After seeing Klaus tilt his head, Annabelle said with a raise of her eyebrows, "Well, I think it's safe to say that he's been listening to every single word you've been saying for the past five minutes."

The most Kai did was chuckle to himself in response at the mere thought of Klaus trying to bite him, just for having to hear Kai call him 'Nikolai' for the first time in five years.

* * *

While Annabelle, Dorothy and Kai silently eyed Hope, Hayley said, "She's never been sick, ever."

With a sigh, Freya told her, "This is a magical affliction. It feels... I don't know, it's hard to explain. Almost... cold."

After Hayley let out a gasp and turned to look over at Klaus, Hayley started to look around herself before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

With their heads tilted to the side, Annabelle and the two heretics watched as Hayley started to unfold the piece of paper before she said, "It's from Vincent Griffith. He knows what's wrong with Hope, he can cure her." After she looked around at those that stood in the room, she told them, "But we have to go back to New Orleans."

With a raise of his eyebrows, Kai said with a sigh, "Makes sense."

And in response to Kai's words, both Annabelle and Dorothy only rolled their eyes in response.

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