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A/N: A short update for all of you lovely readers.

Still currently working on the next chapters for I don't want to rush.

Stay safe everyone!

Winter's POV

I opened my eyes as she disappeared when she said those words.

'Celestine...Celestine Donovan, wife to Caius.'

I murmured as I clutched the gifts bestowed to me in my short trip back to Ireland.

I walked towards the window and looked out into the moonlit courtyard.

Looking up at the moon and the twinkling night sky I allowed myself to grieve. To grieve for my ancestor who sacrificed her life believing in her heart that the man she loves would still come back to her. Her yearning for that monster in the next room was so deep it tore me apart. Her love for Caius was too much and it destroyed her.

She allowed her husband to use and abuse her.

What kind of sick bastard would let the woman he loves suffer every time he feeds on her?

The multiple bite marks all over her arms and her wrists were proof of how much she has suffered in the arms of the man she trusted and loved. Yet where did that blind love lead her?

'you choose to live like that when you could have left...'

I whispered as I touched the glass windows while allowing myself to weep for her. I was angry...I was fuming as I gripped the dagger in my hands. I wanted to end Caius and make him bleed for killing my ancestor. For pushing her to her own demise and not caring how much she loved and believed that he could still change.

Monsters aren't capable of changes...they're only capable of destroying everything they touch. They don't have souls and does not feel the slightest bit of remorse.

I mourned for her. I mourned for a love that was so pure and so beautiful only to be destroyed by a man's ruthless ambition. His thirst of knowing more and of dabbling into the unknown when he could have lived his life peacefully with the woman who vowed to spend the rest of her life with him.

'her love was not enough for you right Caius? Her sacrifices were not enough for you...' I whispered as I looked at the daggers in my hands.

'you selfish bastard!' I screamed in rage as I faced the wall that was his bedroom. 'you sick and selfish bastard...'

I blanched remembering her scars, her bite marks all over her arms and I know there could be more. I shuddered at the torture she must have suffered though I am not supportive of the means of how she escaped her demons and her tormentor the only thing that matters now is she's physically free.

I closed my eyes wanting to reach out to my sister in hopes that us being twins I would be able to let her see my thoughts and share my plans to her.

I couldn't wait for her to come rushing to Voltera. I have to act tonight.

'come out here you disgusting human! I'll make good use of you my pet and I will make sure you won't be taking what is rightfully mine.'

I had to shake my head at the commotion that bitch outside was making. I am done playing nice with her. I am so done hiding in my bedroom and I am so done listening to her wailing like a sick banshee.

I felt the anger and rage in me burn like wildfire and in it I felt my luna takeover. She has been hiding long enough and she wanted to protect the little one growing inside me.

Touching my tummy I felt my baby stir, our heartbeats synching. He's strong like his father and he assured me that he is safe.

'come out Winter! don't make me destroy this door.'

The witch in me laughed at her empty threat. She was a weak vampire, her powers if ever she did have any was no match to the anger that I have.

'talk to you in a bit Bella let me just take care of this bitch.'

I grumbled my peace disturbed. I made sure that I have both daggers in my hands hidden as I gestured for the big oak doors to open.

'if it's death you seek then come at me you ugly excuse for a vampire.' I told whoever was outside my door as it opened.

She lunged at me her red eyes showed her intentions...she wanted me dead.

Death came swift to her as I plunged the dagger deep in her chest...twisting it in such a way I could hear the sound of her dying. It was slightly pleasing and I uttered a prayer of forgiveness and an encantation for all the lives she has took during her miserable lifetime as a blood sucker. I also apologised to Edward and the rest of my beautiful vampire family for using that word.

I then released her from my grip as she slowly wasted away to ashes on my feet. Motioning for the door to close again I spit on her ashes and stomped on it.

'you and the rest of your sorry excuse for a clan here in Voltera deserves to die and I will make sure of that. Come hell or high water or whatever may happened to me you and your kind will suffer.'

I said and with a snap of my fingers her ashes were no more, her existence and her screaming was now replaced by an eerie yet sweet silence that I welcomed as I once again reached out to my sister.

'Bella...Isabella Marie Cullen.'


I heard her say in surprise and I giggled at that. She was home to me and I needed that right now. I needed to calm myself before I proceed with my plan.

'Winter? Winter Rose Black? is that you?' she whispered 'or am I going crazy?'

'quit being dramatic Bella, its me but please keep quiet. Are you alone?' I asked as I supressed a giggle 'hurry I can't stay long.'

'omg babe!! it is you!! where are you?? and why did you leave without telling me?!' she said.

I had to stop myself from swearing at her mother hen like questions. I had to tell her of my plans before my husband, the rest of the pack or Edward can hear me.

'Bella listen...I know how to end this. I know now what to do but I would need your help for this.'

She sighed and I could feel her hesitation and excitement as I told her that.

'I'm all ears babe...what's your plan?.'

'Kill Aro...I have to kill Aro and weaken the Volturi.'

'ok just kill Aro...wait, what??! Are you nuts??'

'no...I have the weapons to do just that. I also need your help in what I'm going to do.'

'ok but I am not liking this at all Winter...'

'We have no choice, this is the only way to avoid Alice's vision. Can you sneak into Jasper and Alice's cottage? Find the floor plan of Voltera Castle. I need to know where Aro's room is.'

I said remembering that one time I was dressing up for Jake's proposal and I was left in Jasper and Alice's bedroom.

'how do you know this?' she asked as I heard the rustle of her clothes telling me she has now left for the cottage.

'I'm here, inside their bedroom. What exactly am I looking for?'

'a book...a first edition of The Castles in Voltera.' I answered remembering the book I saw opened on Jasper's desk. 'look for it and once you've found it please let me know.'


I then ended our mind link as I sank myself on the bed feeling the exhaustion setting in.

I hope Bella finds that book or I will be forced to run blind on my own and knocking on every door to this ginormous castle was not how I envisioned the start of my plan to be.

'just you wait Aro...I'll make sure to take away everything that is precious to you in replace of all the lives of my ancestors that you took.'

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